Tuesday, 24 October 2017

bba304 smu bba summer 2017 (oct/nov 2017 exam) IIIrd sem assignment

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Bachelor of Business Administration - BBA
Advertising and Sales

1- Explain Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC). Explain the role of IMC in an Organisation.
Explain Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC).
Explain the role of IMC in an Organisation.

Answer: Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)
“IMC is a strategic business process used to develop, execute, and evaluate coordinated,

2- What are the various criteria that are considered in the development and implementation of media plans?
Explain the various criteria that are considered in the development and implementation of media plans.

Answer: The following criteria are considered in the development and implementation of media plans:
Media mix
One of the

3- What do you mean by Broadcast Media? What are the various advantages of Radio as an advertising medium?
Explain Broadcast Media.
Explain various advantages of Radio as an advertising medium.

Answer: Broadcast Media
The term broadcast was first adopted by early radio engineers from the Midwestern United States, treating broadcast sowing as a metaphor for the dispersal inherent in Omni directional radio signals

4- Define Sales Promotion. What are the various important reasons for the growth of sales promotion?
Definition of Sales Promotion.
Explain various reasons for the growth of sales promotion.

Answer: Sales promotion is defined as “a direct inducement that offers an extra value or incentive for the product to the sales force, distributors or the ultimate consumer with the primary objective of creating

5- Write Short Notes on AIDAS Model and Customer Delight
Customer Delight

Answer: AIDAS model
The traditional conceptual model for creating any advertising or marketing communication message is the AIDA Model - get Attention, hold Interest, arouse Desire and then obtain Action. AIDA is a simple

6- What do you mean by Sales force? What are the four basic types of sales organisation structure?
Explain Sales force.
Explain the four basic types of sales organisation structure

Answer: Sales Force is the term used for the division of a business that is responsible for selling products or services. Sales force means persons responsible for selling products or services via direct contact

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