Friday, 20 November 2015

ml0018 smu mba Fall 2015 IVth sem assignment

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Fall 2015
SUBJECT CODE & NAME - ML0018-Project Management in Retail
BK ID - B 1844
CREDIT & MARKS - 4 Credits, 60 marks

Q1. Describe the various Project Management Tools. (Explanation of Tools) 10
Answer: Project Management Tools: A tool is any item that can be used to achieve an objective. Project management involves tools that we shall discuss subsequently:

Gantt Chart: Gantt Charts (also known as Gantt Diagrams) are useful tools for analysing and planning more complex projects

Q2. Explain the Retail Project Formulation for Franchise Business. (Explanation of Basics of Franchising, Explanation of Evaluation Process) 10
Answer: Basics of Franchising: The foremost benefit of the franchise business model is the brand name of an already established and credible organization, the support received in setting up the whole unit, quality standards and procedures to

Q3. Explain Project Risk and its types. (Explanation of Project Risk, Explanation of its types) 10
Answer: Project Risk: An ill-conceived, ill-planned project is destined to fail. Due diligence at every stage of planning, starting from idea generation to preparation of the detailed project report, is utmost important from the risk management perspective. Strategic fit of the project, balanced allocation of limited capital, financing-mix, project design and plan for execution are very important aspects of project planning

Q4. Describe different activities related to the Retail Project Execution. 10
Answer: Activities Related to Retail Project Execution: A retail store project may involve all the activities mentioned subsequently, or it may also include some of the activities from the following list. The

Q5. Briefly explain Retail Project life cycle stages. 10
Answer: Retail Project Life Cycle: Retail projects have their life cycle which can be viewed at five stages:

Concept Stage: The first stage in retail project management is the concept stage, which includes two activities: (i)

Q6. Write short notes on: 10

a) Maximin Decision Rule(Pay off model)

b) ISO 9000
a) meaning and stages b) Meaning and standards

Answer:  Maximin decision rule (Pay-off model): The pay-off model is also called as ‘maximin model’ because that is the decision rule applied here. The rule is applied in two

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ml0017 smu mba Fall 2015 IVth sem assignment

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Fall 2015
SUBJECT CODE & NAME - ML0017-Mall Management
BK ID - B 1843
CREDIT & MARKS - 4 Credits, 60 marks

Q1. Explain Retail Trade Area and the different models related to it. (Explanation of retail trade area, Explanation of models) 10
Answer: Retail Trade Area:  Retailers estimate the demand for a new location by defining its trade area and then estimating how many people within the trade area will spend. This estimation of where the customers will shop is of critical importance to retailers. Researchers have developed many models for defining the size of the

Q2. Elaborate the characteristics of International Standards of Shopping Malls. 10
Answer: Characteristics of International Standards of Shopping Malls: Let’s take a closer look at some international blueprints available to us and endeavor to closely outline best practices in designing various retail formats. We’ll also look at some of the common characteristics that are embedded in the design and

Q3. “Tenant Management in malls is a very critical matter”. Elaborate. (Meaning of tenant management, Explanation of role of tenant mix) 10
Answer: Meaning of tenant management : Tenant management through the technique of tenant mix. You understood the role of tenant mix in tenant management. The unit also discussed the guiding factors that determine tenant mix. A marketing plan may be part of an overall business plan. It is a plan that draws round a company’s general marketing efforts. Marketing process can be comprehended by the marketing

Q4. Explain the use of In-Mall Ads to develop Experiential Marketing. 10
Answer: Use of In-Mall Ads to Develop Experiential Marketing: For beginning to use in-mall media for developing appropriate marketing experiences, marketers must concentrate on how to improve the shoppers’ mall experience. Forrester proposes getting started with this by:

• Considering target customers in mall behaviours: More than investigating the demographics of mall shoppers, marketers should also focus on the attitudes and behaviours of mall shoppers to make out the mall ad set-up and message that will best fit – and give value – to their target customers. Generating personas—human representations of customer categories and carrying out ethnographic studies in malls, can help advertisers

Q5. “Shopping malls and complexes are places where people gather in great numbers and the occurrence of a disaster can result in heavy casualties”. Elaborate. (Meaning of Emergency Management, Explanation of Steps) 10
Answer: Emergency Management: Shopping malls and complexes are places where people gather in great numbers and the occurrence of a disaster can result in heavy casualties. Thus, mall safety is of key importance.

Q6. Write short notes on: 10
a) Cooperative Advertising
b) Resource Based Analysis
Answer: Cooperative Advertising: Cooperative advertising means shared advertising. An external source such as a manufacturer or wholesaler pays majority of the advertising cost, which is of significant advantage for the retailer. In this respect, brand promotion is essential. If a brand gets consumer appeal, cooperative advertising is a suitable investment. Cooperative advertising is the means of stretching one’s advertising money. With the help of pooling one’s resources, it is possible to buy significantly more space and time in the chosen advertising medium. Commonly, a retailer uses cooperative advertising for increasing the frequency

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ml0016 smu mba Fall 2015 IVth sem assignment

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DRIVE- Fall 2015


SUBJECT CODE & NAME- ML0016- Advertising Management and Sales Promotion

BK ID- B1809

CREDIT & MARKS- 4 Credits, 60 marks

Q1. Explain the different types of Advertising copy. (Definition of Advertising copy, Explanation of types) 2, 8
Answer: Advertising copy: The primary job of advertising is to sell. If it is done with high literary skill and captivating visual beauty, that is great. But the trend now is to keep it as simple and brief as possible, making the offer or benefit as irresistible as possible, to rise above the clutter of competition. And that takes unusual ideas presented with fascinating treatment, or what the advertising industry calls THE IDEA. In the last century, copy

Q.2: Discuss the DAGMAR approach in setting objectives and measuring effectiveness of advertising.
Meaning of DAGMAR approach (2 Marks)
Explanation of DAGMAR approach (8 Marks)

Meaning of DAGMAR approach:
DAGMAR is an acronym: Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results. The approach involves setting specific, measurable objectives for a campaign to determine if specific objectives were met. Specifically,

Q.3: Advertising is a paid form of communication. It has gained its significance since it attempts to build a positive attitude towards a product. Explain the characteristics and objectives of advertising.
Definition of advertising (2 Marks)
Characteristics (4 Marks)
Objectives (4 Marks)

Definition of advertising:
Advertising is rather an informal word that comprises an immense number of activities. It can be anything from jokes and cartoons on the coasters and placemats on a bar table which just has a famous alcoholic beverage

Q.4: What is “above the line” and “below the line” activities with respect to marketing communications? Explain the concept in detail.
Define media(2 Marks)
Explanation of the concepts(8 Marks)

Define media:
The commercial world uses the word ‘media’ as a collective term to present its services to its specific target group. There are a number of mediathat make message delivery far more focused and effective. More innovative

Q.5: Describe the AIDA model of consumer response hierarchy with the help of diagram.
Explanation of AIDA model(8 Marks)
Diagram(2 Marks)

Explanation of AIDA model:
AIDA stands for attention, interest, desire, and action. The AIDA model can be used by organizations to guide marketers to target a market effectively.The AIDA model is an approach used by advertisers to describe the

Q.6: Describe some of the strategies for effective marketing and advertising in rural market.
Discuss the nature of rural market(2 Marks)
Strategies(8 Marks)

Discuss the nature of rural market:
Rural market requires deep understanding of rural emotions, aspirations, needs and greeds, which are different from the urban psyche.Ruralmarketing environment is different, just as the rural psychology is and this challenge

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ml0015 smu mba Fall 2015 IVth sem assignment

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DRIVE- Fall 2015

SUBJECT CODE & NAME- ML0015-Services Marketing and Customer Relationship

Q1. Discuss the eight different demand situations of Service. (Eight different demand situations) 10

Eight different demand situations are:

1. Negative demand:

Negative demand occurs where most or all segments in a market possess negative feelings towards a service, to the extent that they may even be prepared to pay to avoid receiving that service. Many medical services are perceived as unpleasant and are

Q2.  Elaborate GAP analysis in detail.
(Explanation of GAP Model)
GAP Model and GAP analysis: A gap analysis helps bridge that space by highlighting which requirements are being met and which are not. The tool provides a foundation for measuring the investment of time, money and human resources that's required to achieve a particular outcome.The gaps model was first introduced in the year 1985 and it provides an excellent structure to manage service excellence and customer-driven innovation.This model offers an incorporated view of the relationship between the customer and the company. This model is based on a substantial research performed by several service providers. As in the Gronroosjyku model, it shows the perception gap and summarise the

Q3. “Interaction plays a lead role in building customer relationships”.
              Explain CIM in this context.
(Explanation of CIM, Explanation of Methods) 10 marks

Customer Interaction Management
Customer Interaction Management constitutes the customer relationship technologies with addition of technology-based interactive solution. The interactive channels that are currently available enable very effective customer interactive communications which leads to customer interaction management, which is an important dimension of customer relationship management. A management system is required to manage this relationship between the company and

Q4. What are the various types of conflicts in marketing services?
(Explanation of types) 10 marks
Types of conflicts
There are five different conflicts given below. There are certain occasions when these modes need to be used or applicable. Let us briefly explain those situations and the behavioural aspects that need to be possessed by the marketing personnel while dealing with the customers.

Competing: It is called as uncooperative mode. This competing mode helps in situations:

Q5. Elaborate the important steps that service providers should bear in mind whileimplementing one to one marketing. (Explanation) 10 marks


The mechanics of one-to-one marketing are complex. It is one thing to train the sales staff to be warm and attentive, and quite another to identify, track and interact with an individual customer and then reconfigure product or service to meet that

Q6. “Positioning a service in the marketplace is much like positioning a product”.
               Explain Service positioning and its purpose with the help of an example.
(Explanation of service positioning-2, Explanation of purposes-6, Example-2) 10 marks

Service positioning: To position a service, you need to carry on customer research program. This program helps you to identify what newspapers and magazines your customers are reading. It will tell you where the customers get their information

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mi0041 smu mba Fall 2015 IVth sem assignment

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DRIVE- fall 2015

Qus:1 Explain the elements of HTML document structure
·         Explaining atleast 5 elements
Explaining atleast 5 elements:
1.The<!DOCTYPE> Tag:

The <!DOCTYPE> tag is the first element in an HTML document and it specifies the Document Type Definition (DTD) used by the document. ADTD is a separate file containing the formal definition of a grammar, such as the supported elements and attributes used in the markup language. The browser checks the code of the document against the rules in the<!DOCTYPE>declaration. The <!

Qus:2 What are packages and what role do they play in Java? Also, discuss the various in-built packages provided by Java.
·         Explaining about the directory; which explains the role of packages, their types, and the in-built packages provided by the Java API.
Explaining about the directory; which explains the role of packages, their types, and the in-built packages provided by the Java API:
A package can be considered a directory or folder, which allows us to store various classes related to each other in an application. In Java, we cannot

Qus:3 Write a short note on
a. Special operators
b. Operator precedence and associativity
a. Special operators:
The special operators, such as instance of and dot operators, are used to perform certain specialized operations. The instanceof operator is a binary operator that checks whether or not an object is of a particular type (type can be a class, interface, or an array).

Qus:4 Explain dynamic polymorphism with an example of Java program
·         Program
·         Explaining dynamic polymorphism

Qus:5 Explain the classes in Abstract Window Toolkit.
·         Explaining the five classes of AWT
Explaining the five classes of AWT:
AWT is an API that helps to create GUI-based (Windows) applications. The AWT API provides various classes stored in the java.awt

Qus:6 Explain the servlet lifecycle with an example
·         Explaining 3 levels
·         Example
Explaining 3 levels:
The Servlet Lifecycle
Servlets follow a life cycle that governs the multithreaded environment in which the servlets run. It also provides a clear perception about some of the mechanisms available to a developer to share server-side resources. The primary reason why servlets and

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