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mca solved assignment manipal jaipur university 2022






JUL/AUG 2021












Q1. Discuss any four barriers to communication and substantiate your answer with one example for each. (2.5x4)

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Barriers to Effective Communication: At each stage in the process of communication – encoding, transferring, and decoding, there is the possibility of interference. This may hinder the communication process. Such interference is known as ‘noise.’ Often, a comparison is made between communication and a leaky bucket. If you carry water in a leaky bucket, you will lose water at various points in your journey from the water tap to your


Q2. Elaborate upon the significance and purpose of reading for a graduate of Computer Applications.       5+5            10



Significance of reading for a graduate of Computer Applications:


· Self-esteem is the ability to believe in yourself: This may be the most crucial aspect of all. Students gain ground in the categories listed below the sooner they establish reading abilities. This gives individuals more confidence in how they talk and write, as well as the certainty of a larger knowledge foundation.


· Concentration Enhancement: Reading and student literacy are emphasised, which aids in the development of greater



Q3. What are the qualities of a business letter? Discuss its various types.         4+6      10



The following are some qualities of a good business letters:

Simple and unambiguous language must be utilised during the communication process. The meaning of a term is unclear when it is unfamiliar.


















JUL/AUG 2021
















Ques 1 a) Suppose that p and q are prime numbers and that n = pq. Use the principle of inclusion-exclusion to find the number of positive integers not exceeding n that are relatively prime to n


Since n is the product of two prime numbers p and q, any number which is relatively prime to n must be relatively prime to both p and q. Consider the following two sets of . Its Half solved only

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Ques1 b) Show that ~[p V(~p ^q)] and ~p ^~q are logically equivalent.




Ques 2 a) Find lim x~0 (27x-9x-3x+1)/(1-cos x)




Ques2 b)Find the derivative of f(x)=log e x ,x>0, using first principle.




Ques 3 a)If y = e ^ (a * sin-1(x)) , prove that (1-x2)yn+2 -(2n+1)xyn+1-(n² + a²)yn = 0.


Hence find the value of yn when x=0.




Ques 3 b)Find all the asymptotes of the curve y ^ 3 - 6x * y ^ 2 + 11x ^ 2 * y - 6x ^ 3 + x + y = 0.


Given :



Ques 4 a)Show that




Ques 4 b) Ifu = (3xy-y3)-(y²-2x)³/2 show that




Ques 5 Verify Green's theorem for , where c is the region bounded by the parabola y = x and the line y=x.


Boundary condition



Ques 6 a)Solve the system of equations x + y + z = 9; 2x + 5y + 7z = 52; 2x+y=z=0.




Ques 6 b)Find the value of √-5+12i.


Let z=x+iy







Q1. Discuss the functions of layers of OSI model and compare it with TCP/IP model.  5+5      10



OSI model: The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model was defined by the International Standards Organization (ISO) as a first step towards international standardization. In 1995, it was revised and known as ISO OSI (Open System Interconnection) because it deals with systems that are open for communication with other system. The model has seven layers. They are: physical layer, data link layer, network layer, transport layer,

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Q2. Compare Circuit and Packet Switching with example. Describe some SONET/SDH devices.          5+5     10


Ans (2).

Circuit switching: Circuit  switching  assures  dedicated  communication  link  between  two stations. Usually this types of networks consists a set of switches connected by a sequence of links. On each physical link, a logical channel is dedicated to  the  connections.  And  each  link  is  divided  into  n  channels  by  using different  multiplexing  techniques.  Circuit  switching  method  follows  three steps for a successful communication. These are: circuit establishment


Q3. Explain the data transfer steps of Frame Relay call control. Explain TCP retransmission strategy. 5+5      10



Call control: As we have seen frame relay supports multiple connection over the single line and these connection are called data link connection. For each connection there exist a unique DLIC (Data link Connection Identifier).


Following steps are







Q4. What are the differences between dynamic routes and static routes, explain with example? Explain the functioning of the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) protocol.     5+5      10



Dynamic Routes: Dynamic routes are typically learned by the routing protocols RIP, OSPF and BGP. Routers that use the routing protocols exchange information in their routing tables by advertising. Using dynamic routes,  the 


Q5. Discuss the problems of symmetric key cryptography, discuss with suitable example. Explain RSA technique with an example. 5+5      10




Q6. Explain single and multi-server queues. What is feedback mechanism for preventing network congestion and discus feedback information?    5+5         10




Single server queue: The important element in a single server queue is the server, which provides services to packets. Different packets arrive at the system to be served. If the server is idle at the time of packet arrival, the packet is served immediately. Otherwise arriving packets enter into a waiting queue. When the server completes serving a










JUL/AUG 2021






DCA6203 – Web Technologies






4 Credits, 30 Marks each






1. a)  Discuss  about  different  protocols  used  on  the Internet.

b)  Explain tags to insert hyperlink and images in the HTML document.            5+5     


Ans (a).

Different  protocols  used  on  the Internet: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol): The TCP corresponds to the transport layer of OSI reference model, The TCP is known as a connection-oriented protocol, which means that a connection is established and maintained until such time as the message or messages to be exchanged by the application programs at each end have been exchanged.


IP (Internet Protocol)

IP is the protocol that controls how data Its Half solved only

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2. a)  Explain different ways of inserting a style sheet.

b)  What do you understand by DHTML? Explain differences between HTML & DHTML.         5+5     10

Ans (a).

There are three ways of inserting a style sheet:

1.  External style sheet

2.  Internal style sheet

3.  Inline styles


External Style Sheet:

If you have to give same look and feel to many pages then it is a good idea to keep all the style sheet rules in a single style sheet file and include this file in all the HTML pages. HTML allows authors to associate any number of external style sheets with a document. You can include a style sheet file into HTML document using <link


3. a)  Explain various events used in DHTML.

b)  What is XML? Explain features and applications of XML.        5+5      10


Ans (a):

There are various DHTML events that will be helpful for us to understand event handling in DHTML:

1.  Onclick Event: If the user clicks the left mouse button, the onclick event for an object occurs only if the mouse pointer is over the object, but if the user clicks the mouse on the object but moves the mouse pointer away from the object before releasing, no onclick event occurs.

In line HTML syntax






4. a)  What is AJAX? How does it work? Explain its advantages.

b)  How do you handle Dynamic HTML with Ajax?            5+5     10


AJAX: AJAX can be used for interactive communication with a database. Database allows  web  applications  to  store  information  in  a  systematic  way,  and retrieve that information later through the use of structured query. Database also allows many clients to access and save information concurrently. It is becoming more sophisticated


Ans (b).

Handling Dynamic HTML with Ajax

DHTML is a powerhouse of option for the Ajax programmer. Like CSS, DHTML offers ways to update and manage your web page. In many ways, DHTML is more powerful than CSS, because by using DHTML, we can alter the HTML in a page. DHTML allows authors to add effects to their pages that are otherwise difficult to



5. a)  How can you load XML Data into an HTML Page? Explain with example.

b)  Write  a  PHP  script  that  retrieve  data  from database table and return the XML string.           5+5    


Ans (a):

Loading XML Data into an HTML Page: The process of fetching data from an XML files to be filled in an HTML table, using DSO (Data Source Object) and JavaScript. DSO is an object that operates like a database on the client side. It will accept information that is organized in a certain way and will manipulate it with its own database engine.


DSO allows data binding


6. a)  Explain different operators used in PHP.

b)  Explain    ASP    AdRotator    Component    with example.     5+5     10


Ans (a)

PHP Operators: In all programming languages, operators are used to manipulate or perform operations on variables and values. There are many operators used in PHP, so we have separated them into the following categories to make








JUL/AUG 2021






DCA6202 - Advanced Data Structure





02 & 30 Marks each






Q1. A. What is time complexity and space complexity? Analyze the performance   of   Binary   Search   using   time   and   space complexities.           5


An algorithm is a step by step procedure for solving a particular problem. One major purpose of this text is to develop efficient algorithms for the processing of our data. The efficiency of the algorithm is depending on the time and space it uses. The complexity of an algorithm is the function which gives the running time and/ or space in terms of the input size. Each of our algorithms will involve a particular data structure. The data structure which we choose will depend on many things, including the data and   the   frequency   with   which   various   data   operation   are   applied. Sometimes the choice of data structure involves a time- space tradeoff by increasing the amount of space for storing the data, one may be able to reduce the time needed for processing the data, or vice versa. So, we may not always be able to use the



B. Write an algorithm/pseudocode to delete the node following a given node in linked list.     5


Deletion Algorithm: We have algorithms for deletion from linked list in various situations. The first one deletes the node following a given node and the second one deletes the node with a given ITEM of information. All of our deletion algorithms will return the memory space of the deleted node N to the beginning of the AVAIL list. Accordingly, all of our algorithms will include the following pair of assignments, where LOC is



Q2.  What are the applications of stack?        10       


Applications of Stack:

Arithmetic Expression

Generally in all arithmetic expression the operators are placed in between the operands, this is called infix notation.

A+B and (X+Y)* Z


In some type of notation the operator is placed before its two operands, this is called prefix notation or polish notation. Its Half solved only

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Q3A. Explain the postorder traversals on binary tree.          5         

Ans (a).

Postorder traversals on binary tree:

In  postorder  traversal,  traversal  starts  with  the  left  most  subtree  then proceeds with right sub tree and print the parent of those nodes.

1)  Traverse the



B. What  is  a  binary  search  tree?  What  are  the  common operations that can be performed on binary search trees?      5         


Ans (b).

Binary Search Tree: T is a binary tree. Then T is called binary search tree if each node of n of T has the following property. The value at n is greater than every value in the left subtree of n and is less than every value in the right subtree of n. We can say one of the most important data structure is binary search tree. This enables one to search for and find an element with an average running time f(n)=O(log2 n). It





Q4 A. What  is  static  memory  allocation  and  dynamic  memory allocation?    5


Ans (a).

Static Memory Allocation: Static Memory Allocation, also known as Compile-time Memory Allocation, is used for the allocation of memory during the process of compilation of data in a fixed size. The compiler allocates memory



5. What is an AVL tree. How do you perform search operation in an AVL tree? Explain with the help of an example.        10      


Ans (5).

AVL tree: An  AVL  tree  is another  balanced binary search tree  named  after their inventors, Adelson-Velskii and Landis. An empty binary tree is an AVL tree. A non empty binary tree T is an AVL tree if given TL and TR to be the left and right subtrees of T and h(TL) and h(TR) to be the heights of subtrees TL and TR



Q6  A. Give algorithm/pseudocode for DFS. Demonstrate DFS using suitable example?     5       


Ans (a):

Depth first search (DFS) algorithm starts with the initial node of the graph G, and then goes to deeper and deeper until we find the goal node or the node which has no children. The algorithm, then backtracks from the dead end towards the most recent node that is yet to be completely unexplored.



B. Design an algorithm/ pseudocode for selection sort.       5         


Ans (b):

Selection sort: Selection sort is one of the sorting techniques that is typically used for sequencing small lists. It starts by comparing the entire list for the lowest item and moves it to the #1 position. It then compares the rest of the list for the next-lowest item and places it in the #2 position and so on until all items




                                            INTERNAL ASSIGNMENTS



JUL/AUG 2021












30 Marks each



Set- I



Q1 a.  Discuss the three Operating System Structures.

b. What is Deadlock avoidance? Discuss Banker’s algorithm for the same.        5+5     


Ans 1(a).


Three Operating System Structures:

Layered approach: Dijkstra suggested the layered approach to lessen the design and implementation complexities of an operating system. The layered approach divides the operating system into several layers. The functions of operating system are divided among these layers. Each layer has well-defined functionality and input-output interfaces with the two adjacent layers. Typically, the bottom layer is concerned with machine hardware and the top layer is concerned Its Half solved only

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1. Q2 a.  What do you understand by Virtual Environment & Machine Aggregation?

b. What is a Process Control Block? What information is stored in it?   5+5      10


Ans (a).

Virtual Environment & Machine Aggregation: A virtual environment (otherwise referred to as Virtual private server) is another kind of a virtual machine. In fact, it is a virtualized environment for running user-level programs (i.e. not the operating system kernel and drivers, but applications). Virtual environments are created using the software implementing operating system-level


Q3. Discuss the CPU scheduling algorithms            10       


Ans (3).


CPU- I/O Burst Cycle: Process execution consists of alternate CPU (Central Processing Unit) execution and I/O (Input / Output) wait. A cycle of these two events repeats till the process completes execution (Figure). Process execution begins with a CPU burst followed by an I/O burst and


Set – II



Q4 a.  What is Page replacement? Discuss it’s FIFO algorithm with an example.

b.  What is Thrashing? What are its causes?           5+5      10


Ans (a):

Page Replacement: Initially, execution of a process starts with none of its pages in memory. Each of its pages will have page fault at least once when it is first referenced. But it may so happen that some of its pages are never used. In such a case those pages which are not referenced even once will never be brought into memory. This saves load time and memory space. If this is so, the degree of multi-programming can be increased so that more ready processes can be loaded and executed. Now, we may come across a situation wherein all of sudden, a process hitherto not accessing certain pages starts accessing those pages. The degree of multi-


Q5 a.  Discuss the different File Access Methods.

b. What are I/O Control Strategies?            5+5      10


Ans (a).

File Access Methods: Information is stored in files. Files reside on secondary storage. When this information is to be used, it has to be accessed and brought into primary main memory. Information in files could be accessed in many ways. It is usually dependent on an application. Access


Q6. Discuss about Distributed processing and parallel processing. State the similarities and differences amongst them.          10       


Ans (6).


Parallel and Distributed Processing: Operating systems have moved from single process systems to single processor, multi-user, and multitasking systems. Today the trend is towards multiprocessor, multitasking systems. Distributed processing and parallel processing are two



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