Thursday, 15 February 2018

smu mba IIIrd sem assignment HR Winter 2017 (April/may 2018 exam)

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DRIVE-winter 2017
BK ID-B1765
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks
Q1 What are the key human resource elements?
Answer. There are nine key HR elements that every human resource manager needs to practice or pay attention to when making decisions. They are:
I) Planning and Evaluating Employees
Organizations need to articulate the vision, mission, goals and objectives. These goals need to cascade down to every employee in the organization based on the job role. Performance targets are achieved through strategic

Q2 What do you mean by Human Resource Accounting (HRA)? Discuss the objectives and advantages of HRA.
(Definition of Human Resource Accounting, Describing the objectives of HRA, Describing the major benefits of HRA)2, 4, 4
Human Resource Accounting
HRA can be defined as the process of identifying, recording, measuring human resources and communicating related financial information associated with the human resource to the interested users. Thus HRA not only –

Q3 What is Manpower Planning? Mention five essential elements/steps of manpower planning.
Answer. The labor planning function is a key part of the HR function. Labor planning function conducts an orientation program for the

Q4 Discuss in details the Employee Exit Process
(Explaining the Employee Exit process in detail) 10
Employee Exit process
Employee exit process ensures that all the documentation and processes are followed in a professional manner by organizations and businesses.

The employee who wants to resign will discuss with his Manager, submits his resignation to his Manager. The Manager should put his comments on the resignation letter and forward it to HR. (these comments can be To be relieved by

Q5 What are the benefits of setting up a training academy?
Answer. Benefits of setting up a Training Academy By setting up an academy, an organization can get the following benefits:
Reduced Hiring Costs – As lesser number of employees is hired through consultants and more number of students is hired from the training academy, the hiring cost is reduced. In addition, the organization generates revenue on every candidate trained

Q6 Write short notes on the following:
a)Competency Mapping
b)Succession Planning
Answer. Competency Mapping
Competency-based HR is considered the best HR. Competency development and mapping still remains an unexplored process in most organizations. Level 3 of People Capability Maturity Model focused on the competency framework in an

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DRIVE-winter 2017
SUBJECT CODE & NAME MU0011 – Management and Organizational Development
BK IDB1726
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks

Q.1. Define Organizational Development (OD).What are the characteristics of OD? (Definition of Organizational Development, Explain the characteristics of OD) 2,8


Organisational Development

In its widest sense, OD is a planned approach to improve employee and organisational effectiveness. This can be achieved by conscious interventions in those processes and structures that have an immediate bearing on the

Q2. As an HR, you find that the OD professional in your organization is not competent enough. What are the competencies you will consider in a good OD professional?
(Explain any ten competencies required for OD professional) 10
Competencies required for OD professional
To be effective, all OD practitioners must possess the following basic knowledge, skills and attitudes which are listed below:

1. Intrapersonal skills: As OD is a highly, uncertain process which requires constant adjustment and innovation, OD practitioner must possess good learning skills and must have values, feelings, purposes
and integrity that helps in

Q3. Discuss the Ethical Dilemmas in practicing OD
(Explain the ethical dilemmas in practicing OD) 10
Ethical Dilemmas in practicing OD
“Ethical dilemmas” are the results of behaviours and inappropriate actions or roles on the part of both change agents and client systems. Ethical problems and dilemmas are, therefore, a mutual responsibility of change agents and client systems, dependent

Q.4.What is Performance Appraisal? What are the purposes and characteristics of Performance Appraisal? Describe the steps in Performance Appraisal System. (Definition of Performance Appraisal, Describing the purposes of Performance Appraisal, Describing the characteristics of Performance Appraisal, Explanation of the steps in Performance Appraisal System) 1,2,3,4


Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal refers to the analysing and evaluating the performance of the employees in fulfilling the duties, roles and

Q5. What is a Learning Organization? Discuss the attributes of a learning organization. Explain the various learning disciplines in learning organization
(Definition of a Learning organization, Describing the attributes, Explaining the five basic learning disciplines) 2,3,5
Learning organization
The figure states that in the condition of antecedent, the OD practitioners and the client system have their own set of goals, values, needs, skills and abilities. These differences may or may not be pointed out in the entry and the contracting phase. So when OD professionals and client are not aware of their responsibilities then this may result in the role conflict and role

Q6. 6
Write short notes :
a) Goal Setting
b) Managing Workforce Diversity
Explanation of Goal Setting
Explanation of Managing Workforce Diversity
Goal setting:
Edwin Locke, an American psychologist and a pioneer in goal-setting theory explains that specific and difficult goals lead to higher performance than easy goals. It also suggests that feedback and commitment lead to higher performance and bridges the gap between the actual and expected performance of individuals. It also suggests that for self-improvement,

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DRIVE- winter 2017
SUBJECT CODE & NAME-MU0012 – Employee Relations Management
BK ID-B1734
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks

Q1. Define Strategy. Describe the different strategy levels in an organization
(Definition of Strategy, Explain the different strategy levels in an organization) 2, 8
Johnson and Scholes define strategy as “The direction and scope of an organisation over the long-term; which achieves advantages for the organisation through its configuration of resources within a changing environment, to meet the needs of markets and to fulfil stakeholders’ expectations.”

Q2 Write down the elements & dimensions of Organizational Culture?

Answer Elements of organisational culture
Now that we have defined organisational culture, let us look into the elements that define organisational culture. They are as follows:
 The paradigm: It defines the mission and values of the organisation. It outlines the functions of the organisation.
 Control systems: It defines the processes and the rules which monitor the organisational activities.
 Organisational

Q3 Explain the reasons for grievances? List out the various points that was considered as precautions while Handling Grievances.

Answer There are a number of causes of employee grievances. Some of the reasons are as follows:
Economic: Issues related to wages like wage calculation, overtime, and bonus. Employees often feel that they earn less than what they deserve.

Q4 Discuss the Collective Bargaining Process and its issues
(Explaining the Collective Bargaining process, Explaining the Collective Bargaining issues)

Collective Bargaining process
Having understood what collective bargaining is, let us now discuss the general process involved in collective bargaining and negotiation

Q5 What is a Trade Union and what are its activities? Explain the functions of Trade Unions.
(Meaning of Trade Union
Describing the activities of Trade Unions
Explaining the Functions of Trade Unions )

Trade Union
A trade union or labour union is an administration of workforce grouped together to attain common goals such as enhanced operational circumstances.

Trade unions are created with the key goal of protecting the rights of the labour force. The Indian labour market consists of three sectors:

Q6  Write a brief note on the following:
a) Decision Making and its types
b)Disciplinary procedure


Decision Making
Let us first understand what decision making is. Decision making is a mental process which results in the selection of an option from many alternatives. Decision making is both a logical and emotional process. We will now
examine the different types of decision-making tactics employed by managers and supervisors.
Types of Decision Maki

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DRIVE winter 2017
BK ID-B1735
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks

Q1. Define Human Resource Planning (HRP).Discuss the objectives of Human Resource Planning.
(Meaning of Human Resource Planning., Explain the four main objectives of Human Resource Planning) 2, 8
Meaning of Human Resource Planning
Human resource planning is the term used to describe how companies ensure that their staff comprises the “right person for doing the job”. It includes planning for staff retention, planning for candidate search, training and skills analysis and much more. It is the process of acquiring and utilising human resource in an organization. The main objective is to ensure that an

Q2. Suppose you have joined as an HR and you are asked to carry out the HR Audit process in your organization. What are the methods you will consider while implementing the HR Audit process?
(Explain the methods involved in the HR Audit process) 10
Methods involved in the HR Audit process
Methods used in the HR Audit process are: Interviews

In order to ascertain what the top management thinks about the future plans and opportunities available for the company, the auditors

Q.3.What are the areas of HR Audit? Explain any four of them (Listing the areas of HR Audit., Explaining any four of them.) 1,9


Areas of HR Audit

Various areas in which HR audit is performed are as follows:

·         Audit of HR planning
·         Audit of HR development
·         Audit of training
·         Audit of industrial relations
·         Audit of managerial compliance
·         Audit of HR climate
·         Audit of corporate strategies.

Audit of HR Planning: HR planning refers to the ongoing process of systematic planning to achieve optimum use of an organisation's most valuable asset - its human resources. The objective of HR planning is to ensure the best fit between employees and jobs, while avoiding manpower shortages or surpluses. The three key elements of the HR planning process are

Q.4.What do you mean by HR Scorecard? Explain the steps undertaken to approach a Human Resource Scorecard. (Definition of HR Scorecard, Explaining the steps in HR Scorecard Approach) 2,8


HR Scorecard

The various steps involved in conducting human resource (HR) audit including how to plan questions, collecting and analysing data and assessing the ability for change. HR scorecard which is an important tool for conducting a successful HR audit. It is used for measuring the contribution of human resource management practices for achieving organisational objectives. The

·         . The process is not a one-time event. HR professionals must regularly review the measures and their impacts.

Q.5. Write a brief note on the effectiveness of Human Resource Development Audit as an intervention. (Explaining the Effectiveness of Human Resource Development Audit as an intervention) 10


Effectiveness of Human Resource Development Audit as an Intervention

In any firm, along with the optimal utilisation of other resources, human resources should also be exploited to its maximum potential. Businesses which utilise their human resources in an effective way have better chances of success in the future. Sustainability and progress of business will depend on new competencies, methods, strategies and value creating processes. Every organisation has accepted that human resource is the most valuable asset of an organisation though its value is not mentioned in the balance sheet. Lack of information regarding human capital was seen as a serious handicap for decision

Q6. What do you mean by Employee Orientation Programmes? List out some points of Good employee orientation programmes.
Definition of Employee Orientation Programmes
List of Good employee orientation programmes

Definition of Employee Orientation Programmes: Employee orientation programmes are given to new employees at a place of business or work. It helps employees to speed up and learn the “ground rules” of the company. This often reduces start-up time, training, and other indirect costs associated with having new employees who are unfamiliar with the company culture. Orientation programmes

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