Tuesday, 6 May 2014

mu0018 smu mba spring 2014 jul/aug exam assignment IVth sem

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SUBJECT CODE & NAME MU0018 – Change Management
BK ID-B1807
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks
Q1. Discuss the various perspectives of organizational change.
(Explaining the perspectives of organizational change) 10
Perspectives of organizational change
Organizational change has been studied from multiple perspectives at micro and macro levels. It is one of the many perennial issues in organization and management theory. We can broadly study them under seven main perspectives.
These are:
1. Environment
2. Contingency
3. Resource-dependency
4. Population-ecology
5. Institutional
6. Evolutionary
7. Adaptive

Q2. Explain the various steps at which control takes place in a Change Management Process
(Explaining the steps at which control takes place with regard to Change Management) 10
Steps at which control takes place with regard to Change Management
In the change management process, controlling takes place at various steps, which are as follows:

Step l: Preparation for change

Q3. Discuss the various factors affecting the choice of a change Strategy
(Explaining the factors affecting the choice of a Change Strategy) 10
Factors affecting the choice of a Change Strategy
A number of factors need to be considered while choosing a proper change strategy. A mix of strategies can be adopted depending upon a number of factors.
These basic factors are:

(i) Urgency of the need for change: Quick change strategies should be chosen, if the situation demands affecting the

Q4.What do you mean by Organizational Effectiveness? Explain the approaches involved in achieving Organizational Effectiveness
(Definition of Organizational Effectiveness, Explain the approaches to achieve Organizational effectiveness) 2, 8
Organizational Effectiveness
Organizational effectiveness has been defined as the degree of goal achievement. The determination of an organization’s goal(s) is crucial in evaluating effectiveness of an organization. The first step in the determination of goals is to distinguish between official and operative goals.

Q5. Define organizational Culture. Describe briefly about the types of organizational Culture
(Definition of Culture, Explaining the various types of organizational culture) 2, 8
The word ‘culture’ has been derived metaphorically from the idea of ‘cultivation’, the process of tilling and developing land. When we talk about culture, we are typically referring to the pattern of development reflected in a society’s system of knowledge, ideology, values, laws, social norms and day-to-day rituals. Organizational culture is said to be a blend of innovation and the ability to take risks, attention to detail, outcome orientation, people

Q6. Write a brief note on the following:
a)Kurt Lewin’s Model of change
b)Burke-Litwin Model of organizational performance and change
(Explaining the concept of Kurt Lewin’s model, Explaining the concept of Burke-Litwin model) 5, 5
a)Kurt Lewin’s Model of change
In order to ensure that change is permanent, Kurt Lewin described the three phases of the change process which can enable the organization to move from the current state to the desired state—Unfreezing, Changing, and Refreezing.
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smu mba/bba/bca/mca assignment Spring season (JUL/AUG exam) 2014 sem (I , II , III , IV) in only Rs 700/ sem ( 6 sub) or Rs 125/question paper.
You can pay in 6 instalment of Rs 125-125 if u have any doubt.
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