Thursday, 1 May 2014

mb0053 smu mba spring 2014 jul/aug exam assignment ivth sem

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SUBJECT CODE & NAME- MB0053 –International Business Management

Q1. “Environment scanning is an important part of international business.” Explain your views on this statement and discuss what factors need to be scanned. (Discuss the statement, factors) 4, 6
Environmental scanning is one essential component of the global environmental analysis. Environmental monitoring, environmental forecasting and environmental assessment complete the global environmental analysis. The global environment refers to the macro environment which comprises industries, markets, companies, clients and competitors. Consequently, there exist corresponding analyses on the micro-level. Suppliers, customers and competitors representing the micro

Q2. What is green field investment? Why is it considered as the best option for a developing country like India? (Green field investment, benefits) 5, 5
Greenfield Investments: When the FDI comes into new facilities or expansion of existing facilities, it is known as ‘green field investment’. Greenfield investments are most welcome in any country of the world, be it developed or developing as the primary target of green field investments is to create new production capacity and jobs, transfer technology and know-how in the host country. Brown field investments, on the other hand refer to ‘the purchasing of an existing production or business facility that has become sick or its products do not have significant demand in the markets or its sales are on decline due to variety of factors like obsolete technology, higher unit cost, poor distribution etc.’ Such a firm is acquired by

Q3. Regional integration is helping the countries in growing their trade. Discuss this statement. Describe in brief the various types of regional integrations. (Regional integration, types) 3, 7
Answer:  Regional integration
Regional integration is the process by which two or more nation-states agree to co-operate and work closely together to achieve peace, stability and wealth. Usually integration involves one or more written agreements that describe the areas of cooperation in detail, as well as some coordinating bodies representing the countries involved. Some of these are to:
·         Facilitate trade growth.

Q4. Write short note on:
a) Foreign subsidiary structure
b) International matrix structure
Foreign subsidiary structure – In this structure, each of the company’s foreign subsidiary reports directly to the headquarters. This structure eliminates the necessity of a regional manager. Though strategic decisions are taken at the headquarters, each subsidiary acts autonomously for their local operations. Figure depicts the foreign subsidiary structure in an organization.

Q5. Explain the Top-down and Bottom-up approach of planning. (Top- down, Bottom-up) 5, 5

Top-down planning

Top-down planning is a common strategy that is used for project planning. It helps maintain the decision making process at the senior level. Goals and allowances are established at the highest level. Senior-level managers have to be very specific when laying out expectations because the people following the plan are not involved in the planning process. It is very important to keep the morale of the employees high and motivate them to perform the job. Since employees are not included in any of the decision making

Q6. Discuss the importance of ethics in international business. (Importance of ethics) 10
The importance of international business ethics has been rising steadily along with the growth of international business. Technologies like the Internet have made international business all the more viable, and many companies can only find the desirable growth and profit they seek by expanding into new markets. This means that just as business ethics domestically have grown in importance along with the power and significance of major businesses, so must international business ethics take center stage as a major concern of the modern era.
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smu mba/bba/bca/mca assignment Spring season (JUL/AUG exam) 2014 sem (I , II , III , IV) in only Rs 700/ sem ( 6 sub) or Rs 125/question paper.
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