Tuesday, 17 June 2014

bt0065 smu bsc it spring 2014 jul/aug exam assignment Ist sem

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SUBJECT CODE & NAME: BT0065, C Programming and Data Structures


BK ID: B0949


Q.1: Explain the structure of the C program.
C language statements we need several operators and expressions. The operators have some special meaning and syntax rather grammar, so we should follow that to build any C language statement just as

Q.2: What is recursion? Differentiate between recursion and iteration.

Recursion is a tool to allow the programmer to reach a particular point called the recursion point. It executes from bottom to top approach. It copies the function into the memory number of times. The

Q.3: Define array and explain its need. Write a program to calculate sum and average of the elements stored in an array.
Array is the contiguous allocation of memory having the common name. To identify each element on the array, an index number called subscription is defined. It is numbered from 0 to (n-1) where the array

Q.4: Explain Union. Differentiate between structure and union.


A "union declaration" specifies a set of variable values and, optionally, a tag naming the union. The variable values are called "members" of the union and can have different types. Unions are similar to "variant records" in other languages.

Q.5: What is data structure? Explain abstract data type in brief. Differentiate between linear and nonlinear data structure.


A data structure is the organization of data in a computer's memory or in a file. The proper choice of a data structure can lead to more efficient programs. A data structure is a representation of data and the

Q.6: What is linked list? Explain the advantages of linked lists over array.

A linked list is a self-referential data type because it contains a pointeror link to another datum of the same type. Linked lists permit insertion andremoval of nodes at any point in the list in constant time, but

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100%  trusted website bcoz we use instalment payment
smu mba/bba/bca/mca assignment Spring season (JUL/AUG exam) 2014 sem (I , II , III , IV) in only Rs 700/ sem ( 6 sub) or Rs 125/question paper.
You can pay in 6 instalment of Rs 125-125 if u have any doubt.
For solution-
mail us on computeroperator4@gmail.com with your question subject code or question paper
if urgent then
Call us on 08273413412 , 08791490301 or

web- www.smuassignment.in

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