Friday, 14 July 2017

bca6011 smu bca spring 2017 (jul/aug 2017 exam) VIth sem assignment

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Qus:1 What are the advantages of XML?
Answer:Let’s look into the advantages of XML. To exchange information use of XML offers many benefits.
 XML can store and organize just about any kind of information in a form that is tailored to your

Qus:2Describe the anatomy of XSL-FO namespace.
Answer: As specified earlier namespaces identify the particular markup vocabulary from which element-type names and attribute names are derived. They are important because, for example, when using links, the idea of embedding linked content from other documents raises the

Qus:3What is Web Services Description Language (WSDL)? Explain.
Answer: After getting a clear idea about SOAP and web services, now it’s time to learn Web Service Description Language (WSDL). WSDL is a structured way to describe all web service related issues. When a WSDL file is complete, it contains enough information that an

Qus:4Discuss following XML publishing Methods
a) Use SQL/XML
b) Use DB2 XML Extender
Answer:Relational data is the backbone of many businesses. With XML as a universal data exchange format, the capability of constructing XML data from existing relational data, while preserving the power of SQL, tremendously simplifies business-to-business (B2B)

Qus:5Explain any five new features of HTML5 that are not in HTML.
Answer: By now you are aware about the new features of HTML5. Let’s learn the use of new elements in HTML5 to design web pages. HTML5 provides more 20 new elements to enhance our

Qus:6Define MIDlet and describe MIDlet user interfaces.
Answer: As you know MIDlet is simple java program intended for mobile device,similarly MIDlet suites is collection of one or more MIDlets packed togetherusing a Java Archive (JAR) file. Actually the MIDlet is subject to some rules regarding its run-time environment and packaging.

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