Tuesday, 24 June 2014

bt0080 smu bsc it spring 2014 jul/aug exam assignment IVth sem

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SUBJECT CODE & NAME- BT0080, Fundamentals of Algorithms


BOOK ID- B1092


Q.1: Define and explain recursion with the help of an example.
This definition suggests the following procedure/ algorithm for computing thefactorial of a natural number n:

Q.2: Describe insertion sort algorithm with the help of an example. Give the complexity of it.

The insertion sort, algorithm for sorting a list L of n numbers represented byan array A [1... n] proceeds by picking up the numbers in the array from leftone by one and each newly picked up number is placed at its relativeposition, w.r.t. the sorting order, among the earlier ordered ones. Theprocess is repeated till



Q.4:State the backtracking strategy. Also define explicit and implicit constraints.

In many applications of the backtrack method, the desired solution is expressible as an ntuple (x1,……..,xn) where the xis are chosen from some finite set isoften the problem to be solved calls for finding one vector that maximizes a criterion function p(x1,....xn). Sometimes it seeks all vectors that

Q.5 Explain lower bound theory and ordered searching.


Lower Boundary Theory:
If f(n) is the time for some algorithm, then we write f(n)= (g(n)) to mean that g(n) is a lower bound for f(n). Formally, this equation can be written if there exist positive constants C and no such that |f(n)| C|g (n)| for all n>no. In addition to developing lower bounds to within a constant factor, we are also

Q.6:Explain trees and subgraphs with examples.

A tree is a connected graph without any circuits. The graph in Fig.A, for instance, is a tree. Trees with one, two, three and four vertices are shown in Fig.B. A graph must have at least one vertex, and therefore
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100%  trusted website bcoz we use instalment payment
smu mba/bba/bca/mca assignment Spring season (JUL/AUG exam) 2014 sem (I , II , III , IV) in only Rs 700/ sem ( 6 sub) or Rs 125/question paper.
You can pay in 6 instalment of Rs 125-125 if u have any doubt.
For solution-
mail us on computeroperator4@gmail.com with your question subject code or question paper
if urgent then
Call us on 08273413412 , 08791490301 or

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