Monday, 20 July 2015

mca4030 smu mca summer 2015 IVth sem assignment

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Summer 2015
BK ID-B1477

Q1. Describe the following:
a) Multi-threading.
b) Significance of Java Bytecode
Multithreading is the ability of an application to perform multiple tasks at the same time. We can create multithreading programs using Java. The core of Java is also multithreaded.

Significance of Java Bytecode
A programming language has to be portable and also provide enough ground for security. The key factor that allows Java to solve both the security and the portability problems is that the output of a Java compiler is not executable code. Rather, it is

Q2. Differentiate Break and Continue statements in Java with example program.(5+5)
Break and Continue statements in Java
Break statements
The break statement is used inside the switch to terminate a statement sequence. When a break statement is encountered, execution branches to the first line of code that follows the entire switch statement. This has the effect of "jumping out" of the

Q3. Differentiate between packages and Interfaces.(5+5)
Packages and Interfaces
Java provides a mechanism for partitioning the class name space into more manageable chunks. This mechanism is the package. The package is both a naming and a visibility control mechanism. You can define classes inside a package that are not accessible by code outside that package. You can also define class members that are only exposed to other members of

Q4. What are Applets? What are the restrictions of Applets? Describe about applet class.(2+3+5)
An applet is a Java program that can be embedded in a web page. Java applications are run by using a Java interpreter. Applets are run on any browser that supports Java. Applets can also be tested using the appletviewer tool included in the

Q5. Compare JDBC and ODBC (5*2)
Java Data Base Connectivity (JDBC)

The JDBC API (Java Data Base Connectivity Application Program Interface) can access any kind of tabular data, especially data stored in a Relational Database. It works on top of ODBC (Open Data Base Connectivity) which was the driver for database connectivity since age old days but since ODBC was implemented in C so people from the VB background had

Q6. Describe about Java Beans and BeanBox. (5+5)
Java Beans and BeanBox
Java Beans
JavaBeans is the software component architecture for Java. It allows constructing applications efficiently by configuring and connecting components called Beans. The Beans need to be written and tested with a rich set of mechanisms for

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Charges rs 125/subject and rs 500/semester only.
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