Friday, 21 December 2018

smu BCA 4 sem fall 2018 solved assignment jan/feb 2019 exam

Complete Smu assignments available in rs 125 per assignment only
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FALL 2018
Bachelor of Computer Application - BCA

Assignment Set -1

Q.1 Describe functions of the physical layer and data link layer of OSI model.  [5+5] 10
Physical Layer - OSI Reference Model -
Physical layer is the lowest layer of the OSI reference model. It is responsible for sending bits from one computer to another. This layer is not concerned with the meaning of the bits and deals with the setup of

Q.2 Explain how Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) method detects error.  10
Answer- For certain applications, verifying the integrity of the data you’re sending and receiving can be very important. Because of this, the qik has optional 7-bit cyclic redundancy checking, which is

Q.3 Explain byte stuffing and bit of Framing stuffing. [5+5] 10
Bit stuffing -
·         Allows frame to contain arbitrary number of bits and arbitrary character size. The frames are separated by separating flag.
·         Each frame begins and ends with a special bit pattern, 01111110 called a flag byte. When five

Assignment Set -2
Q.1 Explain Socket. How can you use it for connection?   [5+5] 10
Sockets -
Sockets are application program interfaces, provide communication interface. The transport layer protocols need IP address and port number at the sending and receiving hosts to make a connection. The combination of an

Q.2 Write short notes on : (i) Choke packets (ii) Explicit Congestion Notification.   [5+5] 10
Choke Packets -
Routers can monitor the level of congestion around them, and when congestion is present, they can send choke packets to the sender that say ``slow down''. How can an router measure congestion? An router might estimate

Q.3 Explain the working mechanism of SMTP in brief.   10
Working mechanism of SMTP -
The basic Internet mail protocols provide mail (note) and message exchange between TCP/IP hosts, but generally require that data be represented as 7-bit ASCII text. Because this can be restrictive, facilities have been added for the transmission of data that cannot be represented in this manner. Originally, there were three

Complete Smu assignments available in rs 125 per assignment only
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Complete Smu assignments available in rs 125 per assignment only
You can mail us your questions within 1 min to 1 hour will revert you. Otherwise you can call us on 08791490301, 08273413412. If your questions not match with assignment, don’t worry we will provide by mail according to your questions

FALL 2018
Bachelor of Computer Application – BCA
BCA412 – Java Programming

Assignment Set -1
Q.1 What do you mean by Class and Object in Java Programming? Explain briefly. [5+5] 10
Java is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language. Java is an object-oriented programming language. It allows you to divide complex problems into smaller sets by creating objects.
Java Class -
Before you create objects in Java, you need to define a class. A class is a blueprint for the object. We can think of class as a sketch (prototype) of a house. It contains all the details about the floors, doors,

Q.2 Write down the various Primitive Data Types in Java with its size/format (bits) along with description and range.   10
The eight primitive data types in Java are:
·         boolean, the type whose values are either true or false
·         char, the

Q.3 How is switch statement useful in Java? Write down the syntax for switch statement in Java program.    10
Switch Statement in Java -
The switch statement is a multi-way branch statement. It provides an easy way to dispatch execution to different parts of code based on the value of the expression. Basically, the expression can be byte,

Assignment Set -2
Q.1 What are the various components of events in event-oriented programming? Explain in brief.     10
A change in state that is meaningful in a business process. For example, placement of a purchase order is a meaningful event, because the order fulfillment center expects to receive a notification before

Q.2 What is Assertion in Java? Write down syntax for assert statement and its working.   [3 +3+4]  10
Assertion in Java-
Assertion is a statement in java. It can be used to test your assumptions about the program. While executing assertion, it is believed to be true. If it fails, JVM will throw an error named

Q.3 What is JavaFX? Describe any four packages of JavaFX briefly. [2+2x4] 10
JavaFX -
JavaFX is a set of graphics and media packages that enables developers to design, create, test, debug, and deploy rich client applications that operate consistently across diverse platforms. Written as a Java API, JavaFX application code can reference APIs from any Java library. For example, JavaFX applications can use Java API libraries to access native system capabilities and connect to

Complete Smu assignments available in rs 125 per assignment only
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Complete Smu assignments available in rs 125 per assignment only
You can mail us your questions within 1 min to 1 hour will revert you. Otherwise you can call us on 08791490301, 08273413412. If your questions not match with assignment, don’t worry we will provide by mail according to your questions

FALL 2018
Bachelor of Computer Application – BCA

Assignment Set -1
Q.1 Write brief description on any five pin of 8086 in minimum mode.  10
Answer-  Pin Diagram of 8086

Q.2 Write down the steps of Instruction execution cycle and program interpretation cycle.  10
Instruction execution cycle consisting of following steps:

The interpreter reads the source program and stores it in memory. During interpretation, it reads a statement, determines its meaning and performs actions which implement it. This includes computational and

Q.3 Write down any three advantages and disadvantages of coding in assembly language.  10
Assembly language
Assembly language is an improvement over machine language. Similar to machine language, assembly language also interacts directly with the hardware. Instead of using raw binary sequence to represent an instruction set, assembly language uses mnemonics. Mnemonics gave relief

Assignment Set -2

Q.1 Write short description on any 5 text editors.   10
Text Editors -
        i.            Sublime Text
Cross-platform and feature packed, Sublime Text was a crowd favorite in the call for contenders thread, partially because of its amazing feature-set. Plug-ins and add-ons are available for specific programming languages and uses in Sublime Text, the app features extremely powerful search and go-to features, tons of keyboard commands to help you never have to

Q2. Write short notes on : (i) Character devices (ii) Block devices    10

I .Character devices -

A character (char) device is classified on the basis that it can be accessed as a stream of bytes (like a file). This type of driver usually implements at least the open, close, read, and write system calls. As an example, text console (/dev/console) and the serial ports (/dev/ttyS0) are well represented by the stream abstraction

Q.3 Write down any five benefits of UPnP based devices.    10

Benefits of UPnP technology -

UPnP is media and device independence. UPnP technology can run on any network technology using any communications media including Radio Frequency (RF, wireless), phone line, power line, IrDA,

Complete Smu assignments available in rs 125 per assignment only
You can mail us your questions within 1 min to 1 hour will revert you. Otherwise you can call us on 08791490301, 08273413412. If your questions not match with assignment, don’t worry we will provide by mail according to your questions

                        Complete Smu assignments available in rs 125 per assignment only
                        You can mail us your questions within 1 min to 1 hour will revert you. Otherwise you can call us on 08791490301, 08273413412. If your questions not match with assignment, don’t worry we will provide by mail according to your questions

BCA 4th  Semester
BCA 414

Accounting and Financial Management


Q1. Define Accounting . Briefly explain the “Entity concepts” and “Money Measurement Concept” of accounting
Accounting is an important endeavor . Accounting was first practiced and then theorized. Accounting concepts and

Q2. What is rectification of error ? List and explain the stages where the errors are deducted for rectification.
Errors and their Rectification
Rectification of errors may be define as correction of errors which had been done in the books of accounts of company due to ignorance or not knowing the principles of accounting. Sometime, errors may be due to cheating by accountant or other employees. At that case rectification of errors is so difficult because cheaters try to best to hide the error. At that time, investigation should be done by independent auditor. Rectification of

Q3. Explain the various steps in financial planning.
The financial planning process involves the following steps:
·         Projection of financial statement
·         Determination of funds needed
·         Forecast the availability of funds
·         Establish and maintain control system


Q1. What is inventory management and explain the following
1.      Economic Order quantity
2.      Reorder point
The term ‘inventory’ refers to the stockpile of products. Inventory comprises of those assets which will be sold off in the near future and moneys recovered. Inventory consists of three type of assets – raw materials, semi finished

Q2. Explain the different steps involved in preparation of Fund Flow Statements.
Ans Steps in Preparation of Fund Flow Statement
  1. Preparation of schedule changes in working capital (taking current items only).
  2. Preparation of

Q3.  What is cost ? Discuss the factors involved in estimating the cost
Ans.   Accounting records and financial statements prepared on the basis of accounting records do not provide all the information required by managers of a business. Organizations have to maintain many other types of records . One such record is cost record. Cost records provide cost data to managers. What is the meaning of cost,

Complete Smu assignments available in rs 125 per assignment only
You can mail us your questions within 1 min to 1 hour will revert you. Otherwise you can call us on 08791490301, 08273413412. If your questions not match with assignment, don’t worry we will provide by mail according to your questions

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