Sunday, 21 August 2016

bbr603 smu bba summer 2016 (oct/nov 2016 exam) vith sem assignment

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Bachelor of Business Administration- BBA
BBR603 –Merchandising &Supply chain Management

1. What are the factors responsible for the growth of the retailers?

Answer: The factors responsible for the growth of retailers’ influence and position are discussed below:
Proximity to end-customers: The end-customer has a direct access to the retailers of products and services. For example, if you buy a refrigerator from a retail store and you had some issues about its functioning, then the first person you approach is the manager of the retail store. If the manager is unable to solve

2. Discuss the collaboration of supply chain partners on non-core competency functions.
Explanation of the concept

Answer: Collaboration of Supply Chain Partners on Non-Core Competency Functions
Extreme Outsourcing: Some of the organisations outsource most of their business processes such as sourcing, branding, promotions, warehousing, and transportation to other supply chain partners, who can perform these functions at a cheaper rate. Therefore, organisations outsource these processes to reduce costs and manage the

3. Elaborate on the factors affecting the retailer-supplier relationship.
Explanation of the concept

Answer: Factors Affecting Retailer-Supplier Relationship
Understanding of strategic business objectives: The retailers and the suppliers should understand each other’s strategic business objectives. This would help both the parties to grow simultaneously.

4. Explain the various types of lighting used in retail stores.
Explanation of the concept

Answer: Types of lighting used in retail stores
Primary Lighting: It refers to the lights used for overall illumination of the store. This type of lighting uses fluorescent or incandescent lights mainly. In the outer area of the store, 150-watt bulbs are used for basic window lighting, marquee lighting, and illumination of the sidewalks and lobby area. However, in the areas

5. Compare visual merchandising practices in the past and the present time.
Explanation of the concept

Answer: VM has been around since our civilised world is involved in merchandising. However, the need of VM has

6. Write a short note on international sourcing.
Explanation of the concept

Answer: In today’s globalised world, customers want to purchase the products and services that are available in the foreign markets. For example, you as a customer would like to buy foreign apparels to get a different

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