Thursday, 27 July 2017

mf0018 smu mba summer 2017 (oct/nov 2017 exam) IVth sem assignment

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DRIVE summer 2017

1. Explain price risk and its types. Explain Risk management methods
Explanation of price risk and types
Explanation on risk management methods

Answer: Price risk
Price risk represents the uncertainty about the magnitude of cash flows because of the probable changes in the input and output prices. Output price risk stands for the risk of changes in the prices which an organization may ask for its goods and services. Input price risk means the risk of changes in the

2. An organization is a legal entity which is created to do some activity of some purpose. There are elements of a life insurance organization. Explain the elements of life insurance organization.
[Important activities-2
Internal organization-3
Distribution system-2
Functions of the agent-3]

Answer: Important activities
         Procuring applications or proposals from prospective buyers of life insurance.
         Scrutinizing and making decisions on the proposals for insurance. This is called underwriting.

3. Explain the doctrine of indemnity, doctrine of subrogation and warranties and its types and classification.
Explanation of doctrine of indemnity
Explanation of doctrine of subrogation
Explanation of warranties and its types and classifications

Answer: Doctrine of indemnity
The contract of marine insurance is in the nature of indemnity. In any situation the insured is not allowed to earn a

4. Give short notes on :
Evidence and claim notice.

Answer: Evidence
To admit a claim, appropriate evidence related to the policy is needed. In marine insurance the policy is generally issued on mutual understanding and good faith of both the parties. However, at the time of claim, the insurer should satisfy itself about the information furnished by the insured. The value of subject matter, nature of the subject matter, warranties, insurable interest, etc., are some of

5. Explain the marketing mix (7 P’s) for insurance companies
Explanation on the marketing mix for insurance companies

Answer: Marketing Mix (7 P’s) for Insurance Companies
Marketing for insurance companies implies marketing insurance services with the objective to create a customer base and make profit by the means of customer satisfaction. This emphasizes on forming an appropriate marketing mix for insurance business for the insurance organization to sustain in the industry. The marketing mix is a conglomeration of marketing activities managed by an organization in order to meet the requirements of its targeted market to the greatest extent.

6. Explain the benefits of reinsurance. Elaborate on the application of reinsurance.
Benefits of reinsurance
Application of reinsurance

Answer: Benefits of Reinsurance
(i) Increase in risk-taking capacity
As the direct insurer can reinsure part of certain risks, it can therefore accept more of the original risk. It could

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mf0017 smu mba summer 2017 (oct/nov 2017 exam) IVth sem assignment

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Master of Business Administration – MBA
Merchant Banking and financial Services

Qus:1 Explain Application Supported by Blocked Amount (ASBA). What is the Procedure of Applying in IPO through ASBA?
Answer: Application Supported by Blocked Amount (ASBA) is an application containing an authorization to block the application money in the bank account, for subscribing to an issue. If an investor is applying through ASBA, his application money shall be debited from the bank account only if

Qus:2 Write short notes on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Depository Receipt.
Answer: Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is an integral part of an open and effective international economic system and a major catalyst to development. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Qus:3 What do you mean by a Depository? What are the functions performed by a Depository?
Answer: Depository receipts are securities that are traded in foreign currency. These receipts are issued by the foreign bank or institution which acts as a depository of shares issued by a domestic company

Qus:4 Explain the concept of Hire Purchase? Give the difference between Hire Purchase and Leasing.
Answer: In a hire purchase system, the buyer acquires the property by promising to pay in monthly, quarterly and half-yearly instalments. The period of payment has to be fixed while signing the hire sale agreement. Though the buyer acquires the asset after signing the agreement, the title of ownership remains with the vendor until the buyer pays the entire liability. When the buyer pays the entire instalment and any other obligation according to hire purchase agreement,

Qus:5 Write short notes on Traditional theory of Portfolio Management and Modern theory of Portfolio Management
Answer: Portfolio theories give guidance in managing the portfolio. Broadly speaking, the portfolio theories can be divided into two categories, traditional theories or approach and modern theory or

Qus:6 What do you mean by Venture Capital Fund? What are the various features of a Venture Capital Fund?
Answer: Venture capital is the money provided by investors to start firms and small businesses with long-term growth potential. This is a very important source of funding for start-ups that do not have access to capital markets. It typically entails high risk for the investor, but it has the

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mf0016 smu mba summer 2017 (oct/nov 2017 exam) IVth sem assignment

Summer 2017

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Qus:1 Give the meaning of treasury management. Explain the need for specialized handling of treasury and benefits of treasury.
·         Explanation of treasury management
·         Explanation of need for specialized handling of treasury
·         Explanation of benefits of treasury
Explanation of treasury management:
Treasury management is the planning, organising and control of funds required by a corporate entity. Funds come in several forms: cash, bonds, currencies, financial derivatives like futures and options etc.

Qus:2 Explain foreign exchange  market.  Write about all the types of foreign exchange markets. Explain the participants in foreign exchange markets.

·         Explanation of foreign exchange markets
·         Explanation of types of foreign exchange markets
·         Explanation of participants in foreign exchange markets


Explanation of foreign exchange markets:

Foreign Exchange market (forex market) deals with purchase and sale of foreign currencies. The bulk of the market is “over the counter” (OTC) i.e. not through an exchange which is well regulated.

Qus:3 Write an overview of risk mitigation. Explain the processes of risk containment. Write about the tools available for managing risks.
·         Explanation of risk mitigation
·         Explanation of basic steps in a typical risk containment process
·         Explanation of tools available for managing risks

Explanation of risk mitigation:
Risk mitigation is important that an organisation is not only aware of the risks before it impacts their bottom line, but has well-laid action plans to meet the risks and mitigate its adverse impact. The overall

Qus: 4 what is Interest Rate Risk Management (IRRM)? Write the components and features of IRRM. Explain the macro and micro factors affecting interest rate.

·         Explanation of IRRM
·         Explanation of components and features of IRRM
·         Explanation of factors affecting interest rate(Macro and Micro)


Explanation of IRRM:

Interest Rate Risk is the risk

Qus: 5 explain the contents of working capital. Write down the need for working capital.

·         Explanation of contents of working capital
·         Explanation of need for working capital


Explanation of contents of working capital:

Working capital is the money invested in the working assets of a firm. Working capital comprises the working assets of a firm.
·         A

Qus: 6 explain the concepts and benefits of integrated treasury. Explain the advantages and
Disadvantages of operating treasury.

·         Explanation of concepts and benefits of integrated treasury
·         Explanation of advantages and disadvantages of operating treasury


Explanation of concepts and benefits of integrated treasury:

The concept of integrated treasury works on the principle that Treasury canes a single unifying force of a company’s activities in the money market, capital market and fore market; and can help the

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mf0015 smu mba summer 2017 (oct/nov 2017 exam) IVth sem assignment

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DRIVE summer 2017
PROGRAM Master of Business Administration- MBA

1 Explain Globalization, Advantages of Globalization and Disadvantages of Globalization.
Explanation of globalization
Advantages of Globalization
Disadvantages of Globalization

Answer: Globalization can be defined as the process of international integration that arises due to

2 In foreign exchange market many types of transactions take place. Discuss the meaning and role of forward, future and options market.
Forward market

Answer: Forward Market
In the forward market, contracts are made to buy and sell currencies for future delivery, say, after a fortnight, one month, two months and so on. The rate of exchange for the transaction is agreed upon on the very day the deal is finalized. The rate of exchange for the transaction is agreed upon on

3 Explain Swap, its features and types of Swap.
Explanation of Swap
Explanation on features of swap
Types of swap

Answer:  Swap is an agreement between two or more parties to exchange sets of cash flows over a period in future. The parties that agree to swap are known as counter parties. It is a combination of a

4 Explain in detail the types of exposure and measuring economic exposure
Explanation on types of exposure
Explanation on measuring economic exposure

Answer: Types of exposure
Economic Exposure
The potential changes in all future cash flows of a firm resulting from unanticipated changes in the exchange rates are referred to as economic exposure. The monetary assets and liabilities, in addition to the future cash flows, get influenced by the changes in foreign exchange rates. Of all the three exposures, economic exposure is the most important, as it has an impact on the

5 Elaborate on the tools of foreign exchange risk management and techniques of exposure management.
Explanation of the tools of foreign exchange risk management
Explanation on the techniques of exposure management

Answer: Tools of Foreign Exchange Risk Management
Forward contracts: A forward contract is a non-standardized contract that takes place between two parties for the purpose of selling or buying an asset at a specified future time at a price that has already been agreed. The party who buys the underlying position assumes a long position and the

6 Write short note on:
a. Adjusted present value model (APV model)
b. Economic and political risk

Answer: Adjusted Present Value Model
Debt has an advantage over equity since the interest paid on debt is almost always deductible from income while calculating corporate taxes, which is not the case for dividends on equity. So, the post cost of debt is less than the pretax cost of debt. Debt creates additional value for a project. How is this so? By reducing the taxes paid, so adjustments to the calculation of the project’s present value

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mb0053 smu mba summer 2017 (oct/nov 2017 exam) IVth sem assignment

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Summer 2017
Master of Business Administration- MBA
Semester 4
MB0053 –International Business Management

1 Write down the difference between international Vs global business? And what are the benefits of globalization?
Write down the difference between international Vs global business
What are the benefits of globalization

Answer: International vs. global business
Most of us assume that international and global business are the same and that any company that deals with another country for its business is an international or global company. In fact, there is a considerable

2 Elaborate in detail comparative study on cultures of Japan, China, Brazil and France.
Elaborate in detail comparative study on cultures of Japan, China, Brazil and France

Answer: Comparative study on cultures of Japan, China, Brazil and France
Communication style
Women in business
Business dress code

3 Write a short note on Advantages of foreign direct investment and types of foreign direct investment.
Write a short note on Advantages of foreign direct investment and types of foreign direct investment

Answer: Advantages of Foreign Direct Investment
a.      Easier integration into global economy: A developing country like India is keenly interested to have foreign investment in their economy as it can gain greater access and foothold in other economies of the

4 What are the key objectives and function of World Trade organization?
What are the key objectives of WTO
What are the key functions of WTO

Answer: The key objective of WTO is to promote and ensure international trade in developing countries. The other major

5 Explain in detail about international regulatory Bodies.
Explain in detail about international regulatory Bodies.

Answer: International Regulatory Bodies
European Union
European Union is pro-active in the harmonisation process. European Commission sets directives, which are orders to the member countries, to bring their laws inline with EU needs, within some transition

6 What are the various export promotion schemes offered by government in order to promote export from the country?
What are the various export promotion schemes offered by government.

Answer: Export promotion and assistance schemes in India

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