Friday, 21 December 2018

smu M.Sc IT 2 sem fall 2018 solved assignment jan/feb 2019 exam

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PROGRAM - Master of Science in Information Technology (MSc IT)

Assignment Set - 1 Questions
Q1. Explain operating system as extended machine.
The architecture (instruction set, memory organization, I/O, and bus structure) of most computers at the machine language level is primitive and awkward to program, especially for input/output. To make this point more concrete, consider how

Q2 Explain the priority CPU scheduling algorithm using suitable example. Discuss the disadvantages of this algorithm.
Priority Based Scheduling
·        Priority scheduling is a non-preemptive algorithm and one of the most common scheduling algorithms in batch systems.
·        Each process is

Q3 Explain Interprocess Communication. 10
Communication of co-operating processes’ shared-memory environment requires that these processes share a common buffer pool, and that the code for implementing the buffer be explicitly written by the application programmer. Another

Assignment Set - 2 Questions

Q1. Describe the following:
a) Centralized processing
b) Distributed processing
a) Centralized processing
Processing performed in one computer or in a cluster of coupled computers in a single location. Access to the computer is via "dumb terminals," which send only input and receive output or "smart terminals," which add screen formatting. All data processing is

Q2 Compare Daisy chain bus arbitration and Priority encoded bus arbitration. 5+5 10
Daisy chain arbitration:
Here, the requesting device or devices assert the signal bus_request. The bus arbiter returns the bus_grant signal, which passes through each of the devices which can have access to the bus, as shown in figure below. Here,

Q3 Mention and explain types of multiprocessor operating systems.
Three basic types of multiprocessor operating systems are:
ü  Separate supervisors
ü  Master /

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Complete Smu assignments available in rs 125 per assignment only
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Fall 2018
Master of Science in Information Technology(MSc IT)
MIT207– Data Base Management System(DBMS)

Assignment Set - 1

1 Describe different types of attribute with reference to E-R model using suitable example.
Answer: The entity-relationship (E-R) data model based on a perception of real world that consists of a set of basic objects called entities, and of relationships among these objects. It was developed to facilitate database design by allowing the specification of an enterprise schema, which represents the overall logical

2. Explain various performance measures of disks.

The main measures of the qualities of a disk are capacityaccess timedata transfer rate, and reliability,
  1. access time: the time from when a read or write request is issued to when data transfer begins. To access data on a given sector of a disk, the arm first must move so that it is positioned over the

3 Define catalog. What information is stored in the system catalogs?
Answer: A fundamental property of a database system is that it maintains a description of all the data that it contains. A relational DBMS maintains information about every relation and index that it contains. The DBMS also maintains information about views, for which no tuples are stored explicitly; rather, a definition of

Assignment Set - 2

1 Explain the following normal forms:
(a) 4 NF
(b) 5 NF

·         A table is in the 4NF if it is in BCNF and has no multivalued dependencies.
·         The multi-valued dependency X ->Y holds in a relation R if whenever we have two tuples of R that agree

2 Mention and describe the basic operations of Relational algebra.
These are basic operator of relational algebra:
·         Union (È)
·         Difference ( - )
·         Intersection (Ç)
·         Cartesian Product (x)

Union (È)
If we assume that P and Q are two union-compatible relations, then the union of P and Q is set-theoretic union of P and Q.
The resultant

3 Describe the advantages and drawbacks of data distribution.

Answer: Benefits of Data Distribution
Data sharing and Distributed Control: If a number of different sites are connected to each other, then a user at one site may be able to access data that is available at another site. For example, in the distributed

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Complete Smu assignments available in rs 125 per assignment only
You can mail us your questions within 1 min to 1 hour will revert you. Otherwise you can call us on 08791490301, 08273413412. If your questions not match with assignment, don’t worry we will provide by mail according to your questions

Fall 2018
Master of Science in Information Technology(MSc IT)

Assignment Set - 1

1. List the methodologies used for analyzing algorithms. Explain Pseudocode methodology.
methodologies used for analyzing algorithms
·         DSA - Sorting Algorithms.
·         DSA - Bubble Sort.

2 Explain the types of basic efficiency classes with suitable examples.

Answer: Even though the efficiency analysis framework puts together all the functions whose orders of growth differ by a constant multiple, there are still infinitely many such classes. (For example, the exponential functions an have different orders of growth for different values of base a.)

3 Discuss the procedure to perform Quicksort using suitable example.
Answer: Merge sort is a sorting technique based on divide and conquers technique. With worst-case time complexity being Ο(n log n), it is one of the most respected algorithms. While comparing two sublists for merging, the first element of both lists is taken into consideration. While sorting in ascending order,

Assignment Set - 2

1. Explain the two types of collision resolution in hashing.

Hashing Function:

A function which employs some algorithm to computes the key K for all the data elements in the set U, such that the key  which is of a fixed size.  The same key K can be used to map data to a hash table and all the operations like insertion,deletion and searching should be possible.  The values

2 What is principle of optimality? Explain the Knapsack problem with suitable example.
Answer: The principle of optimality states that an optimal sequence of decisions has the property that whatever the initial state and decision are, the remaining decisions must constitute an

3 Explain an approximation Algorithms for NP – Hard problems.
Answer: Combinatorial optimization problems lie within a finite but huge feasible region. In this section, we focus on finding approximation algorithms for optimization problems that are NP-Hard.

Underlying principles
An NP-Hard

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Complete Smu assignments available in rs 125 per assignment only
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Fall 2018
Master of Science in Information Technology(MSc IT)
MIT209– Data Communication and Networking

Assignment Set - 1

1. What is attenuation distortion? Explain the issues of attenuation distortion.
A signal transmitted over a voice channel suffers various forms of distortion. That is, the output signal from the channel is distorted in some manner such that it is not an exact replica of the input. One form of distortion is called attenuation distortion and is the result of imperfect amplitude-frequency response. Attenuation distortion can be avoided if all frequencies within the passband are

2 Write short note on the following:
a) Character stuffing
b) bit stuffing

Answer: a) Character stuffing
This method gets around the problem of synchronization after an error by having each frame start and end with special bytes. This method operates on bytes. The special bytes are reserved characters to indicate the start and end of a frame. A serious problem occurs when binary data like

3 Explain CSMA/CD protocol with suitable diagrams.

Answer: CSMA/CD Protocol
In computer networking, Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) is a network control protocol in which a carrier sensing scheme is used. A transmitting data station that detects another signal while transmitting a frame, stops transmitting that frame, transmits a jam signal,

Assignment Set - 2

1. Explain selective repeat automatic repeat request using an example.
Go-Back-N ARQ simplifies the process at the receiver site. The receiver keeps track of only one variable, and there is no need to buffer out-of-order frames; they are simply discarded. However, this

2. What is meant by UDP protocol? Explain UDP packet structure.
The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is a transport layer protocol defined for use with the IP network layer protocol. It is defined by RFC 768 written by John Postel. It provides a best-effort datagram service to an End System (IP host).
The service provided by UDP is an unreliable service that provides no guarantees for delivery and no

3 List and explain the various operations and responses with reference to Telnet protocol.

Answer: There are four modes of operation for most Telnet clients and servers.
1.      Half-duplex: This is the default mode, but rarely used today . The default NVT is a half duplex device that requires a GO AHEAD (GA) from the server before accepting user input. The user input is echoed

Complete Smu assignments available in rs 125 per assignment only
You can mail us your questions within 1 min to 1 hour will revert you. Otherwise you can call us on 08791490301, 08273413412. If your questions not match with assignment, don’t worry we will provide by mail according to your questions

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