Saturday, 2 July 2016

bt0080 smu bsc it spring 2016 (jul/aug 2016 exam) IVth sem assignment

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BT0080, Fundamentals of Algorithms
Q1. Explain the Greedy Method and concept of Optimal Storage on Tapes.
A greedy algorithm is a mathematical process that looks for simple, easy-to-implement solutions to complex, multi-step problems by deciding which next step will provide the most obvious benefit.
Such algorithms are called greedy because while the optimal solution to each smaller instance will provide an immediate

Q2. Write a note on the following:
a) Multistage Graphs
b) Concept of travelling Salesman Problem
A multistage graph is a graph
  • G=(V,E) with 

Qus:3 Explain knapsack problem. Write algorithm for it.
Knapsack Problem:
Given n objects and a knapsack or bag. Object i has a weight wi, and the knapsack has a capacity m. If a fraction xi, 0 xi 1, of object i is placed into the knapsack, then a profit of Pi xi is earned. The objective is to obtain a

Qus:4 Explain trees and subgraphs with examples.
Trees and Subgraphs:
A tree is a connected graph without any circuits. The graph in Fig. A, for instance, is a tree. Trees with one, two, three and four vertices are shown in Fig. B. A graph must have at least one vertex, and therefore so must a tree. Some authors allow the null tree, a tree without any vertices. It follows immediately from the definition that a tree has to be a simple graph, that is, having neither a self-loop nor parallel

Q5. State Cook’s theorem.
Prove the theorem “CNF satisfiability is polynomially transformable to the clique problem. Therefore, the clique problem is NP complete.”
Proof: Let F=F1 F2…….Fq be an expression in CNF, where the Fi’ s are the factors, each Fi is of the form (xi1+xi2+…..xik) where xij is a literal. Construct an undirected graph G=(V,E) whose vertices are pairs of integers [i,j] for 1≤

Qus:6 Define and explain Hamiltonian circuit and path.
Hamiltonian circuit and path:
Hamiltonian Circuit: A Hamiltonian circuit in a connected graph is defined as a closed walk that traverses every vertex of G exactly once, except of course, the starting vertex, at which the walk also terminates. A circuit in a connected graph G is said to be Hamiltonian as it includes every vertex of G. Hence a

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