Wednesday, 2 March 2016

mb0047 smu mba winter 2015 (april/may 2016 exam) IInd sem assignment

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BK ID - B1968
MARKS – 60

Q1. Explain some of the essential features of modern organisation.(Listing the features and Explaining each of them in brief) 10
Ans: Essential features of modern organisation: The following sections discuss some essential features of modern organisations.

IT-Enabled organisation: The organisations discussed above are modern in the sense that they have built into their structure the elements of information technology (IT) that enable them to function in a

Q2. a. Explain First-order and second-order effects , b. Distinguish between hierarchy and matrix organisational structures. 5, 5
Ans: First-order and second-order effects: The outcome of the implementation of a new IS could be positive or not, and this will depend on the situation at the organisation. The outcomes that arise as a direct consequence of the introduction of an IS are known as fi rst-order effects. They are usually visible in organisations in the

Q3. How to use information system to support competitive strategy? With an example explain each strategy.(5 strategy and use of information system,  Examples for each of the strategy) 10
Ans: Information Systems and Competitive Strategy:  The promise of information systems is that they enable the competitive strategy of commercial fi rms. The competitive strategy of a commercial fi rm is its longterm competitive position, such as of being a low-cost player or a differentiator, which the fi rm adopts. A fi rm’s strategy is the set of activities it engages in as part of its long-term competitive goals. Strategies lead to

Q4. Briefly explain the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. What are the various facilities created by CRM ? 10

Ans: Customer Relationship Management Systems: The idea of CRM systems is to integrate all functions related to sales and marketing on a common platform. These functions include those that require support to sales and marketing staff and also those that directly enable customers to interact with the client organisation. Although CRM systems evolved independently, they are now integrated with other enterprise systems. The origins of CRM lie in the sales force automation systems that grew with the rise of personal computing around the world in the 1980s. The systems would automate the processes of recording sales calls by salespersons; recording customer data and reading historical customer data; processing and

Q5. Briefly explain the different aspects of the need for database systems.(Explaining any eight aspects of the need for database systems) 10
Ans: Different aspects of the need for database systems are discussed in the following sections:

1 Data independence: Databases allow data pertaining to an activity or a domain to be maintained independently. This independence means that the data is stored in separate
fi les in a

Q6. Write short notes on: 5, 5
a. Centralised IT management
b. Decentralised IT management
Ans: Centralised IT management:  A large multinational commercial fi rm in India has manufacturing units located across the country and also marketing offi ces for its engineering products. The firm employs over 5000 persons and has a revenue running into several billion

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