Saturday, 10 May 2014

mk0018 smu mba spring 2014 jul/aug exam assignment IVth sem

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DRIVE - Spring 2014
SUBJECT CODE & NAME- MK0018– International Marketing

Q.NO.1 Discuss the different management orientations of a company. How does it affect international marketing?
(Management orientations-6, Effect on international marketing-4) 10 marks

Management orientations
The form and substance of a company’s response to global business opportunities depend greatly on management’s assumptions or beliefs –both conscious and unconscious – about the nature of the world. The worldview of a company’s personnel can be described as ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric, and geocentric. Management at a

Q.NO.2. Discuss how culture plays an important role in international marketing. Give some examples of advertisements which failed due to lack of cultural understanding. (Importance of culture in international marketing, Examples) 6, 4

Q.NO.3 what do you mean by international marketing research? Why do marketers go for such research? (Meaning, Importance) 5, 5

Q.NO.4 Nestle is marketing bottled water to Pakistan. Which segmentation it adopts there and what are the other international market segmentations? (NestlĂ©’s segmentation, Bases of segmentation) 3, 7
(Nestle’s segmentation-3, Bases of segmentation-7) 10 marks


Nestle’s segmentation
Consumers can be categorized in terms of usage rates – for example, heavy, medium, light, and nonuser. Consumers can also be segmented according to user status: potential users, nonusers, ex-users, regulars, first-timers, and users of competitors‟ products. Although bottled water may be considered a luxury product in some high-income markets,

Q.NO.5 Write short notes on:
a) e Marketing
b) Spot and forward rates
(a. meaning and benefits of e Marketing
b) meaning and role of spot and forward rates) 5, 5

Q.NO.6 Select a product of your choice for export and explain how you will do the pricing and costing of that product.
(Choosing the product-2, Export pricing and costing-8) 10 marks


Choosing the product: Before breaking into the foreign market, marketers must consider factors that influence product adoption. As explained by Diffusion Theory at least six factors have a bearing on the adoption process: relative advantage, compatibility, trialability/divisibility, observability, complexity and price. These factors are all perceptual and thus subjective in nature. For a product to gain acceptance it must demonstrate its relative advantage
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