Sunday, 12 June 2016

bca3040 smu bca spring 2016 (jul/aug 2016 exam) IIIrd sem assignment

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BK ID - B1644

Q1. What is Communication System? Briefly explain the important elements of communication system. [4+6] = 10
Ans: Communication: Basically, communication is the process of conveying a message from one person to other or from one place to another place. It is the exchange of ideas, thoughts and feelings between two persons, places or points.

Communication Systems: Communication System is a system or facility capable of providing
information transfer between

Q2. What is modulation? Explain why modulation is required? [5+5] = 10
Ans: Modulation: Modulation is the process of varying one of characteristics (either
amplitude or frequency or phase) of a high-frequency periodic waveform, called the carrier signal, with a modulating signal which typically contains information to be transmitted. If we look at a general function for a

Q3. Write a note on: [5+5] 10
·         Ground Wave Propagation
·         Sky Wave Propagation
Ans: Ground Wave Propagation: Ground wave propagation follows the curvature of the Earth. Ground waves have carrier frequencies up to 2 MHz. AM radio is an example of ground wave propagation. Figure shows the concept of

Q4. Briefly explain Nyquist theorem with mathematical representation. [10]
Ans: Nyquist theorem: The Nyquist theorem states that “a signal must be sampled at least twice as fast as the bandwidth of the signal to accurately reconstruct the waveform In other words, the sampling frequency should be at least twice the highest frequency contained in the signal. It is mathematically represented

Q5. What is Channelization? Briefly explain three channelization techniques. [2+8] = 10
Ans: Channelization: Channelization is a multiple-access method in which the available
bandwidth of a link is shared in time, frequency,

Q6. What are the advantages of packet switching over circuit switching? [10]
Ans: Packet switching: In packet switching message is divided into blocks of data called packets.
Each packet is associated with a header before they are transmitted individually through the network. The path taken by each packet to reach their respective destination is depending on the status of links used by switching equipment. The packet-switching network is a distributed
collection of packet-

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