Sunday, 25 June 2017

bt0071 smu bsc it spring 2017 (jul/aug 2017 exam) IInd sem assignment

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BK ID - B0955
MARKS  - 30
Q1. Write a note on Evolution and characteristics of Technical Communication. [5+5] = [10]
Ans: Evolution of Technical Communication: Documents in the form of invoices, receipts and deeds are the earliest samples of technical communication. The English poet Geoffrey Chaucer wrote some technical communication about the astrolabe, a navigational
instrument. The Origin of Species, Charles Darwins famous work on evolution, is another example of technical communication. But

Q2. Briefly explain primary and secondary audience.
Ans: Primary Audience: consists of people who have a direct role in responding to your documents. This includes people who use your information in doing jobs. They might evaluate and revise your document, or they might act on your

Q3. Explain the following. 4+3+3 =  10
1. Structural Clash
2. What is Information Chunk?
3. How do Chunks work?
Ans: 1. Structural clash: Most systems have a mix of dependent and non-dependent functions. Where there are dependencies, a numbered hierarchical structure for the user information is obvious. Where the functions are non-dependent, a nonlinear or horizontal structure makes more sense. But on paper, you cannot effectively represent a non-linear structure. So you must arbitrarily assign importance to

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