Friday, 21 December 2018

smu Bba 4 sem fall 2018 solved assignment jan/feb 2019 exam

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Q 1 Discuss – TCP/IP Reference Model. 
·         TCP/IP Reference Model 10
The builder of the TCP/IP protocol group created their own architectural model to help describe its components and functions. This model goes by different names, including the TCP/IP model, the DARPA model (after the agency that was largely responsible for developing TCP/IP) and the DOD model (after the United States Department of

Q2 Explain the functions of E-Commerce with suitable example.
·         Functions of E-Commerce with suitable example 10
Functions of E-Commerce:-
E-Advertising: Advertising of information is currently the largest commercial activity on the Web. For example: (i) A company’s website

Q3 What are the technology infrastructure required for E-Commerce? 
·         Technology infrastructure required 10
Technology infrastructure required:-
HTML Editor
An HTML editor is a software program used to edit and create HTML documents. This is a tedious process which is why most Internet marketers prefer using an HTML editor. There are some that prefer writing their own HTML code.

Q1 Write a short note on Digital Signature. Also explain the parts of it. 
·         Digital Signature 4 
·         Parts of Digital Signature 6
Digital Signature:-
Digital signatures are used for authenticating e-commerce business transactions. The authentications refer to legal, financial and other document-related issues. Digital signatures are just like handwritten signatures which determine

Q2 Write short notes on Third-Party Payment Processing 
·         Third-Party Payment Processing 10
Third-Party Payment Processin:-
In a third-party credit card payment system, consumers have to be registered on the Internet with a third party to verify electronic

Q3 Discuss – Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) in detail. 
·         Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) 10
The WAP forum has developed an open global specification called the wireless application protocol (WAP). WAP allows the mobile user with a WAP device to access and communicate information and services easily and immediately. A set of communication protocols specified by WAP standardizes the manner in which radio transceivers, mobile phones

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FALL 2018
Q.1 Explain the Steps undertaken for Budgetary Control.
Steps in Budgetary Control    10
The various steps included in the budgetary control system are:

1.      Determination of organisational objectives – Budget is a tool for implementing the organisational objectives and policies. Hence, it is essential to determine organisational objectives before starting

Q.2 Explain the Importance of Profit Volume Ratio.
Describe the significance of Profit Volume Ratio      10
Significance of Profit Volume Ratio -    
Profit volume ratio, popularly known as P/Vratio, expresses the relationship of contribution to sales. Another name for this ratio is contribution-sales ratio or marginal income ratio or variable-profit ratio. The ratio,

Q.3 Explain the Concept of Working Capital Cycle and Optimum Working Capital.
Working Capital Cycle                 5
Optimum Working Capital          5
Working Capital Cycle  -           
The working capital cycle refers to the length of time between payment of cash by the firm for material, etc. entering into the production process/stock and the inflow of cash from debtors. Suppose a company has a certain amount of cash, it will need raw materials. Some raw material will be available on

Q.1 Explain the term Divisional Performance Analysis
Divisional Performance Analysis    10
Divisional Performance Analysis - 
Just as corporate net income is used to assess the overall company’s performance, divisional income is used to assess the performance of each division. The calculation of divisional income must take

Q.2 A Company belongs to a risk class of which appropriate capitalisation rate is 10%. It currently has 150000 shares selling at Rs 100 each. The firm is contemplating the declaration of a dividend of Rs 8 per share at the end of current fiscal year, which has just begun. Answer the following questions based on Modigliani and Miller Model.
i) What will be the price of the shares at the end of the year if a dividend is declared and not declared respectively?     5
ii) Assuming that the firm pay dividend has net income of Rs 20, 00,000 and makes new investment of Rs 40, 00,000 how many shares must be issued.     5

Q. 3 Explain the concept of Breakeven Point.
Break Even point       10
Break Even point -     
Breakeven is the level of sales at which the profit is zero. CVP analysis is sometimes referred to simply as breakeven analysis. This is unfortunate because breakeven analysis is only one element of CVP analysis. Breakeven analysis is designed to answer questions such as ‘how far sales could drop

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Fall 2018
Bachelor of Business Administration- BBA
Semester 4
BBA 408 - International marketing

Q.1 Define international Marketing and explain its benefits.
Define International Marketing      2
Benefits of International marketing     8
The definition of international marketing let us recapitulate the definition of “Marketing” as given by Mr. Kotler, an authority on the subject. According to Mr. Kotler, “Marketing is a societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering and

Q.2 Explain the structure of market in detail.
Market structure   10
Market structure:

The main classifications are:
1. Perfect competition.
2. Monopolistic competition.

Q.3 What are the various element of culture explain each in detail?
Element of culture     10

Elements of Culture
Broadly, culture constitutes five elements called the values, rituals, symbols, beliefs and thought processes as referred in the foregoing paragraphs. Each of these five elements of culture is of extreme significance to international marketer in the context of sales promotion. Hence it is desired of an

Q.1 Why there is need for market research? What are the advantages of market research?
Need for market research       5
Advantages of market research     5
Need for Marketing Research
“Consumer is the King” – M.K. Gandhi. Provider of goods and services are expected to ensure customer delight. Customer delight can be ensured only when the marketer fully understands the desires of the customer. A mechanism to understand the desires of the customer is Marketing Research.
In today’s world,

Q.2 Explain the pricing decision in international marketing.
Pricing Decision      10
Pricing Decision
Decisions pertaining to pricing of products in the area of international marketing domain are dependent mainly on the following factors:
·         As usual, cost is

Q.3 What is Advertising? What are the key concepts of Advertising?
Advertising      3
Key concepts of advertising       7
Advertising -
Advertising is a form of paid communication using a persuasive approach intended to connect an identified sponsor with a target audience. Advertising employs non-personal mass media to reach the

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Complete Smu assignments available in rs 125 per assignment only
You can mail us your questions within 1 min to 1 hour will revert you. Otherwise you can call us on 08791490301, 08273413412. If your questions not match with assignment, don’t worry we will provide by mail according to your questions

FALL 2018
Bachelor of Business Administration - BBA
Small Business Management

Q.1 Distinguish between different forms of organisations that small businesses can take
Sole proprietorship                             2
General partnership                           2
Limited liability partnership              2
Registered company                           2
Cooperative                                        2
Sole proprietorship -
Here the owner and manager is the same person, who will have the responsibility of taking care of each and every aspect of the business. This is a common business structure. With this structure, operation is easy and devoid of any authoritative control. Managerial flexibility is much more in

Q.2 Explain the marketing factors influencing selection of a product
Location                   2.5
Power                       2.5
Water                       2.5
Raw Material          2.5

Location -
The plant will be located in Medal district and will be able to get subsidy and other tax benefits. All infrastructure facilities are available in this place. The location is also close to the major food processing units and about 30km from Hyderabad. Manufacturing industry is economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods in factories. Industries are factories established for processing raw materials and manufacturing goods.

Q.3 Describe the types of manufacturing processes
Jobbing Production                         2.5
Batch Production                            2.5
Mass or flow Production                 2.5
Process Production                          2.5
Jobbing Production   -                     
Job production is characterized by the manufacture of one or few numbers of a single product designed and manufactured strictly to customer’s specifications, within, the given period and wit/tin the price fixed prior to tile contract. Some typical examples of industries engaged in jobbing production are: general repair shops; special purpose machine tool manufacturers; workshops to manufacture jigs and fixtures for other units; building contractors; tailoring shops manufacturing made-

Complete Smu assignments available in rs 125 per assignment only
You can mail us your questions within 1 min to 1 hour will revert you. Otherwise you can call us on 08791490301, 08273413412. If your questions not match with assignment, don’t worry we will provide by mail according to your questions

Complete Smu assignments available in rs 125 per assignment only
You can mail us your questions within 1 min to 1 hour will revert you. Otherwise you can call us on 08791490301, 08273413412. If your questions not match with assignment, don’t worry we will provide by mail according to your questions

FALL 2018
Bachelor of Business Administration- BBA
Semester 4
Retail Management

Q.1 Discuss the various stages involved in consumer decision making process. What are the different kinds of market?
Explanation of various stages              6
Different types of Market                    4
Consumer Decision Making Process -
The consumer’s decision making process is the way in which people gather and assess information and make choices among alternative goods, services, organisations, people, places, and ideas. It consists of the process itself and factors affecting the process. The consumer

Q.2 What are the various general factors that influence the selection of a retail location? Discuss.
Explaining factors influencing the selection of a retail location        10
There are several general factors that influence the selection of the retail location. They are:

Type of goods: The type of goods to be sold is a major factor which helps while considering the location decision. For instance, convenience goods require easy access of shops, allowing the customer

Q.3 Write a short note on the following:
a) Inventory Management             5
b) E- Tailing                                    5
Inventory management -

Retail inventory management is the process and methods used to keep track of the stock in a retail business. These methods control everything from ordering, shipping, receiving, tracking inventory, retail turn-over, and storage. Retail inventory management can help keep a business’ profits at a

Complete Smu assignments available in rs 125 per assignment only
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