Monday, 20 July 2015

bba201 smu bba summer 2015 IInd sem assignment

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DRIVE summer 2015
BBA 201
BK ID- B1518

Q1. Discuss the primary data collection techniques in detail.
(Definition of Primary data, Primary data collection techniques) 2, 8
Primary data are first hand informations. These informations are collected directly from the source by means of field studies. Primary data are original and are like raw materials. It is the most crude form of information. The

Q.2. a. Explain the different types of research designs. b. Differentiate between Probability and Non-probability sampling methods. (Meaning of research design, Types of research designs, Meaning of Probability and Non-probability sampling methods, Differences) 1, 4, 2, 3

Meaning of Research Design

It is a systematic plan of what is to be done, how it will be done and how the data will be analyzed. Research design basically shows what the major topics in the research are and their details. It provides an outline of how the research will be carried out and the methods that will be used. It includes an abstract of the

Q.3. The important task ahead of the researcher is to document the entire work done in the form of a well-structured research report. Explain the report writing steps. What are the guidelines for writing the research report? (Meaning of a Research Report, Components of a Research Report, Guidelines for writing the Research Report) 2,4,4

Meaning of a Research Report

The written research report and the oral presentation typically provided for those who occupy executive positions. The report is confusing or poorly written, the time and the effort spent on gathering and

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