Monday, 1 July 2019

smu bca 3rd sem spring 2019 solved assignment

Bachelor of Computer Application – BCA
BCA312 – Data Base Management System(DBMS)

Assignment Set -1

Q.1 Summarize the important responsibilities of Database Manager.     10
Answer :
Important responsibilities of Database Manager :
Databases typically require a large amount of storage space. Corporate databases are usually measured in terms of gigabytes of data. Since the main memory of computers cannot store this information, it is stored on disks. Data is moved between disk storage and main memory as needed. Since the movement of data to and from disk is slow relative to the speed of control processing unit of

Q.2 What is a table in relational data model? List the properties of relational tables.  [4 +6]
Answer :
Relational Data Model:
The relational model today, is the primary data model for commercial dataprocessing applications. It has attained its primary position because of its simplicity, which eases the job of the programmer, as compared to earlier data models such as the network model or the hierarchical model. A database based on the relational model developed by E.F. Codd allows the definition of data structures, storage and retrieval operations and integrity constraints. In such a

Q.3 Define Primary key, Candidate key, concatenated key, Foreign key    [4 x 2.5]
Answer :
Primary key :
A Primary key is a column or a combination of columns that is used to uniquely identify each row in a table. For example, the column containing department numbers in the S_DEPT table is created as a primary key and therefore every department number is different. A primary key must contain a value. It cannot contain a NULL value. Identifier used to uniquely identify one particular

Assignment Set -2

Q.1 Write short note on (i) The Data Definition Statements (ii) The Data Manipulation Statements.   [5+5]
Answer :
SQL commands can be roughly divided into three major categories with regard to their functionality. Firstly, there are those used to create and maintain the database structure. The second category includes those commands that manipulate the data in such structures, and thirdly there are those that control the use of the database. To have all this functionality in a single language is a clear advantage over many other systems straightway, and must certainly contribute largely to the rumor of it

Q.2 What is a view? List its advantages.     [4 +6 ]
Answer :
A view is a virtual table which does not actually exist. It is made up of a query on other tables in the database. It could include only certain columns or rows from a table or from many tables. A view which restricts the user to certain rows is called a horizontal view, and a vertical view restricts the user to certain columns. You are not restricted to purely horizontal or vertical slices of data. A view can be as complicated as you like. You can have grouped views, where the query contains a

Q.3 Write down the properties of Normalized Relations.      10
Answer :
Properties of Normalized Relations :

At a basic level, normalization is the simplification of any bulk quantity to an optimum value. In the digital world, normalization usually refers to database normalization which is the process of organizing the columns (attributes) and tables (relations) of a relational database to minimize data repetition. In the process of

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Its half solved only
New smu SPRING 2019 solved assignments available with us 
LAST DATE IS  08-07-2019
charges Rs 99 per assignment (new price)
If you need assignments please mail or whatsapp your questions at
or contact any time 8791490301, 08273413412 (both whatsapp no)

PROGRAM Bachelor of Computer Application – BCA

Assignment Set -1
Q.1 Describe the points to remember while you repair .
SIMM/DIMM/RIMM sockets.              10
Answer :
SIMM/DIMM/RIMM sockets :

It is the function of the socket to fit in tightly in the motherboard. You need to apply force to make the module fit into the socket firmly. Ideally it has to gently pierce inside the socket without the application of much force. With more pressure there is a chance of it breaking. It is risky to remove it once it is fitted and if at all it has to be done it should be done very carefully. Rather than repairing the damaged socket it is best to remove it and use a new one. This too involves then following steps which is

Q.2 How do you to take decision on whether to replace or repair the Motherboard? Explain  10
Answer :
Steps to identify whether to repair or replace the motherboard :

When any key component of the motherboard fails or shows problem in its working you will be faced with the question of either replacing that particular component with a spare or to change the whole motherboard and replace it with a new one. You might assume that it is comfortable to change the components and replace them. But when it comes to the availability of the spare parts it is difficult to find them when they come to the higher end processors. Therefore, it is always better to install a new motherboard

Q.3 Write down the steps in changing CMOS battery.        10
Answer :
It is very important to maintain the CMOS chip and CMOS battery to be maintained separately. This battery needs to be changed frequently. When you replace the battery ensure that you have the CMOS backup on external disk. Once the

Assignment Set -2
Q.1 Describe two important factors that you should consider while choosing a power supply. [5+5]
Answer :
Factors that you should consider while choosing a power supply :
Generally, when a new system is purchased, more importance is given to specification with respect to CPU speed, memory capacity, or motherboard configuration but least thought is given to specifying the power supply. It is important to ensure that proper power supply is provided that support the new devices like hard drive, CD

Q.2 Discuss any five guidelines that we need to follow while troubleshooting the hardware problem           10
Answer :
Troubleshooting :
If you encounter problems with the mouse, it is advisable to look in only two general places-hardware or software. Hardware Problems: The hardware problem generally relates to interrupt conflicts and is more difficult

Q.3 Describe are the important functions of Serial port.         10
Answer :
Important functions of Serial port :

Serial port performs many important functions. Some of them are:

·         Parallel data needs to be converted into a series of serial bits; appropriate framing bits needs to be added and the data line is to be provided with those bits at the proper rate.

·         It must also work in the

Its half solved only
New smu SPRING 2019 solved assignments available with us 
LAST DATE IS  08-07-2019
charges Rs 99 per assignment (new price)
If you need assignments please mail or whatsapp your questions at
or contact any time 8791490301, 08273413412 (both whatsapp no)

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