Sunday, 12 June 2016

qm0020 smu mba spring 2016 (jul/aug 2016 exam) IIIrd sem assignment

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PROGRAM Master of Business Administration- MBA
SEMESTER Semester 3

1 What is a GAP model? Explain in Detail.
GAP model in Detail

Answer: Gap analysis is applicable to any aspect of an industry where organisations want to improve the performance of their products or services.

A gap model offers an integrated view of the customer-organisation relationship. It is based on substantial research amongst a number of service providers. It shows the perception gap and outlines

2 What are the difference factors that influence quality in service organizations?
Factors that influence quality in service organizations

Answer: The characteristics of service and the factors that determine the quality of the service differ from one organisation to another. Therefore, an organisation attempting to enhance its customer service should understand the factors that determine and influence the service

3 Explain the steps involved in maintaining CRM in a service Organization.
Steps in maintaining CRM in a service organization

Answer: Steps involved in maintaining CRM
Divide the basic service into separate service activities: Each core or supplementary service provided by the organisation should be divided into specific service activities or tasks. This will enable

4 Explain - Reasons for Service Failure.
Reasons for Service Failure

Answer: Reasons for Service Failure
Unavailable service: This refers to the services that are generally not available. The non-availability in this situation is construed as a failure on the part of the service provider. Suppose an airline company announces that a particular flight is cancelled, or a website address

5 Describe - Dimensions of service quality in the tourism, hospitality and leisure industry
Dimensions of service quality in the tourism, hospitality and leisure industry

Answer: Dimensions of service quality in the tourism, hospitality and leisure industry
Customers base their evaluations of service on their perceptions. While these perceptions are affected by the actual service provided, service due to its intangibility is often hard to evaluate

6 What are the various approaches to service quality in retailing?
Approaches to service quality in retailing

Answer: Services Provided by Retailers
Product-related services
Product-related services are provided to consumers before, during and after the transaction. Before buying any product, consumers want to collect product-related information such as price, quality

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