Monday, 3 June 2019

smu mba 3 semester Finance subject assignment spring 2019

Spring 2019

Q.1 Explain the concept of Random Walk in the context of Efficient Market Hypothesis.
Discuss the concept of Random Walk.                      10
Random Walk Theory-
EMH is associated with the idea of a “random walk”. Random walk is a term used to characterise a price series where all subsequent price changes represent random deviations from previous prices. The logic of the random walk idea is that if the flow of information is not hindered and if information is immediately incorporated and reflected in the stock prices, it follows that tomorrow’s security price will incorporate tomorrow’s news and security price changes tomorrow will be independent of the price changes today. Since news by definition is unpredictable and random, the resulting price changes must be random too. The theory asserts that prices have no
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Q.2 Elucidate the concept of Efficient Frontier.
Discuss on Efficient Frontier.                               10
Efficient Frontier or Efficient Set-
Efficient frontier represents the trade-off between risk and expected return faced by an investor when forming his portfolio. Efficient frontier was first defined by Harry Markowitz as part of his portfolio theory. The theory considers a universe of risky investments and explores what might be an optimal portfolio based upon investments in these risky securities. Assume a one-year holding period for investment in these securities. Today's values for all the risky investments are known

Q.3 Discuss on the issues in Beta Estimation.
Converse on the issues in Beta Estimation                             10
Issues in Beta Estimation
When interpreting an estimate of beta, it is important to be aware of some practical problems in estimation. Apart from econometric issues, there will be a difference in the calculated beta depending on the following factors.
1. The length of time over which the return is calculated (e.g. daily, weekly, monthly)
2. The number of observations used
3. The specific time period used
4. The market


Q.1 Discuss on International Diversification
Converse on International Diversification                10


International Diversification-
Investment of one's portfolio in securities that are traded in various countries. This is done to reduce risk, often political risk. For example, if one country's government announces a larger than normal budget deficit, or the central bank raises interest rates, this may affect security prices in one country, but not

Q.2 a. Distinguish between Business risk and Financial Risk     5
b. Explain the stages in the Industry Life Cycle                           5

Business and financial risk-
Investors look for a return that is relative to the perceived risk associated with the company. The risk can be measured as variability of the company’s after-tax cash flows. A company’s overall risk has two components – business risk and financial risk.

Business risk is uncertainty about future operating income or earnings before interest and tax (EBIT). This is the risk attributable to the composition of the company’s assets. Factors affecting business risk are:
·         sensitivity of company sales to general economic conditions
·         industry conditions including competition, growth prospects, and the company’ ability to affect its selling and input prices
·         Company characteristics including size of the company, management, and operating leverage. Operating
Q.3 Often there are discrepancies between market price and intrinsic value due to behavioural influence of the investors.
Explain the various Market inefficiency causing Discrepancies.
Market Inefficiency
There are discrepancies between market price and intrinsic value often due to behavioural influence of the investors. The two assumptions are:
1.      Some investors are not rational as their demand for risky assets is influenced by beliefs or sentiments that are not fully supported by fundamentals. These types of investors are termed as noise traders.

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Q 1. Explain the criteria which All-India level financial institutions and banks follows for basis for arriving at fair price.
Explanation of the criteria which All-India level financial institutions and banks follows for basis for arriving at fair
Basis for arriving at fair price
All-India level financial institutions and banks follow the following criteria for calculating the fair value.
1. Past record of the company: The fair price is worked out on the basis of the track record of the company, using three key elements.
(i) The break-up value per

Q 2. List and Explain the basics Steps in Organizing a Merger.
Explanation of the basics Steps in Organizing a Merger.
Step 1: Pre-acquisition review
Step 2: Searching and screening of target acquisitions
Step 3: Valuation of the target company
Step 4: Negotiation
Step 5: Post-merger integration

a) Explanation of basic steps in organizing a merger:
Mergers and acquisitions are normally decided after thorough examination of all facts and aspects. Like capital budgeting decisions, these are difficult to reverse once they are put through, and so the organisation has to be meticulous. The steps in an exercise of organising an acquisition are as follows:

Q 3. Differentiate between Master limited partnerships (MLPs) and Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP).
Difference between Master limited partnerships (MLPs) and Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP).
Master limited partnerships
Master limited partnerships (MLPs) are limited partnerships dealing with publicly-traded shares. The limited partnership interests are divided into units which are traded as shares of common stock. Units are shares of ownership. The operations of MLPs are generally in natural resources (petroleum and

SET – 2
Q1. Explain the structure of Management Buyouts (MBO).
Structure of MBO.
Structure of a MBO:
The following points are often included:
1.      Business Plan Development: It is very crucial that the MBO team clearly understands the aim it wants to achieve and the way it plans to achieve it. The financial projections of the company, the team’s strategy to

Q2. Explain the key provisions under the listing agreement.
Explanation of the key provisions under the listing agreement.
In cases where shares are listed on stock exchanges, the listing agreement requires companies to make relevant and timely disclosure of price-sensitive information. Any decision taken in respect of merger is included in such information.

The provisions of takeover regulation apply in cases involving substantial acquisition of shares in a company

Q3. List and Explain the Five Rules of Integration Process.
Explanation of the Five Rules of Integration Process.
Explanation of Five rules of Integration Process.
1. Starting the post merger integration (PMI) process early: The integration effort should start much before the deal is closed and the contracts
signed; in fact to this extent, the expression ‘post merger’ is itself a misnomer. It is essential to consider PMI issues at the very initial stage and plan meticulously while choosing the target company. The main advantage is the preparedness for potential risks and challenges. It also helps in evaluating the target company’s culture. This is also confirmed by the findings of Parenteau and Weston (2003).
2.      The integration manager: A due diligence team (from areas like HR, finance, tax, technology etc.) and one or more top managers are responsible for the acquisition. This team, which is involved in the acquisition, achieves the best insight into the target company. However, the team is either dissolved or moved to the next acquisition. The manager of the acquiring business unit has the charge of

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Spring 2019
FIN 303
Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.

Q1.Explain the objectives of tax planning. Discuss the factors to be considered in tax planning.
(Objectives of tax planning, Factors in tax planning) 5,5
Objectives of Tax Planning
The prime objectives of tax planning are:
Multi-dimensional investment decisions: In a democratic welfare state like India the government requires substantial investment in infrastructure, education and healthcare. The tax laws give attractive benefits to investors in these areas; and by taking up these investments one can contribute to nation-building and at the same time enjoy normal returns on one’s
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Q2. Mr. C acquired a plot of land on 15th June, 2007 for Rs.10,00,000 and sold it on 5th January, 2016 for Rs.41,00,000. The expenses of transfer were Rs.1,00,000.
Mr. C made the following investments on 4th February, 2016 from the proceeds of the plot.
a) Bonds of Rural Electrification Corporation redeemable after a period of three years, Rs.12,00,000
b) Deposits under Capital Gain Scheme for purchase of a residential house Rs.8,00,000 (he does not own any house)
Compute the capital gain chargeable to tax for the AY2016-17.
A) Categories of capital assets
B) Indexed cost of acquisition
C) Long term capital gain
D) Taxable long term capital gain
Assessment Year 2016-17

Q3. Explain major considerations in capital structure planning. Write about the dividend
policy and factors affecting dividend decisions.
A) Factors of capital structure planning
B) Dividend policy
C) Factors Affecting dividend decisions

Major considerations in capital structure planning
Broadly, the following factors would be worth considering, while planning the capital structure.
1. Risk of two kinds, that is, financial risk and business risk: In the context of capital structure planning, financial risk is more relevant.
2. Cost of capital: Cost of capital is an important consideration in capital structure decisions. It is obvious that a business should be at least capable of earning enough revenue to meet its cost of capital and finance its growth.
3. Control: Along with cost


Q1.X Ltd. has Unit C which is not functioning satisfactorily. The following are the details of its fixed assets:
The written down value (WDV) is ` 25 lakh for the machinery, and15 lakh for the plant. The liabilities on this Unit on 31st March, 2016 are35 lakh.
The following are two options as on 31st March, 2016:
Option 1: Slump sale to Y Ltd for a consideration of 85 lakh.
Option 2: Individual sale of assets as follows: Land ` 48 lakh, goodwill ` 20 lakh, machinery 32 lakh, Plant 17 lakh.
The other units derive taxable income and there is no carry forward of loss or depreciation for the company as a whole. Unit C was started on 1st January, 2005.Which option would you choose, and why?
(Computation of capital gain for both the options, Computation of tax liability for both the options, Conclusion) 4,4,2

Option 1: Slump sale

Computation of net worth of Unit C
(in lakhs)
Land (book value)

Q2. Explain the Service Tax Law in India and concept of negative list. Write about the
exemptions and rebates in Service Tax Law.
A) Service Tax Law in India
B) Concept of negative list
C) Exemptions and rebates in Service Tax Law
Service Tax Law in India
Service tax was introduced in India in 1994 by Chapter V of the Finance Act,1994. It was imposed on an initial set of three services in 1994 and the scope of the service tax has since been expanded continuously by subsequent Finance Acts.
The new section 65B introduced in the Finance Act, 2012 defines services in Clause 44.In 2012, and there has been a paradigm shift in

Q3.What do you understand by customs duty? Explain the taxable events for imported, warehoused and exported goods. List down the types of duties in customs
An importer imports goods for subsequent sale in India at $10,000 on assessable value basis. Relevant exchange rate and rate of duty are as follows:
Rate Declared by CBE&C
Rate of
Basic Customs
Date of submission
of bill of entry
18  March 2016
Date of entry
inwards granted to
the vessel
8 April 2016
` 67.50/$

Calculate assessable value and customs duty.
(Meaning and explanation of customs duty, Explanation of taxable events for imported, warehoused and exported goods, Listing of duties in customs, Calculation of assessable value and customs duty) 2, 3, 2, 3
Meaning and explanation of customs duty

Customs duty is the duty imposed on goods imported into the country. In the years before globalization it was difficult to import goods on account of stiff duty rates and procedures, especially for less developed and developing nations like India. A joke used to be that the word ‘customs’ was said to come from Sanskrit ‘kashtam’ meaning difficulty. But the

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SUBJECT CODE & NAME FIN304- Internal Audit and Control

Q. 1 What do you understand by Financial Audit? Discuss various Advantages of Financial Audit.
Meaning of Financial Audit         4
Advantages of Financial Audit.    6
Meaning of Financial Audit  :     
According to Ronald Irish “Auditing in its modern concept is a scientific and systematic examination of books, vouchers and other financial and legal records in order to verify and report upon the facts regarding the financial condition disclosed by the balance sheet and the net income revealed by the profit and loss account.” In the above definitions, the focus is on examination of the financial records and reporting thereon. But over time auditing has extended to costing records, operational data and

Q.2 Explain Code of Ethics for the Internal Auditor.
A Code of Ethics for the Internal Auditor                10
Code of Ethics for the Internal Auditor  :             
The code of ethics that govern an internal auditor at two levels – the profession and the company. “This code of ethics sets the minimum requirements for the performance and conduct of internal auditors. This code applies to all internal auditors but does not supersede or replace the requirement on individual to comply with ethical codes issued by professional institutes of which they are members

Q.3 Define the Importance of Internal Audit Planning. Also explain different factors to be considered in Internal Audit Planning
Importance of Internal Audit Planning.                             4
Factors to be considered in Internal Audit Planning          6
Answer :
Importance of Internal Audit Planning :
Planning the internal audit programme is the key to effective and efficient internal audit. Effectiveness means attainment of the internal audit objectives and efficiency means conduct of the audit with the maximum utilisation of the internal audit resources. Thus planning results in the high returns

Q.1  What are the Advantages of Internal Check? Elucidate various Principles of an Effective Internal Check System.
Advantages of Internal Check               5
Principles of an Effective Internal Check System.      5
Answer :
Advantages of Internal Check :   
1.      Clear definition of responsibility: Internal check system ensures a proper division of responsibilities among the employees of an organisation. As responsibilities are well-defined, it becomes easier for management to

2 Explain Internal control system in Bank & Insurance Companies
 Internal control system in Bank    5
Internal control system in Insurance Companies          5
Answer :
Internal control system in Bank :
Different factors influence the internal control structure of any organisation: size, complexity and risk profile of its operations. In this regard an effective internal control system for a bank should consider the following aspects:

1.      Control environment: Control environment is the foundation of an internal control system. It includes and reflects the

Q.3  Discuss important features of a good internal audit report.
A Features of a good internal audit report          10
Answer :
Features of a Good Internal Audit Report :
The Internal Auditor’s report contains conclusions and recommendations on the activities audited, to be accepted and acted upon by the management. The management may also use the report to evaluate the performance of the internal auditor. The contents of an internal audit report are influenced by the way the internal auditing function has been envisaged in the organisation, the level of the

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