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PROGRAM Bachelor
of Business Administration- BBA
SUBJECT CODE & NAME BBA 403 - International marketing
BK ID B1714
Ques1 Define International Marketing? Explain the
benefits of International marketing.
Ans International
marketing has gained importance since 1991 in view of the countries
across the globe opting for globalisation, besides embracing free market
economy. International market scenario has dramatically changed since 1991 as
many players started operating in the global
Ques2 Write a Meaning and Characteristics of Culture
in detail?
Ans Meaning and characteristics of culture
customs, institutions and achievements of a particular nation, people or group
constitute culture in the opinion of the intelligentsia. Some opine that culture
is an art and other manifestations of
Ques3 Furnish the characteristics of sampling and
briefly discuss the various methods of sampling.
Ans Sampling becomes
inevitable while conducting market research whenever the size of the population
(number of units to be studied) is very large and unmanageable. In many market
researches, data is collected from a representative sample and not from each
and every unit of the entire population
Ques4Explain the components of the products as a
three tiered structure presented by Philip Kotler and Important product
decisions in international marketing.
Ans Philips Kotler
has presented the components of the products as a three tiered structure. They
core product
tangible product
augmented product.
most fundamental level of the product which provides the core benefit to the
consumer is known as the core product. In case of international marketing,
there is an exception to this. In some cases,
Ques5 What are the different strategies adopted by
the marketer while fixing the price for the product?
Ans Decisions
pertaining to pricing of products in the area of international marketing domain
are dependent mainly on the following factors:
As usual,
Ques 6 Explain Buying decision in e marketing.
Ans The internet
provides the consumer of the 21st century an access to vast information. As a
result, the consumers are more aware of products in the market. The ease with
which a consumer can shift from one supplier to another has made the consumer
more powerful than the
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