Sunday, 21 June 2015

bca2010 smu bca Spring 2015 IInd sem assignment

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Spring 2015 ASSIGNMENT
CREDIT – 4 BK ID - B1405, MAX. MARKS - 60

Q1. Differentiate between Simple Batch Operating Systems and Timesharing Operating Systems. 5+5= 10

Simple Batch Operating Systems
In the earliest days digital computers usually run from a console. I/O devices consisted of card readers, tape drives and line printers. Direct user interaction with the system did not exist. Users made a job consisting of programs, data and control information. The job was submitted to an operator who would execute the job on the computer system. The output appeared after minutes, hours or sometimes days. The user collected the output from the operator, which also included a memory dump. The operating system was very simple and its major task was to transfer control from one job to another.
To speed up processing, jobs with the same needs were batched together and executed as a group. For example, all FORTRAN jobs were batched together for execution; all COBOL jobs

Q2 Explain the different process states. 5*2

Different process states

A program in execution is a process. A process is executed sequentially, one instruction at a time. A program is a passive entity.


Q3 Define Deadlock. Explain necessary conditions for deadlock. 2+ (2*4)


Deadlock occurs when we have a set of processes [not necessarily all the processes in the system], each holding some resources, each requesting some resources, and none of them is able to obtain what it needs, i.e. to make progress. We will usually reason in terms of resources R1, R2... Rm and processes

Q4 Differentiate between Sequential access and Direct access methods. 5+5

Sequential access and Direct access methods

Sequential access

In this simple access method, information in a file is accessed sequentially one record after another. To process the ith record all the i-1 records previous to i must be accessed. Sequential access is based on the tape

Q5 Differentiate between Daisy chain bus arbitration and Priority encoded bus arbitration. 5+5

Daisy chain bus arbitration and Priority encoded bus arbitration

There are many ways of addressing the “bus arbitration” problem; three techniques which are often implemented in processor systems are the following: Daisy chain arbitration, priority encoded

Q6. Explain LRU page replacement algorithm with example.
Answer: The least recently used page (LRU) replacement algorithm, though similar in name to NRU, differs in the fact that LRU keeps track of page usage over a short period of time, while NRU just looks at the usage in the last clock interval. LRU works on the idea that pages that have been most heavily used in the past few instructions are most likely to be used heavily in the next few

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