Saturday, 2 July 2016

ml0011 smu mba spring 2016 (jul/aug 2016 exam) IIIrd sem assignment

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PROGRAM Master of Business Administration - MBA
Buying & Merchandising

1 Why is merchandise assortment planning important for a retailer?  What can happen without it?
Planning merchandise assortment is a significant part of a retailer’s functional duties. The customer will not buy if the assortments are not correct as per his/her requirement. Example Style, color, price, size etc.

Answer: Planning merchandise assortment is a significant part of a retailer’s functional duties. To begin with, a retailer first decides the firm’s financial objectives. Once the financial objectives are ascertained, the retailer begins the task of deciding what to buy. This task is the biggest challenge that a retailer faces every day. Any wrong decision in the purchase of merchandise will lead to heavy financial loss for  

2 Enumerate the category management strategies that are used by retailers to ensure a smooth category management process.
The following are the seven widely applied category management strategies: traffic building.

Answer: The following are the seven widely applied category management strategies:
(i)                 Traffic building: The traffic pulling strategy is used to draw the customers’ attention towards store, aisle, and/or category. This is usually achieved by advertising relatively low priced goods. This strategy

3 Discuss the concept of open-to-buy system. How do you calculate open-to-buy for the past and current period?
Open-to-buy system is a system of monitoring merchandise flow in order to determine how much money was spent on merchandise and how much balance there is to spend.

Answer: Open-to-buy system is a system of monitoring merchandise flow in order to determine how much money was spent on merchandise and how much balance there is to spend for a given period. It helps the

4 Discuss the role of organizational breadth to track a retail store’s central buying functions.
Retail store organizational breadth is a measurement that tracks the store’s central business functions as affected by a system in practice. Therefore, selection must be made between a general buying organization and a specialized one.

Answer: Organizational breadth is a measurement that tracks the buying department’s functions as affected by a system in practice. The buying function may be carried out either by a general buying organization or a specialized one. As the name implies, in a general buying organization, the merchandise buying exercise is carried out by one or more persons individually or collectively. For instance

5 List some of the ethical issues involved in merchandise buying.
The following are some of the ethical issues involved in merchandise buying: To honour the binding contract by making commitments.

Answer: The following are some of the ethical issues involved in merchandise buying:
• To honour the binding contract by making commitments
• To extend fair and human treatment to each other
• Not to adopt any unfair trade practices such as offering bribes, costly gifts, misuse of market positions by

6 Explain the various phases of vendor selection.
The following are the four phases involved in a typical vendor selection process: The Survey Phase…

Answer: The following are the four phases involved in a typical vendor selection process:
1. The Survey Phase: The survey phase is the first phase which encompasses the following:
(i) Identification of potential suppliers
(ii) Lead

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