Wednesday, 29 May 2019

smu university 3 semester spring 2019 human resource solved assignments

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Spring 2019
BK ID-B1765
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks
Q1 What are the key human resource elements?
Answer. There are nine key HR elements that every human resource manager needs to practice or pay attention to when making decisions. They are:
I) Planning and Evaluating Employees
Organizations need to articulate the vision, mission, goals and objectives. These goals need to cascade down to every employee in the organization based on the job role. Performance targets are achieved through strategic initiatives, operational excellence and adherence to core values of the organization.
II) Job Design
Some organizations have categorized jobs into 3 categories:
 Individual

Q2 What do you mean by Human Resource Accounting (HRA)? Discuss the objectives and advantages of HRA.
(Definition of Human Resource Accounting, Describing the objectives of HRA, Describing the major benefits of HRA)2, 4, 4
Human Resource Accounting
HRA can be defined as the process of identifying, recording, measuring human resources and communicating related financial information associated with the human resource to the interested users. Thus HRA not only involves measurement of all the costs / investments associated with the recruitment, placement, training and development of employees, but also the quantification of the economic value of the people in an organization.
Objectives of HRA
The objectives of Human Resource Accounting are:
·         To provide cost/value information of Human Resource and associated processes to the management and assist decision making
·         Serve as a basis for decisions concerning the human resource of the organization.
·         Provide methods and standard for evaluating the worth of people to the organization effectively.
·         Enable effective management and monitoring of resources
·         To report progress or

Q3 What is Manpower Planning? Mention five essential elements/steps of manpower planning.
Answer. The labor planning function is a key part of the HR function. Labor planning function conducts an orientation program for the representatives of each department engaged in developing the labor demand forecast at the department level. The HR function enables the labor planning function to obtain all the relevant inputs that would constitute the contents of the orientation. Inclusion of HRM techniques when properly practiced express the goals and operating practices of the organization. HR plays a key role in risk reduction within the organizations. One of the biggest ways of reducing risk in organizations is through labor planning.
Apart from providing inputs

Q1 Discuss in details the Employee Exit Process
(Explaining the Employee Exit process in detail) 10
Employee Exit process
Employee exit process ensures that all the documentation and processes are followed in a professional manner by organizations and businesses.

The employee who wants to resign will discuss with his Manager, submits his resignation to his Manager. The Manager should put his comments on the resignation letter and forward it to HR. (these comments can be To be relieved by did/mm/yyyy, or some other special comments) HR on receipt of the Resignation letter, enters in the software, the date of receipt of resignation letter, terms and conditions of resignation if any special is there. and comments of Manager, the payroll changes are made accordingly as per the relieving date decided, the software generates the receipt of resignation letter, along with a no dues format, with employee name, roll no, dept already pre-printed on the no dues format. These letters and format are handed over by HR to e

Q2 What are the benefits of setting up a training academy?
Answer. Benefits of setting up a Training Academy By setting up an academy, an organization can get the following benefits:
Reduced Hiring Costs – As lesser number of employees is hired through consultants and more number of students is hired from the training academy, the hiring cost is reduced. In addition, the organization generates revenue on every candidate trained.
Reduced Training Cost – During the training period, the candidates are nonpaid salary, so the cost of salaries paid during the training period is saved. The cost of salaries is a big component of training costs. For a BPO offering an average

Q3 Write short notes on the following:
a)Competency Mapping
b)Succession Planning
Answer. Competency Mapping
Competency-based HR is considered the best HR. Competency development and mapping still remains an unexplored process in most organizations. Level 3 of People Capability Maturity Model focused on the competency framework in an organization. The challenge is that there are few qualified people on the subject and most HR departments have been struggling to formulate the right framework for their organization. Employee skill, knowledge and abilities are not sufficient to achieve the desired goal. Additional skills, like mind-set, values, belief and commitment are required for employees to achieve their desired performance. Thus

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LAST DATE IS  08-07-2019
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DRIVE-Spring 2019

SUBJECT CODE & NAME HRM302 – Management and Organizational Development
BK IDB1726
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks
Q.1. Define Organizational Development (OD).What are the characteristics of OD? (Definition of Organizational Development, Explain the characteristics of OD) 2,8


Organisational Development

In its widest sense, OD is a planned approach to improve employee and organisational effectiveness. This can be achieved by conscious interventions in those processes and structures that have an immediate bearing on the human aspects of the organisation. OD is the act, process, or result of furthering, advancing or promoting the growth of an organisation.

Characteristics of OD

Organisational Development, (OD) is a process of bringing about a change in the system, culture and behaviour of an organisation. It Its half solved only
New smu SPRING 2019 solved assignments available with us 
LAST DATE IS  08-07-2019
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Q2. As an HR, you find that the OD professional in your organization is not competent enough. What are the competencies you will consider in a good OD professional?
(Explain any ten competencies required for OD professional) 10
Competencies required for OD professional
To be effective, all OD practitioners must possess the following basic knowledge, skills and attitudes which are listed below:

1. Intrapersonal skills: As OD is a highly, uncertain process which requires constant adjustment and innovation, OD practitioner must possess good learning skills and must have values, feelings, purposes
and integrity that helps in building the relationships in a smooth and cordial way.

2. Interpersonal skills: An OD practitioner helps to gain the competence which is required to solve problems. So, in order to build and maintain the relationships the OD practitioner must consider the concepts of group dynamics, cultural perspectives, and business function. These constitute the core foundation of their knowledge and help in developing managing,

Q3. Discuss the Ethical Dilemmas in practicing OD
(Explain the ethical dilemmas in practicing OD) 10
Ethical Dilemmas in practicing OD
“Ethical dilemmas” are the results of behaviours and inappropriate actions or roles on the part of both change agents and client systems. Ethical problems and dilemmas are, therefore, a mutual responsibility of change agents and client systems, dependent largely on the nature of their specific relationship. Ethical problems and dilemmas faced by OD practitioners may leave OD’s scientific and professional progression in a disadvantageous position. This happens unless an agreement can be reached as to the types of ethical dilemmas and the points, at which they are likely to be encountered. Now, you will understand with the help of the model given in figure 6.5 which explains how ethical dilemmas

Q.1. What is Performance Appraisal? What are the purposes and its characteristics?
Describe the steps in Performance Appraisal System.
Meaning of Performance Appraisal 2
Purposes of Performance Appraisal 2
Characteristics of Performance Appraisal 3
Steps in Performance Appraisal System 3


Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal refers to the analysing and evaluating the performance of the employees in fulfilling the duties, roles and responsibilities that have been assigned to them. It is therefore a systematic process of assessing the achievements that are related to the work, its strength and weaknesses. It thus, helps to identify the areas for the enhancement of performance and helps in enhancing the professional growth. The Performance Appraisal shows the link between reward systems and goal setting process.

 Purposes of Performance Appraisal

Q2. What is a Learning Organization? Discuss the attributes of a learning organization. Explain the various learning disciplines in learning organization
(Definition of a Learning organization, Describing the attributes, Explaining the five basic learning disciplines) 2,3,5
Learning organization
The figure states that in the condition of antecedent, the OD practitioners and the client system have their own set of goals, values, needs, skills and abilities. These differences may or may not be pointed out in the entry and the contracting phase. So when OD professionals and client are not aware of their responsibilities then this may result in the role conflict and role ambiguity. Thus, the outcome of role conflict and role ambiguity may give rise to the ethical dilemmas which are explained below:
According to Gephart (Co-author of Learning Organizations Come Alive), the essence of learning organisation is:
·         systematic critical thinking
·         a spirit of experimentation and flexibility
·         centred towards people (community)
·         continuous learning at the systems level
·         emphasis is on

Write short notes : a) Role Analysis Technique (RAT) b) Reward
Meaning and steps in RAT (Refer)
Meaning, objectives and types of rewards

Meaning and steps in RAT
It is a technique designed to clarify role expectation. Role Analysis Techniques (RAT) has been
developed by Dayal (1969) for redefining the managerial roles in an organisation. The set of behaviours or attitudes associated with a particular position in a group is called a role.

Example: If a production oriented organisation transforms into market – oriented as in case of Larsen and Toubro, or into an operating one like SBI, such newly created organisation may need role analyses to build effective work teams.

You can identify the steps in RAT as:

Role analysis: It involves listing perceived duties, behaviours, and responsibilities – the role conception.

Expectation of role incumbent about others: This list describes those expectations of others that affect the incumbent’s role and impinge upon his or her performance.

Role expectations: The

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DRIVE- Spring 2019
SUBJECT CODE & NAME- HRM302 – Employee Relations Management
BK ID-B1734
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks
Q1. Define Strategy. Describe the different strategy levels in an organization
(Definition of Strategy, Explain the different strategy levels in an organization) 2, 8
Johnson and Scholes define strategy as “The direction and scope of an organisation over the long-term; which achieves advantages for the organisation through its configuration of resources within a changing environment, to meet the needs of markets and to fulfil stakeholders’ expectations.”

Different strategy levels in an organization
Organisations have different levels of strategic decision making. Although these levels are inter-related, each one of them has its own scope and reach. The different levels of strategy in an organisation are at the corporate level, business-unit level, functional level and people level. The main levels of strategy of an organisation are:

Corporate level strategy:

Corporate level strategy is usually devised at the board level. It defines the following for an organisation:

·         The overall

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Q2 Write down the elements & dimensions of Organizational Culture?

Answer Elements of organisational culture
Now that we have defined organisational culture, let us look into the elements that define organisational culture. They are as follows:
 The paradigm: It defines the mission and values of the organisation. It outlines the functions of the organisation.
 Control systems: It defines the processes and the rules which monitor the organisational activities.
 Organisational structures: It outlines the reporting lines, hierarchies and the direction of work flows.
 Power structures: It specifies the decision makers and their power reach.
 Symbols: It includes organisational logos, designs and symbols of power like allocation of parking space.
 Rituals and routines: It outlines procedures like meetings and reporting.
 Stories and myths: It conveys the organisational values.
Dimensions of organisational culture
National, religious and cultural

Q3 Explain the reasons for grievances? List out the various points that was considered as precautions while Handling Grievances.

Answer There are a number of causes of employee grievances. Some of the reasons are as follows:
Economic: Issues related to wages like wage calculation, overtime, and bonus. Employees often feel that they earn less than what they deserve. Working environment: Issues related to the employee’s work environment like poor working conditions, defective equipment and machinery, tools, materials.
Supervision: Issues like behaviour of the boss towards the employee, perceived ideas of partiality, discrimination, preferential treatment, prejudice.
Work group: Issues with co-workers like stressed peer relations or inaptness with peers.
Work organisation: Issues


Q1 Discuss the Collective Bargaining Process and its issues
(Explaining the Collective Bargaining process, Explaining the Collective Bargaining issues)

Collective Bargaining process
Having understood what collective bargaining is, let us now discuss the general process involved in collective bargaining and negotiation towards resolving employee issues. The process includes negotiations between an employer and a group of employees to determine the conditions of the employment. The result of the collective bargaining process is called the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). It is a type of negotiation that issued by the employees to work with their

Q2 What is a Trade Union and what are its activities? Explain the functions of Trade Unions.
(Meaning of Trade Union
Describing the activities of Trade Unions
Explaining the Functions of Trade Unions )

Trade Union
A trade union or labour union is an administration of workforce grouped together to attain common goals such as enhanced operational circumstances.

Trade unions are created with the key goal of protecting the rights of the labour force. The Indian labour market consists of three sectors:
·         The rural workers, which comprise 60 percent of the labour force.
·         Organised sector, which employs 8 percent of

Q3  Write a brief note on the following:
a) Decision Making and its types
b)Disciplinary procedure


Decision Making
Let us first understand what decision making is. Decision making is a mental process which results in the selection of an option from many alternatives. Decision making is both a logical and emotional process. We will now
examine the different types of decision-making tactics employed by managers and supervisors.
Types of Decision Making
Different kinds of decisions are made by organisational leaders at different times according to the prevailing situation. The decisions made have to ensure that the organisation is moving in the right direction. The decisions
taken are broadly classified as follows:
 Authoritative: In this form of decision making, the manager makes all the decisions and the subordinates follow them. The manager

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New smu SPRING 2019 solved assignments available with us 
LAST DATE IS  08-07-2019
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or contact any time 8791490301, 08273413412 (both whatsapp no)

Subject code & name
HRM304: HR Audit

Q.1 State the key objectives of human resource planning? Explain Importance and Process of human resource planning?        10
Objectives of HRP        4
Importance of HRP      2
Process of HRP             4
Main objectives of human resource planning are as follows:
1. To determine the number of employees to be employed: If an organisation has more employees than actually required, then the workforce will consist of underutilised staff. In contrast, if there are too few employees, the staff may be overstretched, making it hard or impossible to meet production or service deadlines at the quality level expected. You should ask the following questions for planning the right number of employees:

How can output be improved through your understanding about the interrelation between productivity, work organisation and technological development? What does this mean for staff numbers? Its half solved only
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LAST DATE IS  08-07-2019
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Q.2 Discuss the methods used in the HR Audit process. 10
Methods used in the HR Audit process are:
In order to ascertain what the top management thinks about the future plans and opportunities available for the company, the auditors conduct individual interviews with the members of the top management. The top management can provide a perspective for a good HR audit. To collect

information about the effectiveness of the Human Resource Development System, organisational culture, skills, styles, etc., auditors conduct group interviews with different level of managers. Interviews help the auditors in a number of ways. Some of the benefits are:

        It aids the auditors to

Q.3 What is HR Scorecard? Explain the reasons for implementing HR Scorecard framework.  10

Meaning of HR Scorecard     2
Reasons for implementing HR Scorecard framework.    8
Meaning of HR Scorecard  -
An HR scorecard is a visual representation of key measures of human resource department achievements, productivity and other factors important to the organization. Factors measured include costs, hiring, turnover, training, performance management and alignment with corporate goals. Most HR scorecards are tied to corporate goals or strategic plans and are designed to track and measure the efficacy of human

Set 2
Q.1  What is meant by ‘Competency mapping’? Explain the various competencies and the associated behavioral aspects.   10
Meaning of competency mapping                                                                                3
Explanation any seven competencies along with the behavioural aspects         7
Competency Mapping
Competency mapping forms an excellent tool for optimising the humancapital. HR auditors should make sure that they identify the key competencies for an organisation or a particular position in an organisation, and use it for job evaluation, recruitment, training and development, performance management, succession planning, etc. They should ensure that the organisation effectively communicates what it actually expects from them. The competency framework serves as the bedrock for all HR applications. As a result of competency mapping, all the HR processes such as talent induction,

2. Discuss – Hiring Process in detail.
Hiring Process
Hiring Process
Many legal complexities are involved when a company goes for any preemployment testing (for example, skills, medical, or drug testing), during the hiring process.

Skills testing
A candidate may have many skills but the important point to observe is whether the skills possessed are relevant to the job he/she is being considered for. Suppose Mr. A is considered for the post of computer operator and he can play football very well. In this case, though he possesses a skill, it is not relevant to the job concerned. So the test should examine what you wish to know about a candidate’s ability to perform specific tasks that are assigned to a particular position (for example, for an administrative assistant’s position, how many words per minute can

3. Discuss – Rationale of Human Resource Valuation and Auditing in detail.
Rationale of Human Resource Valuation and Auditing
The human resource valuation system cannot be considered to be a complete system of accounting unless it is followed by an equally competent system of auditing. Application or use of human resource accounting, therefore, must also be followed by a separate HR audit to ascertain whether or not the performance of the managers has been true and fair in the overall interests of the organization they serve. The application and usefulness of human resource valuation depends on
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New smu SPRING 2019 solved assignments available with us 
LAST DATE IS  08-07-2019
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