Tuesday, 24 June 2014

bba105 smu bba spring 2014 jul/aug exam assignment Ist sem

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BK ID-B1501
Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.
a. Determine the decimal equivalent of the given number (38.36)8
b. determine the decimal equivalent of the given number (511)16
(Decimal to octal conversion- formula, Calculations, Decimal to hexadecimal conversion- formula, Calculations) 2, 3, 2, 3
Octal to Decimal
In order to obtain decimal equivalent of the given octal number, you should multiply each digit of the octal number by its weighted position, and each weighted values is added together to get the decimal

Q2. Invite a set of friends for your wedding through email because you do not have enough of time to go and personally invite. How do you invite them with one personal mail?
(Mail merge steps, Example and list the friends to send the invitation) 5, 5
Mail merge steps
The mail merge wizard provides the easiest method for creating a mail merge. It provides step by step instruction to users.
·         To start mail merge wizard, Click on Mailings tab> Start mail Merge (subheading).
·         Click on Start Mail Merge icon and from the drop down menu select Step by Step Mail Merge

a. What is a Macro?
b. How do you create Macro?
(Explaining Macro, Describing how to create Macro with the help of drawing dialog boxes) 2, 8
a)      Macro
A macro is a series of Word and Excel commands and instructions that you group together as a single command to accomplish a task automatically.  If you perform a task repeatedly in Microsoft Word, you

Get fully solved assignment
100%  trusted website bcoz we use instalment payment
smu mba/bba/bca/mca assignment Spring season (JUL/AUG exam) 2014 sem (I , II , III , IV) in only Rs 700/ sem ( 6 sub) or Rs 125/question paper.
You can pay in 6 instalment of Rs 125-125 if u have any doubt.
For solution-
mail us on computeroperator4@gmail.com with your question subject code or question paper
if urgent then
Call us on 08273413412 , 08791490301 or

web- www.smuassignment.in

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