Tuesday, 4 December 2018

smu mba 3 sem MK fall 2018 solved assignment jan/feb 2019 exam

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FALL 2018
Master of Business Administration - MBA
Sales, Distribution and Supply Chain Management
Assignment Set -1
Q.1 What are the various steps involved in personal selling process?
Steps involved in personal selling process        10
Steps involved in personal selling process-
Step 1 Prospecting: This is the first step in the personal selling process and involves potential clients who might require the product and who also have the means to purchase the product offered being shortlisted. The process, in a large number of industries, involves cold calling, i.e., the practice of physically or telephonically calling a potential customer and ascertaining if a need exists for the

Q.2 What are the various challenges faced by international sales manager?
Challenges                     10
Challenges Faced by International Sales Managers-
Doing business globally always has been a tedious task for the organizations. When an organization faces several legal, ethical, employees related and other issues in its day to day routine which

Q.3 Write Short notes on:
Maslow’s theory of hierarchy of needs      5
McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y             5
Maslow's Theory of Hierarchy of Needs-
Abraham Maslow, a psychologist by profession, enunciated one of the most quoted theories of motivation. According to Maslow, the needs of human beings can be categorized into a hierarchy, starting from the lowest (or most basic needs for survival) and ascending to the highest level. According to him, human beings get motivated only when these needs are fulfilled from the lowest to the

Assignment Set -2

Q.1 Define Marketing Channels. What are the various functions of Marketing Channels?
Definition                     3
Various functions       7
Marketing Channels-
Marketing channels ensure availability of goods and services to customers at locations suitable for procurement. While

Q.2 Write short notes on:
Internal Supply Chains        5
External supply Chains        5
Internal Supply Chains-
The flows of the supply chain that occur within the individual organization are called the internal supply chain. The first step in moving towards supply chain management is to develop these internal chains. Given the multidivisional, international organizational structures found in many businesses, internal supply chains can be quite complex. In transnational companies that have globalized operations, the

Q.3 What do you mean by Procurement Cycle? Explain the main steps in Procurement Cycle.
Procurement Cycle                       3
Steps in procurement cycle        7
Procurement Cycle -                     
To define procurement broadly, ‘Procurement’ is the overarching function that describes the activities and processes to acquire goods and services. Importantly, and distinct from ‘purchasing’, procurement involves the activities involved in establishing fundamental requirements, sourcing

Complete Smu assignments available in rs 125 per assignment only
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Complete Smu assignments available in rs 125 per assignment only
You can mail us your questions computeroperator4@gmail.com within 1 min to 1 hour will revert you. Otherwise you can call us on 08791490301, 08273413412. If your questions not match with assignment, don’t worry we will provide by mail according to your questions

FALL 2018
Master of Business Administration - MBA
Consumer Behaviour
Assignment Set -1
Q.1 What are the various bases used for positioning according to Crawford?
Bases used for positioning                10
Bases used for positioning according to Crawford-
Features refer to objective physical or performance characteristics and are often used to differentiate products. For example, Amazon.com has a unique “I-click” ordering facility. Some automobiles claim “Zero to

Q.2 What do you mean by Brand Personality? Explain various dimensions of personality of a brand.
Brand Personality                     3
Dimensions                                7
Brand Personality-
Consumers tend to attribute various descriptive “personality-like” traits or characteristics to different brands that signify the constituents of brand personality. Consumers also link personality factors to specific colours and in some cases products and brands are linked to certain colours with

Q.3 Write Short notes on:
i. Barriers to adoption of Innovation.
ii. Any four factors affecting diffusion of innovation
Barriers to adoption of innovation                        5
Factors affecting diffusion of innovation                    5
Barriers to adoption of innovation-
Most of the above mentioned factors could cause consumers to reject an innovation. However, S Ram and Jagdish N Sheth have mentioned three of the above mentioned as major factors that inhibit adoption of

Assignment Set -2

Q.1 Explain the factors that inhibit relationship between Beliefs, Feelings and Behaviour.     3
Factors that inhibit relationship between Beliefs, Feelings and Behaviour                                    7
Factors That Inhibit Relationship between Beliefs, Feelingsand Behaviour-

·         Lack of consumer involvement – A favourable attitude requires a need or motive before it can be translated into action. Also, attitudes are less likely to influence behaviour for low-involvement

Q.2 Write short notes on:
Early adopters              5      
Early majority                 5
Early adopters-
·         They represent, on an average, the next 13.5 percent who adopt the new product.
·         They admire a technologically new product not so much for its features as for its abilities to create a

Q.3 Illustrate the classification of Cultural Values.
Classification of Cultural Values          10
Classification of cultural values-

In individualist cultures, goals of individuals take precedence over group goals (emphasis on individual initiative) while in collectivist cultures goals of the group take precedence ovr individual goals (emphasis on cooperation and conformity to a group). G Hofstede’s study shows that the US, Canada

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Complete Smu assignments available in rs 125 per assignment only
You can mail us your questions computeroperator4@gmail.com within 1 min to 1 hour will revert you. Otherwise you can call us on 08791490301, 08273413412. If your questions not match with assignment, don’t worry we will provide by mail according to your questions

FALL 2018
Masters of Business Administration - MBA
Q.1 Explains the difference between Organized and Unorganized retailing in India.
Organized Retailing            5
Unorganized Retailing       5 
Organised retail –  Includes retailers who operate their business as a professionally managed commercial entity. They have professionally managers running the business, and maintain proper account books as per standards. Examples of organized retailers include Big Bazaar, Star Bazaar. Organized retail in

Q.2 Detail the importance of Market Segmentation in Retail
Importance of Market Segmentation in Retail           10
Importance of Market Segmentation in Retail-
A market segment is a portion of a larger market in which the individuals, groups, or organisations share one or more characteristics that cause them to have relatively similar product needs. Segmentation studies are used to uncover needs and wants of specific groups of consumers for whom

Q.3 Explain Michael Porter’s five basic competitive forces
Michael Porter’s five basic competitive forces            10
Michael Porter suggests that there are five basic competitive forces, which influence the state of competition in an industry. He calls the ‘structural determinants of the intensity of competition’, which collectively determine the profit potential of the industry as a whole. Some industries have a bigger profit potential than others, since keener competition means lower profits. These five competitive forces are


Q.1 Define activities of a Merchandiser
Activities of a Merchandiser           10
Activities of a Merchandiser-

Retail merchandising refers to the various activities which contribute to the sale of products to the consumers for their end use. Every retail store has its own line of merchandise to offer to the customers. The

Q.2 Explain upcoming tools of IMC
Upcoming tools of IMC           10
Upcoming tools of IMC  -        
Event management and sponsoring events-
Event management is the application of the management techniques of project management to the creation of events. Event management involves studying the intricacies of the brand, identifying the target audience, devising the event concept, planning the logistics and coordinating the technical aspects before actually executing the modalities of the proposed event. From product launches to

Q.3 Discuss the components of CRM
Components of CRM                     10
Components of CRM-
Operational CRM: Operational CRM supports the various processes of a business such as marketing, sales and service. A

Complete Smu assignments available in rs 125 per assignment only
You can mail us your questions computeroperator4@gmail.com within 1 min to 1 hour will revert you. Otherwise you can call us on 08791490301, 08273413412. If your questions not match with assignment, don’t worry we will provide by mail according to your questions

Complete Smu assignments available in rs 125 per assignment only
You can mail us your questions computeroperator4@gmail.com within 1 min to 1 hour will revert you. Otherwise you can call us on 08791490301, 08273413412. If your questions not match with assignment, don’t worry we will provide by mail according to your questions

FALL 2018
MKT304-Marketing Research

Q.1 Explain the types of data collection methods and the components of research Paper
Data collection methods                 5
Components of research Paper     5
Data Collection Methods-
After deciding the research design, the investigator chooses methods for data collection. The selection of a research design depends on the purposes of the study. If a marketer needs descriptive information, then a quantitative research study is called for, but if the purpose is to generate new ideas, then a qualitative study is appropriate. Some of the commonly used qualitative and quantitative

Q.2 Explain the meaning and nature of secondary data and elaborate on the advantages and drawbacks of secondary data.
Meaning and Nature      2
Advantages                     4
Drawbacks                      4
Meaning and Nature of Secondary Data-
Secondary data is that data which have already been collected for purposes other than the problem at hand. It is collected by some other persons or agencies. In other words, the first hand data collected by a person or an agency, if used by another becomes secondary data for another. With the help

Q.3 Explain comparative scales and its types
Explanation of the meaning                2
Explanation of types                            8
Explanation of the meaning -              
Managers are generally interested in knowing consumer preference regarding their brand in comparison to a competitor’s brand and ask the consumer to rank different brands in the order of preference. There

Q.1 Explain style and layout of a report
Style of a report        5
layout of a report     5
Style of the report-
Remember that reader of the report:
·         is busy and is short of time;
·         is not an expert and is not knowledgeable about 'research jargon'
·         has many other

Q.2 Analyse the steps involved in hypothesis testing.      10
Steps Involved in Hypothesis Testing-
Various steps involved in hypothesis testing, which are explained below-

1. Setting-up of hypothesis: The first step is to set up the decision making process. This involves specifying the null hypothesis (H0) and the alternative hypothesis (H).

Q.3 Write short notes on:
a) Internal report system                          2.5
b) Marketing intelligence system             2.5
c) Marketing research system                  2.5
d) Geographic Information System         2.5
Internal report system-
This system provides the information collected from internal database of the company which helps in evaluating the

Complete Smu assignments available in rs 125 per assignment only
You can mail us your questions computeroperator4@gmail.com within 1 min to 1 hour will revert you. Otherwise you can call us on 08791490301, 08273413412. If your questions not match with assignment, don’t worry we will provide by mail according to your questions

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