Wednesday, 22 November 2017

smu mba fall 2017 (jan/feb 2018 exam) IVth sem MK and ML assignment

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Master of Business Administration – MBA
MK0015 Services Marketing and Customer Relationship Management

Qus:1 Define Services. Explain various characteristics of Services.
Define of Services                                                                  3
Elaborate the characteristics of Services                             7
Answer: A service is an intangible activity offered by one person/party to another as a result of which the receiving

Qus:2 What are the criteria on which grouping of customers are done in market segmentation?
Explain the criteria on which grouping of customers are done in market segmentation 10
Answer: Consumers have started showing highly differential needs. Therefore, a single, undifferentiated approach can no longer strategy relevant to the group has to be framed to ensure

Qus:3 Write short notes on:
a. Frontal Attack
b. Flanking Attack
c. Bypass Attack
d. Guerrilla Attack
Frontal Attack                       2.5
Flanking Attack                    2.5
Bypass Attack                        2.5
Guerrilla Attack                    2.5
Answer: Frontal attack
This involves the challenger taking on the defender head on. The challenger attacks the main market of the market leader by launching a product with a similar or superior marketing mix. The market leader gets most of its revenues and profits from this market segment. If the

Qus:4 What are the various alternative strategies used in Marketing Services?
Explain the various alternative strategies used in Marketing Services                 10
Answer: An organization’s strategies towards developing and maintaining sustainable relationships differ from one organization to another depending on certain factors. These include nature of business, its size, its market share, nature of business, among many other things.  The responsive and learning nature of a service organization must build confidence in the

Qus:5 What do you mean by Customer Relationship Management (CRM)? What are the four important steps that service providers should bear in mind while implementing one-to-one marketing?
Explain Customer Relationship Management                                4
Explain important steps that service providers should bear in mind while implementing one-to-one marketing                                                6
Answer: Customer relationship management (CRM) has to be focused on aligning the business processes with customer strategies employed by the firm. Customer relationship management

Qus:6 What are the basic requirements for CRM implementation in an organization?
Explain the basic requirements for CRM implementation in an Organization               10
Answer: The basic requirements for CRM implementation in any organization are as
1.      Customer-centric approach: A customer-centric approach will take care of a customer’s experience by continuously monitoring his feelings and reactions to various encounters with the organization. There should be very high appreciation of a customer’s feedback and his reaction and

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Master of Business Administration – MBA
Advertising Management and Sales Promotion

Qus:1 Define Advertising by highlighting its various characteristics. What are the various objectives of Advertising?
Define Advertising and also highlight the characteristics of advertising 4
Explain various objectives of Advertising.                                                              6
Answer: Advertising is defined in Webster's Dictionary as “the action of calling something to the attention of the public especially by paid announcements; or, to call public attention by emphasising desirable qualities so as to arouse a desire to buy or patronise.” As is commonly defined and understood, advertising is “any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas or products by an identified sponsor.” The definition highlights the following characteristics of

Qus:2 Explain the factors that affect Marketing and Advertising in India.
Elaborate factors that affect Marketing and Advertising in India.                      10
Answer: There are some factors which deeply influence our thinking about advertising in India.

Qus:3 Explain the various types of Advertising copy.
Elaborate various types of Advertising copy                                                          10
Answer: Here are some of the major types of ads and thus copy that is written to suit these ads:

Qus:4 What do you mean by Advertising Budget? What are the various factors influencing Budget Setting?
Explain Advertising Budget                                                                                     3
Explain various factors influencing Budget Setting                                               7
Answer: As we discussed , after setting its advertising objectives, a company has to estimate how much it is willing to spend on the promotional programme. Although in an ideal situation, the budget should be determined by the objectives laid out for the communication function in

Qus:5 Explain the various innovative use of mass media in Rural Marketing.
Elaborate how mass media is used for rural marketing                            10
Answer: A successful campaign mixes the traditional and modern media cleverly to get the best results. The following mass media is used for rural marketing:
 Television Due to the government supplying free televisions in rural areas for broadcasting educational

Qus:6 Explain the various Civil and Penal Codes applicable to Advertising.
Elaborate various Civil and Penal Codes applicable to Advertising                    10
Answer: There are many laws which apply to advertising and its professionals should be familiar with them rather than land in a court of law later. Advertisers in their enthusiasm or ignorance often make wild claims, which can have unfortunate consequences later, not only for the

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DRIVE: Fall 2017
BK ID:B1810

Q.1: Explain Front-end & Back-end activities of Infrastructure: Building a Product system. Explain Digital Products.
a) Explanation of Front-end & Back-end activities of Infrastructure: Building a Product system.
b) Explanation of Digital Products.
a) Explanation of Front-end & Back-end activities of Infrastructure:
In software engineering, front end and back end distinguish between the separation of concerns between the presentation layer (

Q.2: List and explain the types of online stores in E-Malls and Parties in an E-Marketplace
a) Explanation to the types of online stores in E-Malls
b) Explanation to the Parties in an E-Marketplace

a) Explanation to the types of online stores in E-Malls:
e-Malls are Web sites that feature links to numerous online shopping sites. Some of these portals offer e-wallet

Q.3: Elaborate on the Internal and External Considerations of Situational Analysis
Internal and External Considerations of Situational Analysis

Internal and External Considerations of Situational Analysis:
An e-marketing plan can be developed by research and analysis. Its aim is to reach marketing objectives with the help of electronic goods. Every good e-marketing plan is developed according to the overall marketing plan of the

Q.4: Explain the 4 P’s in E-Marketing along with the additional 3P’s in E-Marketing of Services
a) Explanation to the 4 P’s in E-Marketing
b) Explanation to the additional 3P’s in E-Marketing of Services

a) Explanation to the 4 P’s in E-Marketing:
4 P‟s are depicted on the internet and online marketing:

Q.5: Elaborate on the Word-of-Mouth Marketing Techniques
Word-of-Mouth Marketing Techniques

Word-of-Mouth Marketing Techniques
From a conceptual viewpoint, online social networking is no different than traditional networking and socialising. You meet people over the Web and get to know them by sharing information about each other. Those you like and/or share

Q.6: Write short notes on:
a) Customer Metrics
b) E-mail/Direct Metrics
c) On-site Web analytics technologies

a) Customer Metrics:
Customer metrics are buzzwords in the business world that have been getting plenty of attention in recent years. In simplest terms,

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DRIVE Fall 2017
MK0018– International Marketing

1 Differentiate between GATT and WTO

Answer: GATT is a multilateral treaty among the member countries that lays down certain agreed rules for conducting international trade. The member countries contribute together to four-fifth of the total world trade. It is interesting to note that underdeveloped countries form a sizable majority in GATT. The basic aim of GATT is to liberalise world trade negotiations among members countries and, for the last forty seven years, it has been concerned with

2 Write short notes on the following:
A. International franchising
B. International contract manufacturing

Answer: a) Franchising is basically a specialized form of licensing in which the franchiser not only sells intangible property to the franchisee, but also insists that the franchisee agree to abide by

3 What are the stages in which international markets are screened and analysed?
4 Stages

Answer: Step One – Country Identification
The World is your oyster. You can choose any country to go into. So you conduct country identification – which means that you undertake a general overview of potential new markets. There might be a simple match – for example two countries might share a similar heritage e.g. the

4 What is counter-trade? Describe the various types of counter-trade.
Explanation of the concepts

Answer: Counter trade constitutes an estimated 5-30 percent of total world trade. Counter-trade greatly proliferated in the 80s. Counter-trade is one of the oldest forms of trade in the government mandate to pay for goods and services with something other than cash. It is a practice that requires a seller as a condition of sale to commit contractually to reciprocate and undertake certain business initiative that compensate and benefit the buyer. In short, a good-for-goods deal

5 Discuss the role of sales promotion and personal selling in international marketing.
Sales promotion
Personal Selling

Answer: Sales promotion is one of the most important aspects of marketing. Selling is as important as producing. Every manufacturer has to sell his product in the market – domestic or international. Selling products in the international market is more difficult than selling them in the domestic market. The producer and the exporter cannot sell a bundle of physical attributes known as

6 Write short notes on the following:
a. Bill of Exchange
b. Packing list
c. Air way bill
d. Certificate of origin
e. Consular invoice

Answer: a) When a draft bill is drawn on a foreign firm, it is termed as a foreign draft or bill of exchange. It is prepared either in an international currency or Indian rupee depending on the terms of contract. Accordingly, the bill is known by the name of currency in which it is drawn. For

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Master of Business Administration - MBA
Mall Management

Qus:1 Define Shopping Mall. What are the various components of a Shopping Mall?
Answer: A shopping mall or a shopping arcade/shopping centre/shopping precinct or just ‘mall’ comprises a complex of shops including one or more buildings with interconnecting walkways. It enables the

Qus:2 What re the various responsibilities of a lessor in a Commercial Lease? Also mention various obligations of a lessee in a Commercial Lease.
Responsibilities of a lessor
Obligations of a lessee

Responsibilities of the Lessor
• While both the parties should respect the agreement in letter and spirit, the lessor should not interfere and allow the lessee to utilize the property he is paying for.
Before leasing, the

Qus:3 What do you mean by Global Brand? What are the various benefits of Global Brand?
Answer: A global brand is one which is supposed to replicate the same set of values all over the world. Global brands rise above their origins and make durable and lasting relationships with

Qus:4 What do you mean by Emergency Management? Mention some of the safety tips that can be very useful in Emergency Management?
Emergency Management
Explain safety tips that can be very useful in Emergency Management
Emergencies come to stall the peace, order and normal pace of life without prior warning. We suddenly hear the sad news of explosion and serious fire taking place in an institution or office. An earthquake destroys numerous highstorage computers. Suddenly a power cut hampers critical equipment,  machinery or processing lines. A flood spoils perishable products with the floodwater carrying many pollutants. During such cases of emergencies, your

Qus: 5 What are the various crime prevention strategies for shopping malls?
Answer: Following are crime prevention strategies ensuring the security of shopping malls:
• Security Patrol: Provide adequate good number of professional security officers in well-marked

Qus:6 What are the various considerations of Marketing planning as a constituent of cooperative advertising?
Marketing planning, another critical constituent of cooperative advertising, comprises the following

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fall 2017
Master of Business Administration - MBA
Project Management in Retail        

Q.1: Explain in detail Project Planning Process.
Detail explanation of Project Planning Process.

Detail explanation of Project Planning Process:
The project planning process involves a number of stages that we shall discuss subsequently:
Identification and Prioritization

Q.2: What do you understand by Resource Smoothing and Resource Levelling?
Network diagrams drawn based on the work breakdown structure and the critical path identified on it are based on ideal condition of abundance of resources.

Network diagrams drawn based on the work breakdown structure and the critical path identified on it are based on ideal condition of abundance of resources:
Network diagrams drawn based on the work breakdown structure and the critical path identified on it are based on ideal

Q.3: What are the different aspects of retail project execution?
Retail project execution involves several people and teams with different skills, ability and priorities, constant co-ordination and adjustment in planned activities, conflict with routine operations of business because of overlapping retail project organization structure and several such issues.

Retail project execution involves several people and teams with different skills, ability and priorities, constant co-ordination and adjustment in planned activities, conflict with routine operations of business because of overlapping retail project organization structure and several such issues:
Retail project execution is different from routine operations. Important characteristics of retail project execution are listed as follows:
High Degree of Interaction with Agencies: A retail project team's interface with other agencies within the company and outside is very frequent. Rather, the functioning of retail project team depends entirely on interface management. Purchase, stores, finance, manpower planning, internal audit, engineering,

Q.4: Write notes on the Execution stage and Completion stage of retail project life cycle.
During the planning stage subcontracts are given, teams and sub-teams are formed, team leaders are appointed, coordination is established, documentations are designed and reporting system is developed.

During the planning stage subcontracts are given, teams and sub-teams are formed, team leaders are appointed, coordination is established, documentations are designed and reporting system is developed:

Q.5: What do you understand by Retail Strategy? Discuss any 3 types of Growth Direction.
Retail strategy comprises several important dimensions.
Explanation of 3 growth direction

Retail strategy comprises several important dimensions:
• The retailer’s target market mix.
• Retail format
• Sustainable competitive advantage

Explanation of 3 growth direction:
• The retailer’s target market: It is the market segment towards which the retailer plans to focus its resources

Q.6: Write notes on: Decision rules & Decision-Tree Approach.
Decision rules are of various types.

Decision rules are of various types:
Four different decision rules are discussed in this section. They include:
(i) E-V rule or mean-variance rule:
The expected return and variance (or standard deviation) are compared for taking a decision. It is also called the ‘
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