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1 Explain different
concurrency control problems.
Answer: In information technology and computer
science, especially in the fields of computer programming, operating systems,
multiprocessors, and databases, concurrency control ensures that correct
2 What are the different
strategies of OSS licensing? Explain briefly.
Answer: OSS licensing strategies which are
given below:
Ø Expansion
strategy: It is an open
source demonstration of the “law of conservation of modularity” which says that
a single layer of a software stack is "modular and agreeable"
permitting adjacent software layers to be "expanded”.
Ø Dual
license strategy: In the
3 Explain the SELECT and
PROJECT operations.
Answer: Relational Algebra Operators are
4 What is a Trigger?
Describe trigger creation in detail.
Answer: SQL trigger is a
set of SQL statements stored in the database catalog and is executed or fired
whenever an
5 Write short notes on:
a) Ingres
b) Postgres
c) Postgres95
d) PostgreSQL7
e) PostgreSQL8
Answer: Ingres
Ingres, a research project to create a relational database,
was a project in the early 1970s at the University of California, Berkeley. This
was the starting of the research and later many other databases were
6 Describe briefly about
the experimental evaluation. Write the significance of generic benchmarks.
Answer: The performance of a database system
can be evaluated with bench marks. Probably the most popular and widely
accepted is TPC-C (it is a benchmark tool by TPC (Transaction processing
Performance Council)) on-line transaction processing benchmark. Usually a
benchmark is run on several systems. The
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