Wednesday, 27 January 2016

qm0016 smu mba Fall 2015 IIIrd sem assignment

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DRIVE-fall 2015
BK ID-B1349
Q.1. Describe the Leadership styles. Explain the various leadership theories. (Leadership styles, Leadership theories) 5, 5

ANS: Leadership styles: The dominant behaviour pattern of a leader-manager in relation to his subordinates is known as leadership style. There are three basic styles of leadership as follows:

·         Autocratic or

Q.2. Explain the following: a) Quality Management Techniques, b) PDCA Cycle   5,5

a)      Quality management techniques: The scope of quality management covers all effective activities that affect the total quality-related business results (performance) of the organisation. It is an organised set of procedures which is maintained and documented while ensures consistent growth of business in the global market. Quality Management technique is a combination of two Quality techniques namely Quality

Q.3. “Quality management principles have to be followed by the organization so as to achieve their organizational goals”. In the light of this statement, explain the principles of Quality Management. (Listing the principles, Explanation) 5, 5

ANS: Listing the principles: Quality management is progressively becoming important to the leadership and management of all organisations. Quality management has been identified as a necessary discipline in organisational management. A document detailing the quality management principles and application guidelines were published by the ISO technical committee working in the ISO 9000 standards.

Q.4. a) Explain the concept of process re-engineering. b) Briefly explain CAPA system 5, 5

a)      Re-engineering: The basis for many recent developments in management is Re-engineering. Consider the cross functional team (a group of people with diverse functional expertise working towards a common goal) as an example has turn out to be popular due to the desire to re-engineer separate functional tasks into complete cross functional processes. Also, a lot of recent management information systems

Q.5. Discuss the importance of employee involvement for maximizing the quality. Explain the importance of team building for organizations. (Employee involvement and Quality, Importance of Team building) 5, 5

ANS: Employee involvement: Empowering your employees and involving them in decision making process provide an opportunity for continuous process improvement. The available ideas, innovations, and creative thoughts of employees can make the difference between success and failure. Employee involvement and

Q.6. Explain the theories of Motivation and Empowerment. (Theories of Motivation, Theories of Empowerment) 5, 5

ANS: Theories of Motivation and Empowerment: We begin with the theories of motivation.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: Psychologist Abraham Maslow was the first to introduce the concept of hierarchy of needs in his 1943 paper "A Theory of Human Motivation". This hierarchy suggests that people are motivated to fulfil

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