Tuesday, 4 December 2018

smu mba 4 sem HR fall 2018 solved assignment jan/feb 2019 exam

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FALL 2018
Master of Business Administration- MBA
Semester 4
HRM401 –Compensation and Benefits
Q.1 Define the concept of Compensation Management. Discuss the 3- P concept of Compensation Management.
Definition of Compensation Management       4
Explain the 3- P concept                                        6
Compensation Management-
According to Stephen P. Robbins, Davis A DeCenzo, Robin Stuart-Kotze and Eileen B. Stewart, the authors of “Fundamentals of Management”, “Compensation management is a process of determining cost-effective pay structure designed to attract and retain the employees, provide an

Q.2 Discuss time rated payment system in detail. What are the various limitations of Job related Compensation?
Definition of time rated payment system                                                 5
Explain the various limitations of Job related Compensation                5
Time rated payment system-

 It is the most profitable, convenient and simple payment system where the output per worker is not measurable. In this system, the employees are paid according to the work done during a certain period of time, i

Q.3 Define Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP). What are its objectives? Explain the types of ESOP.
Definition of ESOP     1
Objectives of ESOP     3
Types of ESOP             6
Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP)/Equity incentives-
ESOP is an option plan which is given to the employees by their company as a form of compensation or

Q.1 What are the various external and internal factors that needs to be considered while formulating compensation strategy? Write a short note on compensation policy?
External and internal factors                                  8
Definition of Compensation Management         2
External and internal factors -                                
Designing compensation strategies involves determination of the hierarchy of grades, formulating a co

Q.2 Define Performance Management in detail. Discuss the various objectives of Performance Management.
Definition of Performance Management                                                     4
Explain the various objectives of Performance Management                 6
Performance Management
Beer and Ruh, who first coined the phrase performance management in the year 1976, define it as the process of evolving an organisation wide process for improving employees’ performance and linking it with organisation’s goals and objectives. It refers to the following set of

Q.3 What are the various factors that affect reward management policy in service sector?   
various factors that affect reward management policy       10
Reward management policy and practice are subject to a number of influences. As summarized below, these consist of contextual factors arising from the internal and external environment and conceptual factors relating to theories and beliefs about strategic management,

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Complete Smu assignments available in rs 125 per assignment only
You can mail us your questions computeroperator4@gmail.com within 1 min to 1 hour will revert you. Otherwise you can call us on 08791490301, 08273413412. If your questions not match with assignment, don’t worry we will provide by mail according to your questions

FALL 2018
Master of Business Administration- MBA
Semester 4
HRM402 – Performance Management and Appraisal

Q.1 List the aims of performance management.
Explaining aims of performance management                          10
Aims of Performance Management-

To measure goal achievement: Overall evaluation of a company and its ability to set and reach goals is critical for success. While several external factors such as economy, demand, etc, may affect the organisational performance, we should acknowledge that goal achievement is more related to effective employee performance. Hence goals such as enhancing market share,

Q.2 Discuss the key components/contents of performance agreement.
key components/contents of performance agreement                                10
key components/contents of performance agreement -
The output of performance planning is a performance agreement, which is based on the joint discussion (Performance Dialogue discussed in previous unit) and agreement of expectations. Performance

Q.3 What are the major characteristics of performance appraisal? Discuss the various levels of performance feedback.
Explain the characteristics of Performance Appraisal      5
Explain the various levels of performance feedback         5
Characteristics of Performance Appraisal-

Some companies recognise the need to render employee feedback regarding performance. One of the methods of providing performance feedback is through a performance appraisal. Organisations that conduct performance appraisals may have written policies in place that refer to time


Q.1 Define the concept of 360- Degree appraisal. The 360- Degree appraisal has four essential components. What are they?
Definition of 360- Degree appraisal                                         2
Explaining essential components of 360- Degree appraisal    8
360- Degree appraisal  -         
In 360-degree appraisal, the feedback about an employee’s performance comes from all the sources. The number (360) indicates all-round appraisal. While 180-degree refers to top-down and bottom-up

Q.2 What do you understand by Virtual team? What are its types?
Definition of Virtual team                           2
Explaining six types of Virtual team          8
Definition of Virtual Team-
Virtual teams are the group of individuals spread across different time zones, cultures, languages or, ethnicities which are united by a common goal. According to Powell, Piccoli and Ives, virtual team is defined ‘as groups of geographically, organizationally and/or time dispersed workers brought together by information and telecommunication technologies to accomplish one or

Q.3 Discuss the process of automating Performance Management in detail.
Explain the process of automating PM                           10
Process of automating PM-                          

The automation process and its implications are discussed below:

·         Understand the organisational context, underlying business drivers and broader organisational culture. Such knowledge is critical when identifying key design principles and

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Complete Smu assignments available in rs 125 per assignment only
You can mail us your questions computeroperator4@gmail.com within 1 min to 1 hour will revert you. Otherwise you can call us on 08791490301, 08273413412. If your questions not match with assignment, don’t worry we will provide by mail according to your questions

FALL 2018
Master of Business Administration- MBA
Semester 4
HRM403 – Talent Management

Q.1 Describe the key elements of Talent Management System.
Explaining key elements of Talent Management System       10
Key Elements of Talent Management System-
Talent management practices and techniques have evolved over time in response to a changing workplace. The most effective talent management processes are organisation-specific and react to an organisation’s distinctive business and human capital framework. Talent management includes a range of interdependent processes and procedures that need to be properly integrated. The organisation will not achieve the desired level of human capital performance if talent

Q.2 Discuss the five steps involved in Strategic Talent Planning.
Explaining the steps involved in Strategic Talent Planning     10
Steps in Strategic Talent Planning-
The five key steps in strategic talent planning2 include:
1. Planning workforce
2. Imaging and branding
3. Sourcing methods
4. Screening and assessing candidates
5. Marketing and

Q.3 List the new concepts of modern recruitment methods.
New concepts of modern recruitment methods      10
Concepts in Modern Recruitment Methods
The following are some of the concepts in modern recruitment methods:

Scouting: Scouting


Q.1 What are the main strategies adopted by an organisation to improve employee retention?
strategies adopted for employee retention       10
Top strategies to improve employee retention
It is evident that turnover is expensive. According to the recent survey done, it is found that the average expense to substitute a leaving employee is additional 30 percent of that employee's salary. The full amount includes expenses incurred while the position is vacant, for example, overtime expenses for other employees or the expense of hiring temporary employees; the expenses associated with identifying and choosing a substitute employee (including

Q.2 Write short notes on:
a) Training Manager 
b) Business process re-engineering
Definition of Training manager                             5
Definition of Business process re-engineering       5
a) Definition of Training manager-
In small organisations the HR personnel, managers and directors may have overlapping responsibilities, whereas in larger organisations the HR personnel, managers and directors may have clearly

Q.3 Discuss some of the challenges of Talent Management.
challenges of Talent Management        10
challenges of Talent Management   -    
Some of the post-recession challenges faced by Talent Management are given below:

HR may be caught off guard
Although this is great

Complete Smu assignments available in rs 125 per assignment only
You can mail us your questions computeroperator4@gmail.com within 1 min to 1 hour will revert you. Otherwise you can call us on 08791490301, 08273413412. If your questions not match with assignment, don’t worry we will provide by mail according to your questions

Complete Smu assignments available in rs 125 per assignment only
You can mail us your questions computeroperator4@gmail.com within 1 min to 1 hour will revert you. Otherwise you can call us on 08791490301, 08273413412. If your questions not match with assignment, don’t worry we will provide by mail according to your questions

FALL 2018
Master of Business Administration- MBA
Semester 4
HRM404 – Change Management

Q.1 Explain the different perspectives of Organisational change.
Explaining different perspectives of Organisational change   10
Perspectives of Organizational Change-
Organizational change has been studied from multiple perspectives at micro and macro levels. It is one of the many perennial issues in organization and management theory. We can broadly study

Q.2 Kinicki and Kreitner have suggested six change approach to deal with resistance to change. What are they? Discuss.
Explaining six change approach           10
Six change approach to deal with resistance to change-

Education and communication
One of the ways to overcome resistance when there is lack of communication is to educate and communicate

Q.3 What are the various factors that affect the choice of a change strategy?
Explaining various factors that affect the choice of a change strategy     10
Factors Affecting the Choice of a Change Strategy-
A number of factors need to be considered while choosing a proper change strategy. A mix of strategies can be adopted depending upon a number of factors.
These basic factors are:

(i)                 Urgency of the need for change: Quick change strategies should be chosen, if the situation demands affecting the change in a short time. A suitable strategy can be chosen and employed based

Q.1 Discuss the characteristics of a feedback process. List the key features of Kaizen approach.
Explaining characteristics of a feedback process     5
Explaining key features of Kaizen approach             5
Following are the characteristics of a feedback process-

(i) Motivation to work upon feedback data
In order to obtain maximum benefits of the feedback, individuals in an organization should proceed to work on it without delay. Individuals should be given the autonomy to express their concerns on the

Q.2 Name the steps at which control takes place in a change management process?
Explaining the steps at which control takes place in a change management process   10
Steps at which control takes place in a change management process-
Step l: Preparation for change
As a first step, in the preparation stage, the change manager has to focus on the following aspects
(a)    The required

Q.3 What are the various advantages of being a Learning Organisation? Briefly discuss.
Explaining various advantages of being a Learning Organisation       10
Various advantages of being a Learning Organisation -     
·         In our current fast-paced and high-tech age, information is a key asset for most companies. Among hig

Complete Smu assignments available in rs 125 per assignment only
You can mail us your questions computeroperator4@gmail.com within 1 min to 1 hour will revert you. Otherwise you can call us on 08791490301, 08273413412. If your questions not match with assignment, don’t worry we will provide by mail according to your questions

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