Saturday, 10 May 2014

mk0011 smu mba spring 2014 jul/aug exam assignment IIIrd sem

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SUBJECT CODE & NAME-MK0011- Consumer Behaviour
BK ID-B1722
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks
Q1. The ability to develop successful new products is critical to a company’s sales, future growth and long-term survival. Customers evaluate all new products based on their perceptions. Discuss the five categories of adopters classified by time of adoption.
(Five categories of adopters) 10
Categories of adopters
Everett M Rogers examined more than 500 studies on diffusion and concluded that there are five categories of adopters classified by time of adoption:

Q2. Discuss the three component model of attitudes. What is the relevance of this model to advertising objectives?
(Three component model of attitudes, Relevance of this model to advertising objectives)6, 4
Component model of attitudes
According to this model, attitudes consist of three main components:
1. Cognitive component (knowledge, beliefs)
2. Affective component (emotions, feelings)

Q3. One of the most critical decisions about creative strategy in advertising involves the choice of an appropriate appeal. Some ads are designed with the intent of appealing to the rational, logical aspect of the consumer’s decision making process. Discuss the advertising appeals which are classified as rational & logical appeals.
(Classification of advertising appeals)10
Classification of advertising appeals
Advertising appeals are broadly classified as rational appeals and emotional appeals as explained below.

Q4. Describe the levels of consumer decision making while buying.
(Levels of consumer decision making)10
Levels of consumer decision making
A consumer evaluates the level of effort required to make a certain choice, then selects a strategy best suited for the occasion. This sequence is referred to as constructive processing and means that consumers adjust their degree of

Q5. A product or service that a person might buy to satisfy some needs often comes at the expense of depriving another need as the person may be short on resources. These compromises are described as motivational conflict. Explain the principal form of motivational conflict with examples.
(Explanation about motivation and motivational conflict, Forms of motivational conflict with examples)3, 7
Motivation and motivational conflict
A motivational goal has valence (strength). This valence can be positive or negative. Consumers are motivated to approach the goal with positive valence However; some behaviour is directed at avoiding a negative outcome.

Q6. Write short notes on the following:
A. Involvement and types of consumer behaviour
B. Dimensions of Involvement.
(Involvement and types of consumer behaviour, Dimensions of Involvement)5, 5
A. Involvement and types of consumer behaviour
Considering the level of consumer involvement and the complexity of decision-making, four types of consumer choice processes or buying behaviours emerge.

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smu mba/bba/bca/mca assignment Spring season (JUL/AUG exam) 2014 sem (I , II , III , IV) in only Rs 700/ sem ( 6 sub) or Rs 125/question paper.
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