Monday, 3 June 2019

bsc it 6 semester solved assignment bit6022 spring 2019

Drive Spring 2019
PROGRAM Master of Computer Application
SUBJECT CODE & NAME BIT601– Web Programming - II

Assignment Set -1
Q.1 Identify the differences between SGML, XML, and HTML.     10
Answer :
Comparison of SGML, XML and HTML :
SGML is one of the first languages to tackle the problem of transferring electronic data as marked-up text. SGML derives most of its power, and therefore its complexity, as a meta language, a language that describes and defines mark-up languages. The mark-up contained in SGML and its derivatives is described within SGML. As we know traditionally markup languages are made of tags and elements that

Q.2 What is selectors? List few types of selectors and discuss them shortly.     2.5+7.5
Answer :
Selectors :

The element to be formatted are known as selector. This element is placed before such a rule. Several formatting rules for an element are separated via semicolons and usually enclosed by curly brackets as shown above. For instance, if you want all of the h1s in a document to be green, write a single style rule with h1 as the selector. There are

Q.3 Discuss following XML publishing Methods
a) Use SQL/XML    5
b) Use DB2 XML Extender    5
Answer :
SQL/XML is an ANSI and ISO standard that provides support for using XML in the context of a relational database management system. Because SQL is the standard language for accessing and managing data stored in relational databases, it is only natural that enterprises and users want the ability to (access and) generate XML data from their relational data through the use of the SQL interface. SQL/XML defines a standard that makes it possible to store your XML documents in

Assignment Set -2
Q.1 List four types of J2ME profile and explain them shortly.      2.5x4
Answer :          
Four types of J2ME profile :

Q.2 Discuss various audio preload attributes of HTML5.         10
Answer :
Audio preload attributes of HTML5 :
Audio has multiple attributes which allow us to configure audio implementation. According to structure and implementation <audio> and <video> elements are close together. Simply to insert an audio element <audio> tag needs to be declared and src attribute should be specified.
<audio controls

Q.3 List down the steps to develop a mobile application and discuss them briefly.      10
Answer :
Steps to develop a mobile application :       
Start with HTML building :
To build a simplest puzzle application at least you need four pages as followings:
• A homepage
• A puzzle list page
• A puzzle creation page
• A puzzle solve page
Create the HTML code for all pages. All subsequent page should have similar format.
Create sections for

Its half solved only
New smu SPRING 2019 solved assignments available with us 
LAST DATE IS  08-07-2019
charges Rs 99 per assignment (new price)
If you need assignments please mail or whatsapp your questions at
or contact any time 8791490301, 08273413412 (both whatsapp no)


Assignment Set - 1

Q.1 Summarize the use of Big Data in Social Networking.     10
Answer :
Use of Big Data in Social Networking :

Today, communication is not restricted to meeting a person. The affordable and handy use of mobile phones and the internet have made communication and sharing data of all kinds possible across the globe. Some popular social networking sites are Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. These social networking sites are called social media. Social network data refers to the data generated from people

Q.2 List and elaborate about the different features of Hadoop.     10
Answer :
Different features of Hadoop :  6+
       Open source : It is an open source Java-based programming framework. Open source means it is freely available and even we can change its source code as per your requirements.
       Fault Tolerance : Hadoop control faults by the process of replica creation. When client stores a file in HDFS,

Q.3  Write a brief note on The MapReduce Framework.     10
The MapReduce Framework :
At the beginning of the 21st century, the team of engineers working with Google concluded that because of the increasing number of internet users, the resources and solutions available would be inadequate to fulfill the future requirements. As a preparation to the upcoming issue, Google engineers established that the concept of task distribution across economical resources and their

Assignment Set - 2
Q.1 Identify the role of Hbase in Big Data Processing.      10
Answer :
Role of Hbase in Big Data Processing :

Hbase is an open source, non-relational, distributed, column-oriented database developed as a part of Apache Software Foundation's Hadoop project. It is beneficial when large amounts of information are required to be stored, updated and processed as a fast speed. Because of the vase size of Big Data, its storage

Q.2 Outline the steps for installing Hive with embedded metastore.       10
Answer :
The steps for installing Hive on Hadoop are as follows:

Installing Hive with embedded metastore:

1. Download the latest version if Hive.
2. Untar the package:

$tar –xzvf apache-hive-0.

Q.3 Distinguish between Reporting and Analysis.        10
Answer :
Comparing Reporting and Analysis :
Reporting is a process in which data is organized and summarized in an easy to understand format. Reports enable organizations to monitor various performance parameters and improve customer satisfaction. Analysis is a process in which data and reports are examined to get insights from them. These insights help an organization to perform important tasks in a timely manner, such as planning a new strategy, taking important business decisions, introducing a new product and improving customer satisfaction. In simple words, reporting can be considered as a process in which raw data is transformed into useful information and analysis as a process that transforms

Its half solved only
New smu SPRING 2019 solved assignments available with us 
LAST DATE IS  08-07-2019
charges Rs 99 per assignment (new price)
If you need assignments please mail or whatsapp your questions at
or contact any time 8791490301, 08273413412 (both whatsapp no)

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