Tuesday, 20 September 2016

bt9402 smu bsc it spring 2016 (oct/nov 2016 exam) VIth sem assignment

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[SPRING 2016]
PROGRAM                                       BSc IT
SEMESTER                                      SIXTH
SUBJECT CODE & NAME           BT9402, Artificial Intelligence
CREDIT                                            4
BK ID                                                 B1367
MAX. MARKS                                 60
Answer all the questions

Ques1 Briefly explain Attributes of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
AnsThe computer is the laboratory where AI experiments areconducted. Design, construction, testing, and measurement of computerprograms are the process by which AI researchers validate the models

Ques2 Explain State Space Search. What do you mean by production system?
AnsState Space Search
State space search is a process used in the field of artificial intelligence(AI) in which successive configurations or states of an instance areconsidered, with the goal of finding a goal state with a desired property. Theconcept of State Space Search is widely used in Artificial Intelligence. Theidea is that a problem can be solved by examining the steps which might betaken

Ques 3 Explain the Inheritance and Reification in semantic networks.
AnsSemantic networks are an alternative to predicate logic as a form ofknowledge representation. The idea is that we can store our knowledge inthe form of a graph, with nodes

Ques4 Explain the two principal parts of an expert system.
AnsEvery expert system consists of two principal parts:
 the knowledge base; and
 the reasoning, or inference, engine.
Knowledge base
The knowledge base of expert systems contains both factual and heuristicknowledge. Factual knowledge is that knowledge of the task domain that iswidely shared, typically found in textbooks or journals, and commonlyagreed upon by those knowledgeable in the particular field. Heuristicknowledge is the less rigorous, more experiential, more judgmentalknowledge of

Ques5 Describe the factors affecting learning performance of a system
AnsLearning covers a wide range of phenomena. At one end of the spectrum isskill refinement. People get better at many tasks simply by practicing. Themore we ride a bicycle or play tennis, the better we get. At the other end ofthe spectrum lies knowledge acquisition.
AI programs draw heavily on knowledge as their source of power.Knowledge is generally acquired through experience, and such acquisitionis the focus of this unit along with Robotics.

Ques6 Briefly explain the hardware requirements for designing a robot.
AnsRobot Hardware
Now we will make you familiarize with various hardware required for robot.
Sensors are the perceptual interface between robots and their environment.On the one hand we have passive sensors like cameras, which capturesignals that are generated by other sources in the environment. On theother hand we have active sensors (for example sonar, radar, laser) whichemit energy into the environment. This energy is reflected by objects in theenvironment. These

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