Saturday, 21 April 2018

smu MCA 5th sem assignment Winter 2017 (April/may 2018 exam)

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Qus:1 Differentiate between TCP and UDP
Differentiate between TCP and UDP:
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol):
The TCP corresponds to the transport layer of OSI reference model, The TCP is known as a connection-oriented protocol, which means that connection is established and maintained until such time as the message or

Qus: 2 describe the features of XML. What are the important rules to keep in mind about the XML declaration?
The features of XML:
XML is popular for many features and few of them are listed here:
1.      Easy Data Exchange: In XML, data and mark-up are stored as text that we can configure. If we like, we can use XML editors to
Qus: 3. List and explain the Components of XML processor.
Components of XML processor:
a) Parser:

Every XML processor has a parser. An XML parser converts an XML document into an XML DOM object - which can then be manipulated with a JavaScript. The parser's job is to translate XML mark-up and data into a stream of bite-sized nuggets, called tokens, to be used for processing. A token may be an element start tag, a

Qus:4. Describe the procedure of fetching data from XML to HTML. Give an example.
Procedure of fetching data from XML to HTML:
The process of fetching data from an XML files to be filled in an HTML table, using DSO (Data Source Object) and JavaScript. DSO is an object that operates like a database on the client side. It will accept infor

Qus:5. Describe five different categories of PHP Operators.
Categories of PHP Operators:
In all programming languages, operators are used to manipulate or perform operations on variables and values. There are many operators used in PHP, so we have separated them into the following categories to make it easier

Qus:6. Describe about ASP.
The page on the server called by the JavaScript is an ASP file called AJAX server page. The server file could easily be rewritten in PHP, or some other server languages. Look at the example in PHP. The source code in "

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Winter 2017 ASSIGNMENT
Qus:1 What do you mean by product life cycle? Explain the seven stages of product life cycle
Product life cycle:
A series of steps is required to manufacture a product..The product developed should satisfy the customer. The series of steps involved in developing the product is called the product life cycle.

The stages of product life cycle:
The seven

Qus: 2 List any ten major principles of agile software.
 Principles of agile software:
The major principles of agile software are:

·         Satisfying the customers with early and continuous delivery of valuable software is agile software’s major priority.
·         Welcoming

Qus: 3. List the four developer practices of XP. Explain briefly about Adopt test-driven development
Developer practices of XP:
XP values and the significance of time and resource for an XP practitioner. As a development model, the XP empowers the developers and stakeholders, associated with the project, to successfully carry out the project and develop efficient software. However, just like any other programming model, even in the XP, you must follow certain

Qus:4. Briefly explain about tracker and coach in XP.
Tracker and coach in XP:

A tracker is a person who keeps track of the schedule. A tracker can be a manager or a trusted developer. XP keeps track of certain metrics that include team velocity. This is the ratio of ideal time estimated for accomplishing a task to the actual time spent implementing them. The tracker also includes other data such as change in velocity,

Qus:5. Explain XP prerequisites.
XP prerequisites:
The following are the prerequisites for adopting XP:
Ø  Team agreement
Ø  A collocated team
Ø  On-site customers
Ø  The right team size
Ø  Use all

Qus:6. List and explain any five basic principles of DSDM
Principles of DSDM:
DSDM consists of nine basic principles. These principles form the cornerstones of development using DSDM and direct how development progresses. Ignoring any one of them will break with the frameworks philosophy and

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Winter 2017

1 Explain ACID properties in transaction management

In the context of a database, a transaction can be defined as a group of tasks (database operations). It is a unit of a program execution that accesses and possibly modifies various data objects (database tuples, relations).  A transaction is

2 What are the different strategies of OSS licensing? Explain briefly.

Answer: OSS licensing strategies which are given below:
Ø  Expansion strategy: It is an open source

3 Explain the SELECT and PROJECT operations.

Answer: Relational Algebra Operators are mathematical functions used to retrieve queries by describing a sequence operations on tables or even databases(schema) involved.[1] With relational algebra

4 What is a Trigger? Describe trigger creation in detail.

Answer: SQL trigger is a set of SQL statements stored in the database catalog and is executed or fired whenever an event (insert, update or delete) that is associated with a table occurs. This is a special type of

5 Write short notes on:
a) Ingres
b) Postgres
c) Postgres95
d) PostgreSQL7
e) PostgreSQL8

Answer: Ingres
Ingres, a research project to create a relational database, was a project in the early 1970s at the University of California, Berkeley. This was the starting

6 Describe briefly about the experimental evaluation. Write the significance of generic benchmarks.

Answer: The performance of a database system can be evaluated with bench marks. Probably the most popular and widely accepted is TPC-C (it is a benchmark tool by TPC (Transaction processing Performance Council)) on-line transaction processing benchmark. Usually a benchmark is run on several systems. The performance and
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PROGRAM-MCA(Revised Fall 2012)
SUBJECT CODE & NAME-MCA5043– Data Warehousing and Data Mining
1 Explain the Top-Down and Bottom-up Data Warehouse development Methodologies.

Answer: Despite the fact that Data Warehouses can be designed in a number of different ways, they all share a number of important characteristics. Most Data Warehouses are Subject Oriented. This means that the information that is in the Data Warehouse is stored in a way that allows it to be connected to objects or event, which occur in reality. Another

2. Explain the Functionalities and advantages of Data Warehouses. 5+5
Functionalities and advantages of Data Warehouses
A data warehouse functions as a repository for all the data held by an organisation. The main functions are to reduce cost of data storage, facilitate data mining, and facilitate ability to back up data at an organisational level. A data warehouse is the main

3. Describe about Hyper Cube and Multicube 5+5
Hyper Cube and Multicube
Multidimensional databases can present their data to an application using two types of cubes: hypercubes and

4. List and explain the Strategies for data reduction. 5*2
Strategies for data reduction
Data reduction: Obtain a reduced representation of the data set that is much smaller in volume but yet produces the same (or almost the same) analytical results.
Why data reduction?

5. Describe K-means method for clustering. List its advantages and drawbacks. 5+5
K-means method for clustering
k-means clustering is a method of vector quantization, originally from signal processing, that is popular for cluster analysis in data mining. k-means clustering aims to partition n observations into k clusters in which each observation belongs to the

6. Describe about Multilevel Databases and Web Query Systems 5+5
Multilevel Databases and Web Query Systems
Multilevel Databases
A multilevel database system (MDBMS) supports the application of a multilevel policy for regulating access to the database objects. In this approach at the bottom level database the semi structured data is stored in web repositories as hyper text .The  generalizations are extracted at the higher level so as to  organize in structured collections as relational and Object  Oriented

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