Monday, 3 June 2019

msc it 3 semester solved assignment spring 2019 last date 8 july 2019

Spring 2019
MIT306– Object Oriented Analysis and Design(OOAD)
Qus:1 What is usability testing? Write the rule for developing usability testing.
Usability testing, a non-functional testing technique that is a measure of how easily the system can be used by end users. It is difficult to evaluate and measure but can be evaluated based on the below parameters:
·        Level of Skill

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Qus:2 What is meant by unified approach? Describe the steps, methods and tools of unified approach.
Answer:   Unified approach is a better way for understanding concepts of objects oriented system development. Unified approach is a methodology for software development. The unified approach, based on methodologies given by Booch, Rum Baugh and Jacobson tries to combine the methods

Qus:3 Describe the various states of activity diagram.
Answer: Activity diagrams are special cases of state chart diagrams. An activity diagram has actions as states. It can be considered as some kind of elaborate flow diagram and has therefore some graphical structures for handling conditions like a diamond shaped box for conditionals

Qus:1 Discuss the strategies for designing classes.
Answer: The object oriented design process is a complex process. The following methods can help you design better classes:
1) Analyze the role of the objects of the class in the application. An object can play any of the following roles:
 Value object – These are objects that basically act as containers of data. They have many properties and lesser methods (or sometimes no methods).
 Display object –

Qus:2 Mention and describe the basic categories of program errors.
Answer: Debugging is a process of finding errors in the code which cause unexpected results and eliminating them. The process of testing and identifying bugs is a balance of science, art and luck.
There are three basic categories of program errors:
1) Syntax errors
2) Run-time errors

Qus:3 Explain the following:
(a) Black box testing
(b) White box testing
Answer: (a) Black box testing
This treats the system as one that cannot be seen in detail. The structure of the program is not taken into account. The tests are performed based on what the program does. This is sometimes called functional testing.
The functional requirements have been agreed with the customer. Thus they can see that the program performs as it was requested at the specification stage. A main program segment which passes

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PROGRAM Master of Science in Information Technology (MSc IT)

Q.1 List and explain protocols of internet.    2+8
Answer :
Protocols of Internet :
The internet is based on a large number of protocols and conventions. Internet protocols are popular open-system protocol suites. They are used to communicate across interconnected networks. Each such protocol is explained in the technical publication called a request for comment (RFC).  Some well-known protocol like TCP, UDP and IP are given below in detail:

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol
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Qus:2 Explain the advantages of DHTML.    10
Advantages of DHTML :
DHTML is more efficient for content management purposes. By using the more dynamic XML to create pages, you will be able to import high volumes of text and other information (with the use of templates) without spending time coding pages individually. The result of this saves web designers time because there are less files to maintain. XML has a lot of compatibility and

Qus:3  How we can link a XML document with DTD? Explain                10
Answer :
Linking your XML document to a DTD
We created a DTD for an XML document, we need to link the XML to the DTD. This takes place in the prolong of the XML document.

Remember that the prolong starts off with the XML declaration:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

Immediately following the XML declaration, we would then either link to a DTD or write an internal DTD. While DTDs can be both internal and external, if we are using a DTD for multiple documents, it makes more sense to have the DTD in a separate "external" file. Otherwise, we will have to put the full DTD in the prolong of every XML document, rather than just one line of code

Qus.1 Describe various XMLHttpRequest object properties and Methods. 5+5
Answer :
XMLHttpRequest object properties and methods :

The XMLHttpRequest object exposes various properties, methods, and events so script can process and control HTTP requests and responses.The following table lists the members exposed by the XMLHttpRequest

Qus:2 Describe the five different categories of PHP Operators.     10
In all programming languages, operators are used to manipulate or perform operations on variables and values. There are many operators used in PHP, so we have separated them into the following categories to make

Qus3. Define debugging. Explain fatal and non-fatal bugs in ASP.   2+4+4
Debugging our ASP script
After working with common ASP components, we will be well versed with the ADRotator component. After completing the development of the banner rotation system, we are now ready to present it. However, any change in the name of our ADrotator file is being found. When we load the file we will

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LAST DATE IS  08-07-2019
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Master of Science in Information Technology (MSc IT)
MIT3081– High Speed Networks
Set 1

Qus.1 Explain WLAN components.   2.5x4
Answer :
WLAN components :
A wireless LAN (WLAN), also referred to as Local Area Wireless Network (LAWN), is a flexible data communications system that serves as an extension to, or as a replacement for, a wired LAN. It uses radio frequency (RF) technology to transmit and receive data over the air and minimizes the need for wired connections. The technologies for wireless LANs are specified by the IEEE 802.11 group of standards. Wireless LAN protocols are similar to that of Ethernet but do not require

Qus:2 Describe Multi-server queue using suitable diagrams and equations.        10
Answer: The aim of the queuing analysis is to make use of analytic models to yield the desired parameters to determine the buffer size. The following two queuing models can be used as analytic models:
       Single server queue
       Multi-server queue
In a multi-server queuing system, multiple servers share a common queue. If a packet arrives and at least one

Qus:3 What is meant by congestion? List and describe different types of congestion.
Congestion :
The situation wherein network resources are constantly overloaded or the overall demand of a resource exceeds its capacity is termed as congestion. Congestion in a network occurs when the load on the network or the number of packets transmitted to the network is more than the capacity of the network, i.e., the number of packets a network can handle. Congestion in a network or internetwork happens as the routers and switches include queues-buffers that contain the packets prior to and after processing. It damages the quality of service and also results in

Set 2
Qus:1 In TCP what is timer? List the timers that TCP maintains for every connection and explain any three.
Answer: In TCP protocol, timers are applied in various positions and these timers restrain retransmissions and restrict the hold time for lost packets. Jiffies variable is the basis for all timers. Function pointers in a timer structure take a behavior function when initialized. Once the timer ends, this

Qus:2 What is meant by Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP)? Write any three salient characteristics. List RSVP traffic types and explain any two.
Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) :
RSVP is a signaling protocol that offers reservation setup and control. It enables Integrated Services (IntServ) which is designed to emulate circuits on the Internet. This is the most complex QoS technology for

Q.3 With the help of suitable diagram explain Routing Information Protocol (RIP) message format. Mention two benefits and two drawbacks of RIP.    6+2+2
Answer :
Routing Information Protocol (RIP) :

RIP is based on distance vector routing. It implements vector routing using the following considerations:
       An AS has both routers and networks. While routers have routing tables, networks don’t.

       The first column of a routing table has the destination network address.

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LAST DATE IS  08-07-2019
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Master of Science in Information Technology (MSc IT)
MIT3083– Software Architecture

Assignment Set - 1
Q.1 Explain the six components of broker architecture.      10
A broker component has to be introduced for better dissociation of clients and servers. Servers have to register themselves with the broker. The clients and servers communicate through the broker. Clients access the servers by sending requests through the broker. Locating the appropriate server, sending the requests to the server and transmitting results and exceptions back to the clients

Q.2 Describe the four architectural designs for KWIC system.  10

The problem related to KWIC that we are looking into now is put forward by David Lorge Parnas (a Canadian pioneer of software engineering who formulated the concept of information hiding in object oriented programming). Following is a brief definition of the problem: “The KWIC index system accepts an ordered set of lines, each line is an ordered set of words, and each word is an ordered set of characters. Any line may be "circularly shifted" by repeatedly removing the first word and appending it at the end of the line. The KWIC index system outputs a listing of all

Q.3 Mention the steps involved in the implementation of the blackboard pattern.   10

Amswer :

Steps involved in the implementation of the blackboard pattern, which are as follows:

Step 1: The problem has to be defined by:

       Specifying the problem domain and the field of knowledge necessary to find a solution.
       Scrutinizing the input to the system by identifying special properties of the input.
       Defining the output of the system.
       Analyzing how the user interacts with the system.

Step 2: The solution space for the problem has to be defined. The solution space is divided into top-level solutions

Assignment Set - 2

Q.1 (a)Explain how architectural pattern and design pattern differ from each other.    6
(b)What are the disadvantages of the Proxy pattern?             4
Difference between Architectural Pattern and Design Pattern
Architectural Pattern
Design Pattern

Q.2 (a) Describe the benefits of connectors.            5
(b) What are the advantages of implicit invocation?           5
Benefits of connectors-
Some of the advantages of connectors are:

       Connectors are architectural building blocks used to represent the interactions between components and rules that administer these interactions.
       They match up to the lines in box line descriptions. Examples for these include pipes, procedure call, client-

Q.3 Describe the different views that must be considered while documenting architecture. 10

Answer :

Some views that must be considered while documenting the architecture are listed below:

       Functional View: This can be used to outline the functions that the system must provide. This view can be used to identify the features, functions, and use cases that are considered important to the architecture as well as reasons out as to why they are significant to the architecture. It

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LAST DATE IS  08-07-2019
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Master of Science in Information Technology (MSc IT)
MIT3091– Open Source System
Set 1
Qus:1 Discuss the different types of Creative Common License.    10
Answer: It is very important to know that the licensable properties come from an array of sources. The definitions of various proprietary types are not always apparent. Although every licensing program is exclusive, diverse areas of the licensing business have specific prototypes in terms of how

Qus:2 Write a short note on the following:
(a) MIT license.            5
(b) Advertising clause       5
Answer :
MIT license :
According to the FSF (Free Software Foundation - a non-profit organization that raises finances for work on the GNU project), the MIT license is referred as the X11 license, because MIT has released more software under many other licenses as well. Note that X11 is the present edition of the X Window System, which is the actual paradigm graphical engine for Linux and other

Qus:3 (a)List any five features of Mozilla Public License.   5
(b)Comparison among GPL, LGPL, and MPL.                  5
Answer: (a)
 five features of Mozilla Public License.
You can say that the MPL differs from the GPL in the way it regulates the distribution and licensing of works

Q1. Give reasons why open-source is a good choice for companies.    10
Reasons why open-source is a good choice for companies :
Running an open source project or joining an existing one can also be applied to corporate source where all the users and contributors are the employees of the company. What changes when everything is done in the company is that the potential audience is much smaller and also depending on the company’s culture it will become more difficult to communicate and work with the other

Qus:2 Explain the drawbacks of open source and free software licensing.     10
We can observe that the advantages of open source licensing sometime in some situations act as disadvantages. Some of the issues faced in open source and free software licensing are:
       Chain-of-title problem.
       Code contamination penalty.
       Intellectual property

Qus:3 Describe Cross licensing.     10
Answer :
Cross licensing :

When two or more companies sign agreement providing the rights of their intellectual property to the other, then this agreement is known as the cross licensing agreement. For example, two companies

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LAST DATE IS  08-07-2019
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Master of Science in Information Technology (MSc IT)
MIT3092– Embedded Systems

Assignment Set - 1

Q.1 Explain the following:
(a) Hardware and Software interrupts      6
(b) Interrupt Service Routines       4
Sometimes things will happen in a system when the processor is simply not ready. In fact, sometimes things change that require immediate attention. Can you imagine, sitting at your PC, that you were to hit buttons on the keyboard, and nothing happens on your computer? Maybe the processor was busy, and it just didn’t check to see if you were hitting any buttons at that time. The solution to this problem is something called an "Interrupt." Interrupts are events that cause the microprocessor to stop what it is doing, and handle a high-priority task first. After the interrupt is handled, the microprocessor goes back to whatever it was doing before. In this way, we can

Q.2 What is meant by microcontroller? Write the salient features of 8051 microcontroller.   3+7
Microcontroller :
A microcontroller is a computer. All computers -- whether we are talking about a personal desktop computer or a large mainframe computer or a microcontroller -- have several things in common:
       All computers have a CPU (central processing unit) that executes programs. If you are sitting at a desktop

Q.3 Describe the generation of sine waves.  10
Answer :
Generating a sine wave :
To generate a sine wave, we first need a table whose values represent the magnitude of the sine of angles between 0 and 360 degrees. The values for the sine function vary from -1.0 to +1.0 for 0- to 360-degree angles. The table values are integer numbers representing the voltage magnitude for the sine of theta. This method ensures that only integer numbers are output to the DAC by the 8051 microcontroller. Table 7.1 shows the angles, the sine values, the voltage

Assignment Set - 2
(a)Define pipe. Mention operations that can be performed on a pipe.     5
(b)Explain a message queue.            5
Answer :
Pipes :
Pipes are kernel objects that provide unstructured data exchange and facilitate synchronization among tasks. In a traditional implementation, a pipe is a unidirectional data exchange facility, as shown in figure. Two descriptors, one for each end of the pipe (one end for reading and one for writing), are returned when the pipe is created. Data is written via one descriptor and read via the other

Q.2 Write a short note on the following:
(a) Instruction level parallelism.        5
(b) Cache memory with diagram        5
Instruction level Parallelism :

A computer program is, in essence, a stream of instructions executed by a processor. These instructions can be re-ordered and combined into groups which are then executed in parallel without changing the result of the program. This is known as instruction-level parallelism (ILP). Advances in

Q.3 Describe Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus.           10
I²C Bus :

I²C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) generically referred to as "two-wire interface" is a multi-master serial single-ended computer bus invented by Philips. It is used to attach low-speed peripherals to a motherboard, Microcontrollers into systems, embedded system, or cellphone or other electronics. I²C is designed to be low cost and easy to implement. Common I²C bus speeds are the 100 kbit/s standard mode and the 10 kbit/s low-speed mode, but arbitrarily low clock frequencies are also allowed. Recent revisions of I²C can host more nodes and run at faster speeds (400 kbit/s

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LAST DATE IS  08-07-2019
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