Sunday, 3 July 2016

mca5031 smu mca spring 2016 (jul/aug 2016 exam) Vth sem assignment

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1 What is a Multimedia System? Explain any four Properties of a Multimedia System

Answer: In the application of multimedia, every type of multimedia information has to be represented, stored, transmitted and processed digitally. Therefore a Multimedia System is a system capable of processing multimedia data and applications. A computer capable of handling text, graphics, audio,

2 Briefly explain HTML. What are the essential features of HTML?

Answer: The prefix hyper- (comes from the Greek word which means "over" or "beyond") signifies the overcoming of the old linear constraints of written text. Hypertext is a type of formatted text that

3 Differentiate between Bitmap graphics and Vector graphics

Answer: Bitmap graphics, also known as "raster graphics," are composed of very small dots (pixels) of the same or different color that are placed so closely to each other that the human eye perceives

4 Differentiate between filed mode and frame mode.

Answer: The application for which MP@ML is purposed is for digital television broadcasting. Hence interlaced scanning is used with a frame refresh rate of 30Hz for NTSC and 25Hz for PAL. The 4:2:0 digitization format is used and the bit rate ranges from 4Mbps to 15 Mbps. The coding scheme is similar to MPEG-1 with only difference in scanning method. It uses interlaced scanning instead of

5 What is MIDI message? Explain the different types of MIDI messages

Answer: MIDI messages are used by MIDI devices to communicate with each other.

Structure of MIDI messages:
MIDI message includes a status byte and up to two data bytes.
Status byte
The most

6 Discuss the role of multimedia in industrial applications

Answer: Multimedia technologies, applications and content products are a "knowledege industry" that is characteristic for Southern California. Most multimedia firms are based in the San

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