Monday, 9 January 2017

mb0039 smu mba fall 2016 (jan/feb 2017 exam) Ist sem assignment

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Master of Business Administration- MBA
Semester 1
MB0039 –Business Communication
Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.

Qus:1 List the barriers to listening. Explain any four.
Answer: As pointed out earlier, listening is not easy and there are a number of obstacles that stand in the way of effective listening, both within and outside the workplace. These barriers may be categorised as follows:
 Physiological barriers
 Physical barriers

Qus:2 Name the two categories of oral communication. Explain them.
Answer: The advantages include personal quality, high interactivity, possibility of making immediate contact and obtaining instantaneous feedback and control over the receiver’s attention.Oral communication is classified into two types, oral face-to-face communication (for example, meetings and presentations) and oral non face-to-face communication (for example,

Qus:3. How does internal business communication affect the organization? Discuss the role of each stakeholder in this.
Answer Internal business communication is the exchange of information within a company. As illustrated, internal business communication involves interaction with the following stakeholders:
 Superiors
 Peers

Q4. Write a note on the responsibilities of chairperson during a meeting.
Responsibilities of chairperson during meeting

The task of conducting and moderating the meeting rests with the chairperson. Figure  depicts the various responsibilities of a chairperson that he/she has to manage efficiently, while he/she conducts a meeting.

Q5. You are going to face a job interview for the post of Manager-operations. Which aspects you will keep in mind while facing the interview?
(Aspects to be kept in mind during job interview) 10
Aspects to be kept in mind during job interview

Research the Target Company: To be well prepared is half the victory. Do your homework, e.g. go to the company's website and read about their vision, mission, strategy, products, finances, departments, competitive advantages, competitors etc.etc. If the company does not have a web

Q6. Write short notes on:
a) SQ3R technique of reading
b) Circulars
(SQ3R technique of reading, Meaning and role of Circulars) 5, 5

a) SQ3R technique of reading
SQ3R stands for the initial letters of the five steps in studying a text-
Survey S
Question Q

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