Saturday, 2 July 2016

bca6011 smu bca spring 2016 (jul/aug 2016 exam) VIth sem assignment

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Qus:1 With a Sample program demonstrate the use of (i) Unordered or bulleted list (ii) Ordered list (iii) Definition list
(i) Unordered or bulleted list:
This type of list is used for list of items in which the ordering is not specific. Generally a browser adds a bullet for each item and indents the list. A bullet may be a square, an arrow, a filled circle or an

Qus:2 List any five features for which XML is popular and explain it in brief.
5 Features for which XML is Popular:
Some popular features of XML are:
·         Easy Data Exchange
·         Customizing markup language
·         Self describing data
·         Structured and

Qus:3 Define the set of legal codes as defined by SOAP for finding fault.
Set of Legal Codes as defined by SOAP for finding fault:
The fault code is the first place to look, since it tells you in a general sense what the problem was. Fault codes are QNames, and SOAP defines the set of legal codes as follows.

·         Sender: The problem was caused by incorrect or missing data from the sender. For instance,

Qus:4 Explain how PHP works.
PHP Works:
PHP worksWhen a user navigates in her browser to a page that ends with a .php extension, the request is sent to a web server, which directs the request to the PHP interpreter. As shown in the diagram below, the PHP interpreter processes the page, communicating with file systems, databases, and

Qus:5 Explain any five new features of HTML5 that are not in HTML.
Five new features of HTML5:
·         Semantic tags: HTML5 introduces a set of new tags that help to define the semantics, or meaning, of your web page content. Some of such tags are <nav>, <heading>, <footer>. <nav> is used

Qus:6 With the sample code, demonstrate the use of audio element in html.
The Sample Code as an Example to use the Audio Element:
Audio has multiple attributes which allow us to configure audio implementation. According to structure and

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