Saturday, 10 June 2017

mit3041 smu msc it spring 2017 (jul/aug 2017 exam) IIIrd sem assignment

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Master of Science in Information Technology(MSc IT)Revised Fall 2011
MIT3041– Open Source System

Qus:1 Explain any five types of licensing.
Answer: It is very important to know that the licensable properties come from an array of sources. The definitions of various proprietary types are not always apparent. Although every licensing program is exclusive, diverse areas of the licensing business have specific prototypes in terms of how they are organized, and how business is completed.
Some of

Qus:2 Write a short note on the following:
(a)MIT license.
(b)Advertising clause

(a)MIT license.

Qus:3 (a)List any five features of Mozilla Public License.
(b)Comparison among GPL, LGPL, and MPL.
Answer: (a)List any five features of Mozilla Public License.
You can say that the MPL differs from the GPL in the way it regulates the distribution and licensing of works containing the MPL-licensed code. The new component built using the MPL-Licensed code can be distributed, in which the original work is covered by the MPL, and the rest is covered by any other license.
Let us now define

Qus:4 Give reasons why open-source is a good choice for companies.
Answer: As we have understood how we could join an existing open source project and also end an open source project, let us now learn how we can inculcate an open source culture in a company.
Running an open source project or joining an existing one can also be applied to corporate source where all the users and

Qus:5 Explain the drawbacks of open source and free software licensing.
Answer: As we are aware of the global scenario of open source and free software licenses, let us now understand the issues related to them.
You can observe that the advantages of open source licensing sometime in some situations act as disadvantages. Some of the

Qus:6 Discuss Cross licensing.
Answer: When two or more companies sign agreement providing the rights of their intellectual property to the other, then this agreement is known as the cross licensing agreement. For example, two companies holding software patents, under cross licensing, agree to share

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