Wednesday, 29 May 2019

smu mba 4 semester finance solved assignment spring 2019 last date 8-7-2019



Q.1 The balance of payment statement summarizes the Economic transactions of a country’s residents in relation to the rest of the world.
Explain the major accounts of the Balance of Payment Statement     10
Answer :
Major accounts of the Balance of Payment Statement :   
The economic transactions of a country’s residents in relation to the rest of the world are summarized by the balance of payments statement. It also presents the transactions of movements in official reserves, the net income that has been generated abroad and the transactions that take place in the physical and financial assets. The BOP consists of current account, capital account and reserve account.

The Current Account :
The current account of the balance of payments refers to the monetary value of all exports and imports of merchandise and invisibles. All international flows associated with transactions in goods and
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Q.2 In Forward market, contracts are made to buy and sell currencies for future delivery.
Explain what do you mean by Forward Markets       10
Answer :
Forward Markets :

In the forward market, contracts are made to buy and sell currencies for future delivery, say, after a fortnight, one month two months, or three months. The rate of exchange for the transaction is agreed upon on the very day the deal is finalized. The forward rates with varying maturity are quoted in the newspapers and those rates form the basis of the contract. Both the parties have to abide by the exchange rate mentioned in the contract irrespective of whether the spot rate on the maturity date is more or less than that of the forward rate. In other words, no party can back out of the

Q.3 Explain the various aspects that needs to be considered in order to decide the sources of Funds.
Explain any ten aspects that needs consideration while deciding the sources of funds
Answer :

1. Cost:
Both types of cost i.e. the cost of procurement of funds and cost of utilizing the funds should be taken into account while deciding about the source of funds .
2. Financial strength and stability of operations:
The financial strength i.e. sound financial position to repay the principal amount and interest on the borrowed amount is a major factor for this choice. When the earnings of the organization are not stable, fixed charged funds like preference shares and debentures should be carefully selected as these


Q.1 There are various financial instruments that are used by companies in India and
abroad in order to hedge the exchange risk
Explain the tools that are used to hedge different kind of risks. 10
Answer :
Tools of Foreign Exchange Risk Management :
Various financial instruments are used by companies in India and abroad in order to hedge the exchange risk. Such kinds of instruments are available to the company at varying costs. The various tools that hedge the different kinds of risks are given below:

Forward contracts:

Q.2 Corporate financial decisions include exchange rate forecasts as one of the most
important inputs.
Explain the Various approaches to Forecasting. 10
Answer :
Approaches to Forecasting :

Corporate financial decisions include exchange rate forecasts as one of the most important inputs. They have several usages such as making investment decisions, hedging decisions and financing decisions. The speculative businesses in the foreign exchange market are also benefitted by forecasts. There are a number of models which offer explanation about the different factors that are influencing exchange rates and they are also used for forecasting or predicting the exchange rates of

Q.3 A depository receipt is a financial instrument whereby investors in one country can
buy, hold or sell the securities issued by companies in another country.
a) ADR (American Depository Receipt) 5
b) GDR (Global Depository Receipt)      5
Answer :
American Depository Receipt (ADR):
It represents ownership in the shares of a non-US company and trades in the American stock markets. ADRs enable American investors to buy shares in foreign company without any issue of cross-border and cross-currency transactions. ADRs carry price in American dollar, pay dividend in the same currency and can be traded like any other share of US-based companies. Each ADR is issued by a US depository bank and can represent one share. The owner of ADR has the right to obtain the foreign stock it represents, but US investors are more interested in owning ADR as they can diversify their investments across the globe. ADR falls within the Its half solved only
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DRIVE           Spring 2019
NAME            FIN402
Qus:1 Give the meaning of treasury management. Explain the need for specialized handling of treasury and benefits of treasury.
A) Treasury management
B) Need for specialized handling of treasury
C) Benefits of treasury

Explanation of treasury management:
Treasury management is the planning, organising and control of funds required by a corporate entity. Funds come in several forms: cash, bonds, currencies, financial derivatives like futures and options etc. Treasury management covers all these and the intricacies of choosing the right mix. According to Teigen Lee E, “Treasury is the place of deposit reserved for storing treasures and disbursement of collected funds”. Treasury management is one of the key responsibilities of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of a company. Figure below depicts the varied aspects of treasury

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Qus:2 Explain foreign exchange market. Write about all the types of foreign exchange
markets. Explain the participants in foreign exchange markets.
A) Foreign exchange markets
B) Types of foreign exchange markets
C) Participants in foreign exchange markets

Explanation of foreign exchange markets:

Foreign Exchange market (forex market) deals with purchase and sale of foreign currencies. The bulk of the market is “over the counter” (OTC) i.e. not through an exchange which is well regulated. International trade and investment essentially requires foreign markets. Banks act as intermediaries and perform currency exchange transactions by quoting purchase and selling prices.
 In India the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) 1999 is the law relating to forex transactions and its aim is to develop, liberalise and promote forex market and its effective utilisation.

Explanation of types of foreign exchange markets:

Figure below depicts the types of foreign exchange

Qus:3 Write an overview of risk mitigation. Explain the processes of risk containment.
Write about the tools available for managing risks.
A) Risk mitigation
B) Basic steps in a typical risk containment process
C) Tools available for managing risks
Explanation of risk mitigation:
Risk mitigation is important that an organisation is not only aware of the risks before it impacts their bottom line, but has well-laid action plans to meet the risks and mitigate its adverse impact. The overall responsibility for risk management lies with the top management and the board of directors of the enterprise.
 Risk mitigation can be handed in four ways:
a) Risk avoidance: We can withdraw from an activity perceived to be risky, and elect not to go through with it.
b) Risk transfer: We can insure
Qus: 1 What is Interest Rate Risk Management (IRRM)? Write the components and features
of IRRM. Explain the macro and micro factors affecting interest rate.
B) Components and features of IRRM
C) Factors affecting interest rate(Macro and Micro)

Explanation of IRRM:

Interest Rate Risk is the risk
·         to the earnings from an asset portfolio caused by interest rate changes
·         to the economic value of interest-bearing assets because of changes in interest rates
·         to costs of fixed-rate debt securities from falling bank rates
·         to impact of
Explanation of components and features of IRRM:

Components of IRRM

Qus: 2 Explain the contents of working capital. Write down the need for working capital.
A) Contents of working capital
B) Need for working capital

Explanation of contents of working capital:

Working capital is the money invested in the working assets of a firm. Working capital comprises the working assets of a firm.
·         A trading business for instance may have to purchase and store products to be sold, paying for them before they can be sold and cashed. A factory that produces and sells products has to store raw materials and finished goods, besides having some unfinished materials under process.
·         A company may also need to allow the customers to pay later instead of insisting on cash at the point of delivery.
·         Payments in advance

Qus: 3 Explain the concepts and benefits of integrated treasury. Explain the advantages and
disadvantages of operating treasury as a Profit Center.
A) Concepts and benefits of integrated treasury
B) Advantages and disadvantages of operating treasury

Explanation of concepts and benefits of integrated treasury:

The concept of integrated treasury works on the principle that Treasury canes a single unifying force of a company’s activities in the money market, capital market and fore market; and can help the company derive synergy. Synergy is a powerful advantage in business because it brings together two or more activity domains and achieves a total effect that is greater than the sum of all the individual domains.

Thus a decision related to money market instruments, for example, is taken after reviewing possible forex actions that could enhance the benefit of the decision.

The Indian rupee is freely convertible on current account and partially convertible on capital account. This has made it possible to take a combined approach to a treasury issue.

The major functions of integrated treasury are as follows:
·         Ensuring liquidity reserve
·         Deploying

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Master of Business Administration – MBA
Merchant Banking and financial Services
Qus:1 Explain Application Supported by Blocked Amount (ASBA). What is the
Procedure of Applying in IPO through ASBA?
Procedure of Applying in IPO through ASBA.
Answer: Application Supported by Blocked Amount (ASBA) is an application containing an authorization to block the application money in the bank account, for subscribing to an issue. If an investor is applying through ASBA, his application money shall be debited from the bank account only if his/her application is selected for allotment after the basis of allotment is finalized, or the issue is withdrawn/failed.
SEBI has been specifying the investors who can apply through ASBA. In public issues w.e.f. May 1, 2010, all the investors can apply through ASBA. In rights issues, all shareholders of the company as on record date

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Qus:2 Write short notes on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Depository Receipt.
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
Depository Receipt
Answer: Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is an integral part of an open and effective international economic system and a major catalyst to development. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) definitions, direct investment reflects the aim of obtaining a lasting interest by a resident entity of one economy (direct investor) in an enterprise that is resident in another economy the direct investment enterprise). The ‘lasting interest’ implies the existence of a long term relationship between the direct investor and the direct investment enterprise and a significant degree of influence on the management of the latter. Direct investment involves both the initial transaction establishing the relationship between the investor and the enterprise.
Role of foreign investment
FDI plays a vital role in

Qus:3 What do you mean by a Depository? What are the functions performed by a
Functions performed by a Depository.
Answer: Depository receipts are securities that are traded in foreign currency. These receipts are issued by the foreign bank or institution which acts as a depository of shares issued by a domestic company. Depository receipts can be classified into sponsored and unsponsored ones.
1. Sponsored depository receipts: It is created by a single depository which is appointed by the issuing company under rules provided in a deposit agreement. The issues of sponsored ADR/GDR require prior approval of the Ministry of Finance.
2. Unsponsored depository receipts: These are issued without any formal agreement between the issuing company and the depository, although the issuing company must consent to the creation of the ADR/GDR

Qus:1 Explain the concept of Hire Purchase? Give the difference between Hire Purchase
and Leasing.
Hire Purchase.
Difference between Hire Purchase and Leasing.
Answer: In a hire purchase system, the buyer acquires the property by promising to pay in monthly, quarterly and half-yearly instalments. The period of payment has to be fixed while signing the hire sale agreement. Though the buyer acquires the asset after signing the agreement, the title of ownership remains with the vendor until the buyer pays the entire liability. When the buyer pays the entire instalment and any other obligation according to hire purchase agreement, only then the title of ownership of goods would be transferred to the hirer. If the hirer makes any default in the payment of any instalment, the hire vendor has the right to reposses the goods. In this case, the amount that is already paid so far by the hirer will be forfeited.
The hire purchase price of

Qus:2 Write short notes on Traditional theory of Portfolio Management and Modern
theory of Portfolio Management.
Portfolio Management
Modern theory of Portfolio Management
Answer: Portfolio theories give guidance in managing the portfolio. Broadly speaking, the portfolio theories can be divided into two categories, traditional theories or approach and modern theory or approach.
1. Traditional theory or approach
The traditional theory says that the investors should first decide the objective of the investment and then select various securities which they want to include in the portfolio. As per this approach, the entire financial plan of the investor is important and influences investment decisions. The above conventional process of portfolio management is termed as the traditional approach of portfolio management. First, the objectives are set after analysis of the various constraints of the investors. After that, formulation and implementation of the investment strategy of the investor and selection of various types of securities with their weights are performed to form a portfolio.
2. Modern theory or approach
The modern portfolio theory

Qus:3 What do you mean by Venture Capital Fund? What are the various features of a Venture Capital Fund?
Venture Capital Fund.
Features of Factoring Venture Capital Fund.
Answer: Venture capital is the money provided by investors to start firms and small businesses with long-term growth potential. This is a very important source of funding for start-ups that do not have access to capital markets. It typically entails high risk for the investor, but it has the potential for above-average returns.
Venture capital can be defined as investment (long term) which is made in:
• Ventures that are promoted by persons who though they are qualified and technically sound but do not have any entrepreneurial experience.
• Projects which involves high degree of risk.
The concept of venture capital financing is very old but today’s changing business environment makes it more

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SUBJECT CODE & NAME FIN404- Insurance & Risk Management
Q.1 Criteria Marks Total Marks
1 What do you understand by risk management? List the steps involved in the risk management process.
Risk management          5
Steps involved in the risk management process    5
Answer :
Risk management  : In the financial world, risk management is the process of identification, analysis and acceptance or mitigation of uncertainty in investment decisions. Essentially, risk management occurs when an investor or fund manager analyzes and attempts to quantify the potential for losses in an investment and then takes the appropriate action (or inaction) given his investment objectives and risk tolerance. Risk management occurs everywhere in the financial world. It occurs when an investor buys low-risk government bonds over riskier corporate bonds, when a fund manager hedges his currency exposure with currency derivatives, and when a bank performs a credit check on an individual before issuing a personal line of credit. Stockbrokers use financial instruments like options and futures, and money managers use strategies like portfolio and investment diversification to mitigate or effectively manage risk. Inadequate risk management can result in severe consequences for companies, individuals, and for the economy. For example, the subprime mortgage meltdown in 2007 that helped trigger the Great Recession stemmed from poor risk-management decisions, such as lenders who extended mortgages to individuals with poor credit, investment firms who bought, packaged, and resold these mortgages, and funds that invested excessively in the repackaged, Its half solved only
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Q.2  Define major components of insurance policy.
Components of insurance policy.    10
Answer ;
Figuring out what insurance to buy and from whom can be a significant undertaking on its own. And trying to understand all the different parts of the insurance policy is a whole other headache that may leave you wondering who writes these kinds of obtuse documents. But it is important to know what you’re paying for, what your obligations are, and what is and isn’t covered. The article below discusses some of the more significant parts of an insurance policy so you have a better

Q.3  Write short notes on
a. Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA)    5
b. Privatization of Insurance Industry             5
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA)  :
The insurance industry of India is a huge market with several major players. So it becomes important that there is an authority overseeing the industry. And this is where the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) comes in. Let us learn more about them. The IRDAI is an independent and autonomous statutory body. The IRDAI was constituted under the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act which was passed in 1999. The m

Q.1  Explain Wagering contract. Differentiate between Wagering and Insurance.
 Wagering contract.   4
Difference between Wagering and Insurance.              6
Answer :
Wagering contract :
Wagering contract is formulated in the nature of a wager. Such contracts include a range of common forms of applicable commercial contracts, e.g., contracts of insurance, contracts dealing in futures, options, etc. The statutes against gambling and betting have made many other wagering contracts illegal and wagering in various cases is termed as a criminal offence. When we talk about contracts we come across various types and kinds of contracts such as Quasi-contracts,

Q.2  Elaborate Savings and Investment Aspect of Life Insurance.
A Savings Aspect of Life Insurance    5
Investment Aspect of Life Insurance   5
Answer :
Savings Aspect of Life Insurance :
Conceptually, all life insurance policy cash values can be derived in the same way and all evolve for the same basic reason – prefunding of future benefit payments plus expenses. As a practical matter, however, policies are usually viewed in different ways. In traditional forms of life insurance, the savings element is considered a by-product of the level-premium payment method. Under this, premium is not divisible into risk and saving elements. With universal life and some other newer policy forms, the savings element is often considered as a more independent

Q.3  Explain the concept of Reinsurance also discuss various benefits of Reinsurance
Concept of Reinsurance        5
Benefits of Reinsurance             5
Answer :
Concept of Reinsurance :        
It is helpful to have some prior understanding of the termi-nology used in the domain of reinsurance.

(i) Reinsurer
Reinsurer is an insurance company with which another insurance company enters into a reinsurance agreement which details the conditions upon which the reinsurer would pay a share of the claims incurred by the reinsurance-seeking company. The reinsurer is paid a ‘reinsurance premium’ by the reinsuranceseeking company, which issues insurance policies to its own policyholders.

(ii) Ceding office
It refers to the insurance company seeking reinsurance from another insurance company or the reinsure

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