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Winter 2015
1 Define type conversion. Explain implicit
and explicit type conversions.
Type casting is a way to convert a variable from one data type to another data
type. For example, if you want to store a long value into a simple integer then
you can type cast long to int.
Implicit Type Conversion
When the type conversion is performed
automatically by the compiler without programmers intervention, such type of
2 Write a note on the following in C#:
1. Mutable strings
2. Arrays of strings
3. Regular expressions
Mutable Strings that are modifiable
can be created using the StringBuilder class. The System.Text namespace
contains the StringBuilder class.
StringBuilder str1=new StringBuilder(“abc”);
3 Explain the following in context of methods
in C# with the help of examples:
1. Invoking methods
2. Nesting of methods
Invoking Methods
The process of activating a method is known
as invoking or calling. A method once declared in a class can be invoked
(executed) on an object of that class. The invoking is done using the dot
operator as shown below:
4 Define members? Explain constant members
and read only members.
Classes in C# consist of data and methods
that operate on data called as member data and member functions. Everything you
define within a class is considered to be a member of that class. In this
5 Define and explain the class visibility and
class members’ visibility.
The visibility of a class, a method, a variable or a property tells us how this
item can be accessed. The most common types of visibility are private and
public, but there are actually several other types of visibility within C#. Here
is a complete list, and although some of them might not feel
6 Describe the methods used to handle
exceptions. Provide examples.
With exception handling:
Error-handling code is not nearly so tedious to write, and it doesn't become mixed up with your "normal"
code. You write the code you want to happen; later in a separate section you
write the
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