Thursday 14 May 2015

mi0034 smu mba Spring 2015 IIIrd sem assignment

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BK ID - B1966
MARKS – 60

Q1. Write short notes on: 10
a. Latency and seek
c. Blu-ray Disk drive
d. Variable length records
Answer: a. Latency and seek: Latency is the time delay that exists between the moment that read/write command is initiated over the physical interface of the drive and the moment where the desired information is placed. Latency also refers to the time taken to pass the needed byte under a read/write head. If the read/write head has not quite reached the desired location there will be short latency. If the head has just missed the desired location then the head must wait for one full rotation.

Q2. Explain various forms of Normalization with an example of employee database. (Constructing an un-normalized normal form, Converting the un-normalized normal form to different normal forms with an explanation) 2, 8
Normalization is the process of efficiently organizing data in a database.
There are two goals of the normalization process:

Q3. Elaborate the different types of schema-based constraints. 10
Answer: schema-based constraints: Now we will concentrate on the different types of schema-based constraints, and they are as follows:
1 Domain constraints: The domain constraints specify that the value of each attribute in a tuple must be an atomic value from the same domain. That means for any attribute A in a tuple r, A must be the atomic value from the same domain dom(A). By atomic we mean that each value in the domain is

Q4. Write SQL commands for the following queries.
a. List all the employees from a employee database whose salary falls in the range from Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 35,000
b. If there are two tables STUDENT and SUBJECT, display the list of students who have opted for computer subject.

c. Display the name of the highest scorer in the class.

d. For every project located in “London”, list the project number, the controlling department number and the department manager’s last name, address and birth date.

(a. SQL command using Between and OR operator, b. SQL command using single-row nested queries, c. SQL command using multiple-row nested queries, d. SQL command using mix of algebraic operators) 2, 3, 2, 3

Answer:  a. SQL command using Between and OR operator: To illustrate the between and or operators, SQL supports range searches. For example, if we want to see all the employees with salary between Rs.22,000 and Rs.32,000:

SELECT * from employee

WHERE salary between 22,000 and 32,000

Q5.  (a. List the advantages of Distributed Database Management System (DDBMS), b. List the disadvantages of DDBMS, c. What is data fragmentation and data replication? ) 10

Answer: List the advantages of Distributed Database Management System (DDBMS):

·         Increased reliability and availability Unlike the centralised database system, which will be unavailable when the system fails, distributed system will not fail and continues to function, but at a little lower level of performance. Because the data is available in various systems on

Q6. Write short notes on: 10

a. Inheritance
b. Relationships
c. Object classes
d. Object Relational Database Management System

Answer: a. Inheritance : Inheritance is a way of defining relationships among objects. As the name indicates, inheritance tells us that an object is able to inherit characteristics from another object. In more detail, we can say that an object is capable of acquiring the state and behaviour of its parent object. The objects will have common behaviours so that inheritance works. For example, suppose we

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