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mca5033 smu mca winter 2016 (april/may 2017 exam) Vth sem assignment

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Winter 2016

1 What are the different strategies of OSS licensing? Explain briefly.

Answer: OSS licensing strategies which are given below:
Ø  Expansion strategy: It is an open source demonstration of the “law of conservation of modularity” which says that a single layer of a software stack is "modular and agreeable" permitting adjacent

2 Explain ACID properties in transaction management

In the context of a database, a transaction can be defined as a group of tasks (database operations). It is a unit of a program execution that accesses and possibly modifies various data objects (database tuples, relations).  A

3 Explain the SELECT and PROJECT operations.

Answer: Relational Algebra Operators are mathematical functions used to retrieve queries by describing a sequence

4 What is a Trigger? Describe trigger creation in detail.

Answer: SQL trigger is a set of SQL statements stored in the database catalog and is executed or fired whenever an event (insert, update or delete) that is associated with a table occurs. This is a special type of stored procedure which is invoked directly by an event. The main difference between a trigger and a stored procedure is that a trigger is called automatically whenever data modification takes place while the stored procedure must be called explicitly.

The general form of trigger declaration is given below:
CREATE TRIGGER Triggername (BEFORE | AFTER) _table Name_
MySQL stores triggers in data directory with the files named table name. TRG and triggername.TRN. The tablename. TRG file maps the trigger to the corresponding table and the trigger name. TRN file contains the trigger definition.
It has some limitations when compared to standard SQL. MySQL trigger cannot Use SHOW, LOAD DATA, LOAD TABLE, BACKUP DATABASE, RESTORE, FLUSH and RETURN statements. It cannot use statements that commit or rollback implicitly or explicitly. And also it cannot use prepared statement such as PREPARE, EXECUTE because Itcan’t use dynamic SQL.
MySQL trigger cannot call a stored procedure.
Creating Trigger in MySQL
In order to create a trigger we can use CREATE TRIGGER statement. The syntax of CREATE TRIGGER statement is as follows:
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name trigger_time trigger_event
ON table_name
We are giving the trigger name after the CREATE TRIGGER statement. The trigger name should follow the naming convention [trigger time]_[table name]_[trigger event], for example before_employee_update. Trigger activation time can be either BEFORE or AFTER. We can use BEFORE keyword if we want to process the action prior to the modification on the table and can use AFTER if we need to process action after changes are made. Trigger events are INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE. A trigger should be associated with a specific table. Without a table trigger would not exist therefore we have to specify the table name after the ON keyword. SQL is code is placed between BEGIN and END keywords. Consider, we have an employee table with attributes Ename, empid, exp, salary. Then we create a new table named Emp_audit. This table is used to keep the record of changes made to employee table.
CREATE TABLE Emp_audit (
Name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
Changedon datetime DEFAULT NULL,
actionvarchar (50) DEFAULT NULL,
Then, we can create the BEFORE UPDATE trigger to be invoked before a change is made to the employee records
CREATE TRIGGER before_employee_update
SET action = 'update',
eid = OLD.empid,
Name = OLD.Ename,
Changedon = NOW ();

5 Write short notes on:
a) Ingres
b) Postgres
c) Postgres95
d) PostgreSQL7
e) PostgreSQL8

Answer: Ingres
Ingres, a research project to create a relational database, was a project in the early 1970s at the University of California, Berkeley. This was the starting of the research and later many other databases were developed from this research and which includes the commercial Ingres and Informix

6 Describe briefly about the experimental evaluation. Write the significance of generic benchmarks.

Answer: The performance of a database system can be evaluated with bench marks. Probably the most popular and widely accepted is TPC-C (it is a benchmark tool by TPC (Transaction processing Performance

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