Monday, 31 October 2016

mb0043 smu mba summer 2016 (oct/nov 2016 exam) Ist sem assignment

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DRIVE Summer 2016
SUBJECT CODE & NAME MB0043 –Human Resource Management

Q.no1 What is human resources management? Discuss the scope of HRM.
·         Meaning – HRM          2
·         Scope of HRM          8
HRM involves all management decisions and practices that directly affect or influence the people or Human resources who work for the organization”.
The concept of

Q.no2 Discuss globalization and its impact on HR.
·         Globalization’s impact on HR    10
A workforce that is knowledgeable and skilled at doing complex things keeps a company competitive and attracts foreign investment. Well-trained workers attract global corporations, which invest and provide

Q.no3 What is succession planning? What are the benefits of having a formal Succession Planning System in an organization?
·         Meaning Succession Planning        2
·         Benefits               8
Succession planning involves an examination of strategic (long-range) plans and HR forecasts for all identified key positions in an organisation. It includes positions that are critical for the business and for its

Q.no4 What is HRIS? Discuss the impacts of HRIS implementation in an organization.1. Meaning of HRIS
Impacts of HRIS implementationAnswer-
Impact of Implementation of Human Resource Information System: HRIS has a great impact on organisations that implement them. Most often, organisations replace several related systems, such as employee database, payroll and benefits systems, with one HRIS that does it all. Many companies go

Q.no5 Discuss about Welfare Facilities in an organization. Who all are responsible for welfare facilities in an organization? Discuss.
1. Welfare Facilities in an organization
2. Responsible for welfare facilitiesAnswer-
An employee’s welfare facilities rest not only with the employers but also with the central government, state governments and trade unions.
Employers: Employers have the first and direct responsibility to provide welfare facilities to the employees. They usually provide facilities to attract and retain their talented employees. To facilitate their

Q.no6 What is Flexi-time? What are the benefits of flexi-time to the organization and employees?
1. Meaning of Flexi-time
2. Benefits of flexi-timeAnswer-
Flexi time: Flexi time is a scheme where an organisation gives its employees the opportunity of a flexible working hours arrangement.
Benefits of flexi time: Utilising a flexi time policy in an organisation can benefit everyone involved–

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bt9002 smu bsc it summer 2016 (oct/nov 2016 exam) Vth sem assignment

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BT9002, Grid Computing

Qus:1 What are the components that are necessary to form a grid?
Answer: The design features of the grid that provides seamless computing environment. We must integrate hardware and software component into a networked resources.
 Available resources are shown through transparent middleware.
 The tool must

Qus:2 Briefly explain the various layers of grid architecture.
Answer: Fabric layer: Interfaces to local control
The grid fabric mediates between the shared resources and grid protocol. This includes computation, storage, catalog, network and sensors. The resources may be distribute file systems, computer pool

Qus:3 Explain autonomic computing and its properties.
Answer: The concept of autonomic computing developed from the human nervoussystems. The human nervous system can handle highly complex, uncertain, problem in an efficient manner. Similarly

qus:4  Briefly explain the scenarios and use case situation analysis in virtual organization grid portal.
Answer: Given that the Grid enables people to be members of many VOs and each VO gives one access to various computational, instrument-based data andother types of resources, it is very natural for these VOs to produce a Grid portal. Grid portal provides an end-user view of the

Qus:5 Explain OGSA core platform components with diagram.
Answer: The OGSA basic platform services have been built over the different services functions. The platform functional services are on which services it has been built, identify the higher level common services, and broadly develop the relations between these services. In higher level services, all this functions are available. So, all of the functional services are spread across the

Qus:6 Briefly explain the major components of
Answer: The OGSI.NET major components are dispatcher, service wrapper and message handler. We will discuss this component in detail.
The client request is serviced through the dispatcher to the service instance. The main purpose of the dispatcher is to provide the passage to identify the correct service instance and receive the result. It contains the route mapping from the request GSR to the application domain in the container. The GSW collects the raw request and services them. The GSW does the task and

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bt8901 smu bsc it summer 2016 (oct/nov 2016 exam) Vth sem assignment

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summer 2016

1. Explain State charts and Activity Diagrams with examples
The name of the diagram itself clarifies the purpose of the diagram and other details. It describes different states of a component in a system. The states are specific to a

2 What is Booch methodology? Explain its macro and micro development processes.

Answer: The Booch Methodology
The Booch methodology is a widely used object-oriented method that helps you design your system using the object paradigm. The Booch method consists of the following diagrams:
Ø  Class diagrams

3 Explain the structural things in UML.

Answer: Structural Things
Structural things are the nouns of UML models. These are mostly static parts of a model, representing elements that are either conceptual or physical. In all, there are seven kinds of structural thing

4 Discuss about Extracting Entity Classes. Draw necessary diagram.

Answer: Entity class extraction consists of three steps that are carried out iteratively and incrementally:
Ø  Functional Modeling. Present

5. Explain the Elaboration Phase and Construction Phase of unified process.
Elaboration phase:
The primary goal of the Elaboration phase is to establish the ability to build the new system given the financial constraints, schedule constraints, and other kinds of constraints that the development

6. Explain Synchronize-and-Stabilize Team Organization with an example.

The systems development life cycle (SDLC), or software development life cycle in systems engineering, information systems and software engineering, is a process of creating or altering

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bt0083 smu bsc it summer 2016 (oct/nov 2016 exam) IVth sem assignment

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BT0083, Server Side Programming-Theory

Qus:1List and brief any FIVE HTTP Request Methods

Qus:2 Explain handling the form elements to retrieve the data from form using servlet API. Give some examples
Handling the form elements to retrieve the data from form using servlet API:
HTML forms are used to create good GUI for user interaction. Here you can create Textbox, checkboxes, radio buttons, combo box, and various kinds of GUIs on the forms. After creating forms and GUI, the important step is to consider is the methods to retrieve inform of these forms in servlet. This data can be retrieved either by GET or POST method. In GET method data will be appended in

Q3. Write a note on tracking the sessions using cookies. Give advantages and disadvantages of cookies.

There are various techniques of session tracking, they are as follows:
1. Using Cookies
2. Using URL-Rewriting
3. Using Hidden Form Fields
Using Cookies
Definition: Cookies are pieces of data that web server adds in the client browser and later in the web server for

Qus:4 Explain the two JSP architectures.
The two JSP architectures:
There are two general approaches you can take when developing Web applications using JSP.
I. Page-centric (Model 1) and
II. Servlet-

Qus:5 Draw and explain the diagram of custom tag life cycle.
The diagram of custom tag life cycle:

Q6. Describe the process of deactivating individual expression language statements with example.
Deactivating individual expression language statements: In JSP 1.2 pages that need to be ported unmodified across multiple JSP versions (with no web.xml changes), you can replace $ with $, the HTML character entity for $. In JSP 2.0 pages that contain both expression language statements and

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bt0082 smu bsc it summer 2016 (oct/nov 2016 exam) IVth sem assignment

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BT0082, Visual Basic

Q1. Explain the process of extracting and drawing images using Image list control.
The ImageList control is most often used as a container for images and icons that are employed by other controls, such as TreeView, ListView, TabStrip, and ImageCombo controls. For this reason, it makes sense to describe it before any other controls. The ImageList control is invisible at run time, and to display one of the images it contains you must draw it on a form, a PictureBox control, or an Image control, or

Q2. Explain the concept of Inheritance in VB.Net.
Although inheritance is hardly the be-all, end-all of OOP, and interfaces are often a better choice, you absolutely should not get the idea that you should avoid using inheritance. Inheritance is a powerful tool that saves you a lot of work if you use it correctly.
“Correctly” simply means

Qus:3 Describe the concept of Exit Try statement in VB.NET with an example.
The concept of Exit Try statement in VB.NET with an example:
The Exit Try statement will, under a given circumstance, break out of the Try or Catch block and continue at the Finally block. In the following example, you are going to exit a Catch block if the value of iItems is 0,

Qus:4 Define SQL. Explain the select statement of SQL with examples.
SQL (pronounced SeeKwel), is short for Structured Query Language, and is a way to query and write to databases (not just Access). The basics are quite easy to learn. If you want to grab all of the records from a

Qus:5 Describe the concept of record navigation in VB.NET.
The concept of record navigation in VB.NET:
(i) Move Back One Record at a Time:

To move backwards through the DataSet, we need to decrement the inc counter. This means is deducting 1 from whatever is currently in inc. But we also need to check that inc doesn't go past zero, which is the

Qus:6 Describe the concept of jagged arrays in visual basic with an example.
The concept of jagged arrays in visual basic with an example:
Definition – 1: An array of which each element is itself an array is called an array of arrays, or a jagged array.

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