Wednesday, 27 January 2016

bba102 smu bba Fall 2015 Ist sem assignment

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DRIVE-fall 2015
PROGRAM-Bachelor of Business Administration- BBA
BK ID-B1498

Note – Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.
Q1. What is meant by Organizational Behaviour? Describe the interpersonal role and informational role of managers.
(Meaning of Organisational Behaviour, Explanation of Interpersonal role, Explanation of Informational role) 2, 4, 4
Organisational Behaviour
Organizational Behavior (OB) is the study and application of knowledge about how people, individually and groups behave as individuals as well assign groups in the organizations. Its main purpose is to build better relationships by

Q2. What is the meaning of organisation design? Explain the following elements of Organization Structure:
(a) Hierarchy
(b) Division of work
(c) Unity of command
(Meaning of organisation design, Explanation of Hierarchy, Explanation of Division of work, Explanation of Unity of command)1, 3, 3, 3
Organization design
Organization design refers to the construction orchange of a structure within which the work of the organization takes place. It is a process of integrating the people, information and technology of an organization. It is used to match the form of the

Q3.  Define the term ‘Learning’. Explain any three theories of learning.
(Definition of ‘learning’, Explanation of any three theories of learning)3, 7
Definition of ‘learning’
Learning is defined as a relatively permanent change in behaviour (Akin1987). In the context of organisation, one of the managerial challenges is tonsil productive work behaviours in his employees. Learning is also defined as the process of acquiring, assimilating, and internalizing cognitive, motor, or behavioural inputs for their effective and varied use

Q4. What is meant by conflict? Describe the Sources of Conflict?
(Meaning of conflict, Description of sources of conflict) 2, 8
Meaning of conflict
Conflict can be defined as a process in which one party perceives that another party has negatively affected, or is about to negatively affects, something that the first party cares about. Conflict can be within an individual, between two individuals, within a

Q5. Define the term ‘power’ with respect to organizational behavior. What are the sources of power? Explain.
(Definition of the term ‘power’, Explanation of Sources of power) 3, 7
Power is defined (Selznick and Pfeiffer, 1971) as the “ability of those who possess power to bring about the outcome they desire”. Later in 1987Pfeiffer defined power as the “capability of one social actor to overcome resistance in achieving

Q6. Explain the importance of Groups. Describe the stages of Group Development.
(Explanation of importance of groups, Description of stages of group development) 4, 6
Importance of groups
A group can be defined as a collection of two or more people who have common explicit goal and interact with each other for achieving the goal; members are aware of each other and perceive themselves to be a part of the group. Groups can be very useful in organizations. The following are the various benefits of groups:
·         Groups are

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